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Sonny Troy

Philly/South Jersey Jazz Guitarist

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Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages...Neat"Stuff"
My MySpace Page... Musical Excerpts
My Son`s Page...Great Prog. Rock"Stuff"
The Cherry Hill, N.J. Library...My Favorite"Hangout"
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Wonderful song stylist and jazz pianist, who I`ve been playing and working with.
Wonderful Movie Database
Burlington Musical Society Local 336
Patricia King and Orlando Haddad`s Wonderful Brazilian group"Minas"
Jazz Guitar Online..Guitar"Stuff"
Sheryl`s Sherlock Pages...The Best Sherlock"Stuff" "The best and the wisest man I have ever known", said Dr. Watson.

Jeremy Brett,the quintessential"Sherlock Holmes"

This page is always under construction..Please stop back and visit--Sonny

Sonny Troy
Phila.and South Jersey`s finest Jazz Guitarist, plays music for any 
occasion,from solo Guitar to big band music,45 years experience from 
Las Vegas clubs, to "Mike Douglas Show" to Cancun Jazz Festival(1992).
Played two inaugurations for President Reagan("81" and"85"), Played in 
the East room of the White House for President Bush`s 1992 Christmas 
party. Conducted and played for Frankie Avalon, Bobby Rydell, Paul Anka, 
Connie Francis, Annette Funicello, Peggy Lee, various jazz groups etc.,
also Guitar teacher for 30 years(resume is at Gibson Online, guest book, 
October 1995 #95 and May 1996 #34).

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*__Quotes and Other "Wonderful Things"__*

--"Wonderful Things"...Quote by Howard Carter upon seeing "Tut`s" tomb for the first time--

--"If I knew all the answers...I`d be teaching the class"--Author unknown

--"He doesn`t have a death can`t find him"--Author unknown

--"I kissed your opened mouth...and it made me drunker than wine--"
(Found inscribed in a tomb in ancient Thebes, Egypt..circa 2000 B.C.{about 4000 yeats ago})

--"Happiness is using all of your powers along the lines of excellence"--John F.Kennedy

--"Live clean..shoot square..never alibi"--Knute Rockne

. --"I should have known that it was asking too much to dream that I might have grown old with him"--
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy..Life Magazine(interview 1964)

--When asked about his favorite compliment, Groucho Marx said,
"An old Jewish Lady on a street in Beverly Hills told him, never die, keep on living"--

--"In matters of principle..stand like a rock; In matters of taste..swim with the current"--Thomas Jefferson

--"When I play with my Cat, who knows whether she is not amusing herself with me, more than I with her"--
Michel Montaigne..French writer (1500`s)

--"There is always music amongst the trees in the garden, but your heart must be quiet to hear it"--
Plaque in Libby Somers garden..Villanova, Pa.

--"Time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of Animals as now they look upon the murder of Men"--
Leonardo DaVinci

--"Cowardice is the last vestige of a scoundrel"--Author unknown

--"To a man with an empty stomach, food is God"--Mahatma Gandhi

--"The smallest feline is a masterpiece"--Michaelangelo

--"Wine is the devine juice of September"--Voltaire

--"Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930, {For though he ended up hating his own creation, we have loved and cherished it, idealizing each one of Sherlock's traits and even moulding some of ours to look like his. Now go forth and enjoy all that Sherlock Holmes has to offer}.

-- "Come, Watson, come!", he cried. "The game is afoot."--Sherlock Holmes

--"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"--Sherlock Holmes (A Study in Scarlet)

--"The best and the wisest man I have ever known"--Dr. Watson describing his beloved Sherlock Holmes (The Final Problem)

--"Life promises us sadness, it`s up to us to provide the joy"--Author unknown

--"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."--Author unknown

--"Whatever advice you give, be brief."-- Horace, 20 B.C.

