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Latest update: 7/21/02

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Read a note from Spooky here.

Welcome. Just a warning to the wise, this page is not going to be PC in any way, for that is not how I operate. So if you take offense to things easily, I suggest you leave now.

I also want to state for the record that I am not pro-suicide, pro-murder, pro-law breaking, or pro-anything else you shouldn't do. Enter this page with an open mind, free of any type of hate...

The title says Negative because many of my opinions are seen as negative. But this page is not as negative as you may think, at least not to me. I see things in a logical way, but of course, they are not the way many people think. There is no rasicm, sexism, hate, or anything like that on this page. I designed it totally for the purpose of opening people's minds to new things and ways of thinking, as well as vent my own anger. When you choose a topic to read about, please enter ready to read anything.I write what I feel as I am writing it, none of this is preplaned. You are more than welcome to submit responses or opinions on anything I write in here. I love to see what others have to say. So, please, feel free. Also, if you want to know my opinion on something, ask me, and I'll write something up on it. I have opinions on everything. Some may even be humorus. Please do not take offense to anything that is in here. It is my opinion, as un-PC as it may be, and you may feel as if some things are directed at you, but they aren't...I don't know you. Any mail I get saying I'm an asshole or anything like for my opinions will be discarded. I will not get into arguments about my opinions. They are mine, except them. I except yours. If you think you can handle it, go on, and enjoy.

I realize there is a lot written here. I don't expect you to read the entire page in one sitting, you are nuts if you do! But please bookmark this site and come back to see what you missed and what has been added. Thanx!

WARNING: My opinions may be harsh...parental discretion is advised.

Unless you have something intelligent to say on these topics, please refrain from e-mailing me about them with insults. I have been called all the names in the book, I have been talked about on several message boards, and I have been told varius different things to do to rid the world of myself. As you can see, the posts (as well as myself) are not going anywhere, and I just don't care what you think I am. If you have something intelligent, and I mean something really good and devoid of childish insults, whether you agree with me or not, fine! I'd love to see it, and possibly post it up! But I have had enough with the insults and the rest of the childish crap. I don't care, I am too old for the crap being said and the cattyness, and I have created a form letter for e-mails like that. Thank you.


Read a note from Spooky here.

New articles added: 7/21/02

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