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..."A Family of Sicilians: Stories and Poems is more than a book of true stories, short stories, and poetry. I wrote it as a statement of my intense love of all things Sicilian, and of my need to present a truer image of Sicilians and Sicilian-Americans than the stereotypical image of the gangster, which the media has been promoting for over two centuries here in America. I wrote the book to encourage ethnic pride within Sicilian-Americans, and I wrote it to offer non-Sicilian-Americans a chance to see a lovable side of Sicilian-Americans rarely ever seen in books."
-- Salvatore Amico M. Buttaci, author of A Family of Sicilians...
"Your work is wonderful! You really have the soul of Sicily in the book. You have living portraits of life in Sicily. I've never read anything so forceful about Sicily. Really, when you start reading, you
do not stop; you want to go to the end and no page tires you out. It is
like sipping a drink that you do not want to gulp at once, preferring
instead to savor every drop, little by little. Some verses are really
touching! All told, your work brims with life on every page. With your
trips to Sicily, you got hold of its soul, mind, heart. All my
heartfelt congratulations, Professor Buttaci. God bless you!"
--Professor Antonio Ciappina, Secretary-Treasurer, America Oggi,
Westwood, NJ
..."In an age when nearly every other Hollywood movie has a mafia theme, A Family of Sicilians... is a refreshing portrayal of the true Sicilian culture. Woven throughout Buttaci's stories and poems is the rich tenderness that Sicilians should be known for. This is a book that no Italian-American should be without. Thank you, Mr. Buttaci, for setting the record straight."
-- Erin L. Wright, Editor-In-Chief, Buon Giorgno! Magazine, Columbus,
..."A Family of Sicilians... provides a rare and intimate look into the
Sicilian heart, mind, and soul. The stories and poems are testimony to Buttaci's ability as poet and storyteller and will certainly delight all readers, especially those of Sicilian heritage."
-- Anne Marie Giovingo, Assistant Editor, Italian-American Digest, New
Orleans, LA
..."You don't have to be Sicilian or even Italian to appreciate the Warmth, Humor, and Love of Family and Life, portrayed by Salvatore Amico M. Buttaci in his book A Family of Sicilians..."
--Herb Berman, Publisher, VIA: The Voice of the Italian-American, Tamarac, FL
"I would like to thank all those people who encouraged me to write this book, especially my wife Sharon who was there for me with editorial suggestions and much love; my mother and late father for always taking the time to read and praise my work; my brother Alphonse for proofreading my Sicilian; my sisters Anna, Joan, Sarah, and Betty; and a special thanks to my good friend Robert Scussel for his assistance in helping me promote this book.
And I thank you, the reader, for whom I wrote A Family of Sicilians:
Stories and Poems.
--Salvatore Amico M. Buttaci
My Favorite Links
The Manhattanite, poetrymagazine, and Greenwich Village Gazette
Read some of my work at Ragusa Online
I will also be featured at BuySicilian
Sicilian Sun - by Andrew J. Montalbano
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