--"If each of us sweeps in front of our own steps, the whole world would be clean." -- Goethe

** The following quotes are generally attributed to Mark Twain**

--"What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? The taxidermist takes only your skin."--

--"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."--

--"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest." --

--"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first."--

--"Honesty is the best policy-when there is money in it."--

--"I am different from [George] Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won't."--

--"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself." --

--"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell-you see, I have friends in both places."--

--"If you tell the truth, you do not have to remember anything."--

--"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." --

--"Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they do not understand, but the passages that bother me are those I do understand." --

--"October. This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February."--

--"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them."--

--"There are several good protections against temptations, but the surest is cowardice."--

--"To be good is noble; but to show others how to be good is nobler and no trouble."--

--"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't." --

--"Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it."--

--"We have a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world; and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding twelve men every day who don't know anything and can't read."--

--"When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years." --

--"When a person cannot deceive himself the chances are against his being able to deceive other people."--

--"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." --

--"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man."--Mark Twain

--"The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the foundation of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is inconceivable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom, as the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive form-- this knowledge, this feeling, is at the center of true religiousness."--Albert Einstein

On Golf

When I die, bury me on the golf course so my husband will visit. Author Unknown.

I don't say my golf game is bad, but if I grew tomatoes they'd come up sliced. ~Author Unknown

I've spent most of my life golfing. the rest I've just wasted. ~Author Unknown

They call it golf because all the other four-letter words were taken. ~Raymond Floyd

The ardent golfer would play Mount Everest if somebody would put a flag stick on top. ~Pete Dye (His golf courses reflect this belief!!!)

Golf is played by twenty million mature American men whose wives think they are out having fun. ~Jim Bishop

It took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits in baseball. I did it in one afternoon on the golf course. ~Hank Aaron

Golf is a game in which you yell "fore," shoot six, and write down five ~Paul Harvey

Give me golf clubs, fresh air &a beautiful partner, and you can keep the clubs and the fresh air. ~Jack Benny

Have you ever noticed what golf spells backwards? ~Al Boliska

The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course. ~Billy Graham

Reverse every natural instinct and do the opposite of what you are inclined to do, and you will probably come very close to having a perfect golf swing. ~Ben Hogan

Go play golf. Go to the golf course. Hit the ball. Find the ball. Repeat until the ball is in the hole. Have fun. The end. ~Chuck Hogan

If you think it's hard to meet new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball. ~Jack Lemmon

It's good sportsmanship to not pick up lost golf balls while they are still rolling. ~Mark Twain

Don't play too much golf. Two rounds a day are plenty. ~Harry Vardon

Golf is a game in which one endeavors to control a ball with implements ill adapted for the purpose. ~Woodrow Wilson

A golfer's diet: live on greens as much as possible .. ~Author Unknown

Gone golfin' ... be back about dark thirty. ~Author Unknown

Born to golf. Forced to work.. (sometimes with "to pay for habit" included.) ~Author Unknown

My body is here, but my mind has already teed off . ~Author Unknown

Golf and sex are the only things you can enjoy without being good at them. ~Jimmy DeMaret

May thy ball lie in green pastures . and not in still waters. ~Author Unknown

If I hit it right, it's a slice. If I hit it left, it's a hook. If I hit it straight, it's a miracle. ~Author Unknown

The difference in golf and government is that in golf you can't improve your lie. ~George Deukmejian

Golf is a game invented by the same people who think music comes out of a bagpipe. ~Author Unknown

About Fido (Roman for"Always faithful")

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue. -Anonymous

Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful. -Ann Landers

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. -Ben Williams

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. -Josh Billings

The average dog is a nicer person than the average person. -Andy Rooney

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made. -M. Acklam

Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate. -Sigmund Freud

I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult. -Rita Rudner

A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down. -Robert Benchley

Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog. -Franklin P. Jones

If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons. -James Thurber

If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise. -Unknown

My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money. -Joe Weinstein

Ever consider what our dogs must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul -- chicken, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth! -Anne Tyler

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. -Robert A. Heinlein

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man. -Mark Twain

You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, 'Wow, you're right! I never would've thought of that!' - Dave Barry

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. -Roger Caras

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them. -Phil Pastoret

My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (More coming soon)

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sonnytroy's Home Page

Sonny`s Page

Philly/South Jersey Jazz Guitarist

This is close to the model I play,(My Guitar is a blond 1958-ES-175, single pickup.)
Looks pretty close.It`s a wonderful sounding Guitar

