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My Peanut Butter Home Page


Site Directory:
1. Main Peanutbutter Page (you are here)

2. Peanutbutter and Jelly

3. C++ Programming Site

4. Bryce Pictures, Series I

5. Bryce Pictures, Series II

6. My Resum�

7. Work at Peabody (temporary)

This link shows my next page!

This website is updated on a regular basis. Most of the updates are listed below.
Please visit often! Especially Here: My C++ Programming Site

LAST UPDATED: March 15, 2006
Hey! Long time, no see!
I added the 'stellar' image, today. I found it here and here. I'll be changing the image regularly (probably every day, or even every half-day).
I've actually been working on many other sites, one of which is my "Trumpetissimo" site. Please feel free to visit!
I am copyrighting one of my arrangements for trumpet ensemble and will soon be sending out postcards to
all of the major trumpet teachers in the United States, in advertisement. More information can be found
at Trumpetissimo.
Have a wonderful day!

May 19, 2005
In celebration of my aunt's, my late grandfather's, and my birthday today (coincidence!), I
made two Photoshop pictures.

March 31, 2005
�Ok! Something is messed up with this cheezy calendar! Time to rid my site of the cheezy scum. You've marked your last day, calendar!
�Hmm... Perhaps I should add a forum to this site...
�Changed the 'phrase of the week' into the 'phrase of the day'.

* Phrase of the Day *
"Not too shabby!"

* Phrase of the Day *
(for March 30th)

March 29, 2005
�I fixed the link to the Library Database application on the C++ site.
�I plan to add a calendar and clock to the top of this page, as a convenience. (And so you'll keep returning.)
�Added a cheezy calendar. (Don't worry, it's very temporary! I will make my own.)
�Wow, that was temporary! I replaced the spot with a link to the calendar, in case it becomes useful.
�Created the 'phrase of the day' (to replace that 'picture of the week' which never took root).

* Phrase of the Day *
"Shiz nut fizzle!"

March 2, 2005
See the entire lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner!

February 13, 2005
�Added a picture of the Boosey Hawkes Edgeware Factory in 1963, which
I received in an e-mail from the Imperial Brass, with whom I used to play.

January 26, 2005
Joy! Happiness! Celebration! It's the 1 year anniversary of the "Picture of the Week!"
Too bad I haven't made another one in a year! :-(

December 31, 2004
�Happy New Year!
�I finally "beat" F/A-18 Hornet Classic. See the screen shot of my pilot's dossier!
Here is a pilot with a full set of ribbons (normally impossible).
Here is a picture of a detonated B-57 tactical nuke, from the pilot's seat in mission "Pull the Plug".
Lastly, an example of mission briefing for the mission "Hole in One".

October 27, 2004
I added a link to a site about the cornetto! (I'm learning to play this Renaissance instrument.)

October 26, 2004
�Changed the opening statement.
�Added a site directory right below the "Welcome!" Now, you can easily find all of the pages I made for this site.
�Changed the list of my favorite things (see below).

October 25, 2004
I added a link to my Peabody Conservatory page.

May 22, 2004
The big picture above (of a chessboard) is a preview to what will soon be in store
for the Wall High School Chess Club website. Now, if I could only make something
for the German Club...

May 18, 2004
I will be constantly modifying my C++ Programming Cove (see link above). Please go there.

May 13, 2004
Added the following files:

1. City Population Calculation

May 11, 2004
Added the following files:

1. Blue Claws Baseball Instructions - Describes a program which calculates profit for a minor league baseball team.
2. Blue Claws Baseball Program - Program calculating profit increase of a minor league baseball team.

May 6, 2004
Added the following files:

1. Notes for 4 programs
2. 4 Programs: 3 and 4
3. Code for Black Jack game
4. Library Database Instructions
5. Lottery Instructions

April 21, 2004
Click here to see the instructions for Black Jack!

April 7, 2004
Click here to see my Library Database C++ code in development!

Added a link to the Skippy peanutbutter site (

Jan. 28, 2004
Added my resume! See last link in links below!

Jan. 26, 2004:
�Picture of the Week:�


Picture of the Week.
(The floor or the wall?)

The Walrus and the Carpenter were walking close at hand...

*Free* Home Pages
Free Web Building Help
Metacrawler-Search the Web with multiple search engines!
Some neat pictures that I made
Killer Tracks
Killer Tracks demo music
GameRanger: The #1 Mac Game Host (in my humble opinion)
Knighthood, Chivalry, & Tournaments Resource Library
Now-famous Mac shareware company, Ambrosia Software
Where to get a breathing bag
Rogue Spear and Ghost Recon mod, map, forum, etc. heaven!
Greatest place to find emulators
Matt Shulman's Shulman System
The Official Area of My Cool Pictures
My Resum�
The Skippy Peanutbutter Website
Chess Graphics
�Peabody Conservatory Assignments�
Learn About The Cornetto!
