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Welcome to Charles'


Web Ring!


The purpose of the web ring is to bring the Third Watch community closer together by joing all of our sites. Often, it is difficult for webmasters to get their sites the attention that they should have for their site. With the web ring, all the sites join together to form a ring so that viewers of one particular site are instantly given an easy way to see other sites devoted to the same subject. This is a particularly useful way to get your site publicized.

If you wish to join the ring, use the submit site form at the bottom of this page and I will review your site to make sure it is related to Third Watch. The only requirements it must meet is that there can be no adult material, no foul language, and the site must have a decent amount of information on the show...two lines won't cut it.

Once you submit your site, it will be added to a ring queue, I will be notified of your addition and I will review your site. If I feel the site is on topic and meets the few requirements above, I will inform you by the email address you specify in the submission form. I will then activate your site as a part of the web ring and I will email you the HTML code you can paste into your page which will link you into the webring. You will need a few, simple graphics to be placed on your page as well, which identifies you as part of the Third Watch web ring, and allows visitors to navigate the ring. I will give you instructions on that as well when you join.

It may seem like a lot of work, but it is a great way to get your site and everyone else's some great traffic.

Submit site to Third Watch Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

This Third Watch site owned by Charles Pusloski.
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