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Sonny Troy

I`m a Jazz Guitarist, I was born and live in the Philly/South Jersey area. I play, and have played all over this country, and some foreign countries.I have played various Jazz festivals and am currently appearing with my own trio in the Phila.area.My wife is Kathleen, and we`ve just celebrated our 29th anniversary. We have three children(grown),Dana, Thomas Jr., and Michael. I am currently playing a Gibson Guitar, but have advertised for Epiphone Guitars in the past while playing with a Las Vegas based group called the "Characters". I currently reside in Maple Shade,N.J.,but was born in South Philadelphia,the birthplace of some of the Worlds` greatest Guitarists, past and current.Here are a few from the Philly/South Jersey area:

  • Anthony Baccari..My Uncle and boyhood hero, who influenced me in my playing.
  • Carmen Baccari.. My Uncle and mentor who influenced me to play.
  • Joe Sgro..My beloved teacher and idol. Virtuoso Guitarist.Also the greatest inspiration of my musical life. He formulated (in my opinion) the best teaching method for Guitar ever, using studies for the Violin and Piano and tailoring them to fit the Guitar. Great thinking, along the lines of Albert Einstein. Before Joe, there were no set methods for playing, reading or teaching. The true HERO of the Guitar in my eyes. Joe is also a great Violinist, Mandolinist, theoritician and great Jazz player as well as being a kind gentleman. He has produced more great Guitarists than anyone on the planet. My one and only teacher and mentor.
  • Pat Martino..My all time favorite Jazz Guitarists, he and Jimmy Bruno (in my opinion)are the best in the world. My boyhood friend.
  • Jimmy Bruno..Also my all time favorite Jazz Guitarists, awesome, big time innovative player. His Dad was great too!!
  • Scott McGill..Although playing prog.rock, he belongs on this list of great Jazz players. One of my beloved students, I have very high hopes for him making it big eventually in jazz.
  • Ron Ruggiero..THE BEST GUITAR REPAIRMAN IN THE GUITAR BUSINESS, get in touch with me for his phone number. E-Mail Ron
  • Eddie Lang.. First plectrum(pick)player.Wonderful, Wonderful!! Bing Crosby`s Guitarist.
  • Dennis Sandole..Teacher to many great Guitarists and big time Musicians
  • Billy Bean..Possibly the second best Phila.Guitarist (Guess who`s first.)
  • Steve Giordano..Underheard,probably underpaid. Also my favorite,one of the 3 Giants of Phila.
  • Rudy Troccoli..My good friend, superb Jazz stylist.
  • Ed Flanigan..Good friend,fine all`round Jazz player.The head of Guitar studies at Temple.
  • Tom Giacabetti..Fine Jazz and show player.
  • Ed Goehringer..Great Jazz stylist along the lines of Gabor Szabo.
  • Bill Shilling..Great Jazz concept also spectacular jazz pianist.
  • Carmen Gasparro..My great friend, truly one of the "MASTERS" around Philly. All Guitar players can take a lesson from Carmen. Don`t see him much anymore, our loss. My playing reflects Carmens`.
  • Frank Di Busolo..Great!Great!Great!Holds a Doctorate of Music
  • Joe Lanno..Wonderfully warm unique, tasteful Jazz interpreter. This is a spectacular Guitar player. Currently in Las Vegas
  • Bob DiNardo..Great teacher and player, followed me as Guitarist on "The Mike Douglas Show"
  • Pat Mercuri..Best all`round reader.Classical,Mandolin etc., he can do it all.Fine gentleman.
  • Lou Mercuri..Pat`s Dad, wonderful musician in his own right,taught his son Guitar.Fine man also.
  • George Mesterhazy..Awesome Pianist and Guitarist, equally great at both, belongs on this wonderful list.
  • Bobby Rose..Backup and rhythm Guitarist on many of Pat Martino`s albums.Good Jazz concept.
  • Chuck Anderson.. One of the greats, wonderful player, great teacher. Chuck has the respect of many top players in jazz, he`s had my respect and admiration for years and wish I`d seen more of him through the years. Check out his web site.
  • Ron Nocella.. Another great South Philadelphia unsung Jazz Guitarist, his brother is also a great arranger and musician. Wish we heard more from Ron and his music.
  • Pete Smyser..Please try to hear this wonderful jazz artist. I appreciate his warm style, and sensitive ballads.
  • Orlando Haddad..Beautifully sensitive Brazilian style jazz guitarist, one half of the wonderful"Minas" Brazilian jazz and vocal group along with Patricia King, accomplished jazz singer and superb pianist, both of which belong on this long list of Philly area favorite players. Please get to see and hear this amazing group, they became one of my favorites after hearing them just once. Check out their link on this page.
  • Patricia King..Although not a guitarist, she certainly belongs on this list of great Philly area jazz contributers. There are other Pianists on this list and I feel she belongs on it. One half of the famous "Minas" Brazilian style group, they are closely associated with the jazz world.
  • Johnnie Valentino ..Wonderful ex-Philadelphian, former Pat Martino student. Great and unique Guitarist and writer now living on the west coast(our loss)

