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Nutritionists today often use a more sensative indicator of body composition than weight, the body mass index (BMI) . BMI values can indicate an underweight or overweight status. Bodybuilders, or those with a very large amount of muscle weight, tend to find this method of calculating overall fitness quite useless. This applies to average people only.

To find your BMI, use the following. (Your web browser must be able to use JavaScripts in order for this to work.)

Enter body weight in pounds

Enter height in inches


Now, use the following table to see how healthy the BMI figure is:

Men Women Risk Factor
Underweight. The lower the BMI the greater the risk
20.7 to 26.4
19.1 to 25.8
Normal, very low risk
26.4 to 27.8
25.8 to 27.3
Marginally overweight, some risk
27.8 to 31.1
27.3 to 32.2
Overweight, moderate risk
31.1 to 45.4
32.3 to 44.8
Severe overweight, high risk
Morbid obesity, very high risk

The formula used for this is:
(weight in pounds) / (height in inches squared) * 705

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