    ...Some Thoughts...

    Most of the above players are as fine as the rest, all top notch players in their own right.(Pat Martino and Jimmy Bruno`s recording`s speak for their wonderful playing).Guitar players in general seem to be friendly toward one another, and seem to share a brotherhood with other Guitar players and usually become good friends. I think the Guitar leads to this.Guitar players like to exchange ideas and thoughts about the instrument, as it has been highly un-cultivated through the years, and only in the last 40 or 50 years have teachers finally gotten a grasp on how to teach it.
    I will be adding more to this list and page, so please stay tuned.

    International Recipe of the week, published bi-monthly at bottom of page.
    Currently Appearing- Italian Wedding Soup {ITALIAN}

    I`m currently appearing at Tavistock Country Club, Warwick road, Haddonfield, N.J. Sun. afternoons,
    11:30 AM to 1:30 PM

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  • Other Hot Links

    Sonny Troy`s Other Page-{MY ALTER EGO}*****
    The "Gagliarchives"-{MY SON}****
    Philly Jazz-{GREAT PHILLY PLAYERS}****
    Jazz Guitar Online-{GUITAR"STUFF"}****
    The Cherry Hill,N.J.Library-{MY FAVORITE HANGOUT}*****
    The Sherlockian Connection Page-{JEREMY BRETT 221b BAKER STREET.}*****
    Barbonestreet Band -{MY FAVORITE ALL`ROUND BAND}*****
    Cyboard Muslinks Jazz Musicians Pages-{JACK JESIOLOWSKI-Proprietor}*****{GUIDE TO OVER 1000 GUITAR RESOURCES & MUSIC SITES}****
    Burlington County Musical Society-{LOCAL 336 MUSICIANS UNION}****
    Guitar Solo- {WONDERFUL FREE GUITAR SITE}*****
    Guitars etc.-{CURT SHELLER MUSIC SITE}*****
    Acoustic Image Amplifiers-{THE VERY BEST IN AMPLIFIED SOUND}*****

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    International Recipe of the Week

       Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
     --------  ------------  --------------------------------
          1/2   lb           Ground beef
          1/2   lb           Ground veal
          1/4   c            Italian seasoned bread crumb
        1                    Egg
        1       tb           Parsley
                             Salt and pepper to taste
        4       c            Chicken broth
        2       c            Spinach leaves cut into piec
          1/4   c            Grated Pecorino Romano chees
       Combine the ground meat, bread crumbs, egg, parsley,
       salt and pepper in a bowl.   Mix well and form into
       tiny meat balls. Bake on a cookie sheet for 30 minutes
       at 350F. Meanwhile, bring broth to a boil and add
       spinach. Cover and boil for 5 minutes.  Add the
       meatballs to the hot broth, bring to a simmer.  Stir
       in the cheese and serve immediately.
     (If you enjoy these recipes, please 
     let me know via e-mail or my guestbook)   
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    Sonny Troy
    1 sonnytroy's Home Page

    Sonny`s Page

    Philly/South Jersey Jazz Guitarist

    This is close to the model I play,(My Guitar is a blond 1958-ES-175, single pickup.)
    Looks pretty close.It`s a wonderful sounding Guitar

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    Sonny Troy

    I`m a Jazz Guitarist, I was born and live in the Philly/South Jersey area. I play, and have played all over this country, and some foreign countries.I have played various Jazz festivals and am currently appearing with my own trio in the Phila.area.My wife is Kathleen, and we`ve just celebrated our 29th anniversary. We have three children(grown),Dana, Thomas Jr., and Michael. I am currently playing a Gibson Guitar, but have advertised for Epiphone Guitars in the past while playing with a Las Vegas based group called the "Characters". I currently reside in Maple Shade,N.J.,but was born in South Philadelphia,the birthplace of some of the Worlds` greatest Guitarists, past and current.Here are a few from the Philly/South Jersey area:

  • Anthony Baccari..My Uncle and boyhood hero, who influenced me in my playing.
  • Carmen Baccari.. My Uncle and mentor who influenced me to play.
  • Joe Sgro..My beloved teacher and idol. Virtuoso Guitarist.Also the greatest inspiration of my musical life. He formulated (in my opinion) the best teaching method for Guitar ever, using studies for the Violin and Piano and tailoring them to fit the Guitar. Great thinking, along the lines of Albert Einstein. Before Joe, there were no set methods for playing, reading or teaching. The true HERO of the Guitar in my eyes. Joe is also a great Violinist, Mandolinist, theoritician and great Jazz player as well as being a kind gentleman. He has produced more great Guitarists than anyone on the planet. My one and only teacher and mentor.
  • Pat Martino..My all time favorite Jazz Guitarists, he and Jimmy Bruno (in my opinion)are the best in the world. My boyhood friend.
  • Jimmy Bruno..Also my all time favorite Jazz Guitarists, awesome, big time innovative player. His Dad was great too!!
  • Scott McGill..Although playing prog.rock, he belongs on this list of great Jazz players. One of my beloved students, I have very high hopes for him making it big eventually in jazz.
  • Ron Ruggiero..THE BEST GUITAR REPAIRMAN IN THE GUITAR BUSINESS, get in touch with me for his phone number. E-Mail Ron
  • Eddie Lang.. First plectrum(pick)player.Wonderful, Wonderful!! Bing Crosby`s Guitarist.
  • Dennis Sandole..Teacher to many great Guitarists and big time Musicians
  • Billy Bean..Possibly the second best Phila.Guitarist (Guess who`s first.)
  • Steve Giordano..Underheard,probably underpaid. Also my favorite,one of the 3 Giants of Phila.
  • Rudy Troccoli..My good friend, superb Jazz stylist.
  • Ed Flanigan..Good friend,fine all`round Jazz player.The head of Guitar studies at Temple.
  • Tom Giacabetti..Fine Jazz and show player.
  • Ed Goehringer..Great Jazz stylist along the lines of Gabor Szabo.
  • Bill Shilling..Great Jazz concept also spectacular jazz pianist.
  • Carmen Gasparro..My great friend, truly one of the "MASTERS" around Philly. All Guitar players can take a lesson from Carmen. Don`t see him much anymore, our loss. My playing reflects Carmens`.
  • Frank Di Busolo..Great!Great!Great!Holds a Doctorate of Music
  • Joe Lanno..Wonderfully warm unique, tasteful Jazz interpreter. This is a spectacular Guitar player. Currently in Las Vegas
  • Bob DiNardo..Great teacher and player, followed me as Guitarist on "The Mike Douglas Show"
  • Pat Mercuri..Best all`round reader.Classical,Mandolin etc., he can do it all.Fine gentleman.
  • Lou Mercuri..Pat`s Dad, wonderful musician in his own right,taught his son Guitar.Fine man also.
  • George Mesterhazy..Awesome Pianist and Guitarist, equally great at both, belongs on this wonderful list.
  • Bobby Rose..Backup and rhythm Guitarist on many of Pat Martino`s albums.Good Jazz concept.
  • Chuck Anderson.. One of the greats, wonderful player, great teacher. Chuck has the respect of many top players in jazz, he`s had my respect and admiration for years and wish I`d seen more of him through the years. Check out his web site.
  • Ron Nocella.. Another great South Philadelphia unsung Jazz Guitarist, his brother is also a great arranger and musician. Wish we heard more from Ron and his music.
  • Pete Smyser..Please try to hear this wonderful jazz artist. I appreciate his warm style, and sensitive ballads.

    ...Some Thoughts...

    Most of the above players are as fine as the rest, all top notch players in their own right.(Pat Martino and Jimmy Bruno`s recording`s speak for their wonderful playing).Guitar players in general seem to be friendly toward one another, and seem to share a brotherhood with other Guitar players and usually become good friends. I think the Guitar leads to this.Guitar players like to exchange ideas and thoughts about the instrument, as it has been highly un-cultivated through the years, and only in the last 40 or 50 years have teachers finally gotten a grasp on how to teach it.
    I will be adding more to this list and page, so please stay tuned.

    International Recipe of the week, published bi-monthly at bottom of page.
    Currently Appearing- Crab & Asparagus Soup (CHESAPEKIAN {AMERICAN} )

    I`m currently appearing at Tavistock Country Club, Warwick road, Haddonfield, N.J. Sun. afternoons,
    11:30 AM to 1:30 PM

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  • Other Hot Links

    Sonny Troy`s Other Page-{MY ALTER EGO}*****
    The "Gagliarchives"-{MY SON}****
    Philly Jazz-{GREAT PHILLY PLAYERS}****
    Jazz Guitar Online-{GUITAR"STUFF"}****
    The Cherry Hill,N.J.Library-{MY FAVORITE HANGOUT}*****
    The Sherlockian Connection Page-{JEREMY BRETT 221b BAKER STREET.}*****
    Barbonestreet Band -{MY FAVORITE ALL`ROUND BAND}*****
    Cyboard Muslinks Jazz Musicians Pages-{JACK JESIOLOWSKI-Proprietor}*****{GUIDE TO OVER 1000 GUITAR RESOURCES & MUSIC SITES}****
    Burlington County Musical Society-{LOCAL 336 MUSICIANS UNION}****
    Guitar Solo- {WONDERFUL FREE GUITAR SITE}*****
    Guitars etc.-{CURT SHELLER MUSIC SITE}*****
    Jazz singing and wonderful sounds.-{CAROLE LYNNE}*****
    Acoustic Image Amplifiers-{THE VERY BEST IN AMPLIFIED SOUND}*****

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    International Recipe of the Week

      Crab & Asparagus Soup
     Courtesy Dana Bradley
    Crab & Asparagus Soup
    4 cups chicken stock ( I uses College Inn)
    1 tsp. fresh ginger - peeled and minced (I used Cardamom-1/4tsp)
    1/2 lb asparagus spears trimmed and cut on the diagonal into 1-inch pieces
    1 egg well beaten
    1tbs. cornstarch mixed with 2 tbs. water
    2 teaspoons dry sherry ( I did not use this)
    1 tsp. Asian sesame oil
    1 tsp. soy sauce
    1 cup cooked crabmeat, picked over for shell fragments
    In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the stock and ginger 
    and bring to a rolling boil.  Add the asparagus, reduce the heat to 
    medium , cover, and simmer, until the asparagus is cooked but 
    crisp-tender, about 3 minutes.
    Reduce the heat to medium-low.  Stir 2 tablespoons of the hot stock into 
    the beaten egg.  Slowly pour the egg mixture into the stock, stirring 
    constantly to form even threads of cooked egg.
    Add the cornstarch mixture, sherry, sesame oil, and soy sauce.  Cook, 
    stirring, until the sup thickens slightly, about 1 minute.
    Stir in the crabmeat and cook just until it is warmed through, 2-3 
    minutes.  Taste and adjust seasoning as desired. 
    Makes 4 servings.
     (If you enjoy these recipes, please 
     let me know via e-mail or my guestbook)   
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