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Last updated on Monday, December 24, 2001 at 10:00PM

Welcome to the new site for my page, most of the site & stories are up and running. However do beware the occasional broken link. : - )

Merry Christmas or Hannukah or the appropriate holiday wishes to all!!!



| What's New | Bubblegum Crisis Universe | Xena Universe | 

|Uber & Xena Stories | Buffy Stories | Bubblegum Crisis Stories |

| Bubblegum Crisis:2040 Pics | Xena: Season 6 Pics |

Links | Thanks | Who is Bill? |


I know you guys are visiting my page, it only takes 3 seconds to sign my guest book and let me know what you think. So come on and sign it. (Please!!!)



If you want to contact me I can be reached at 


You are person number: 

to visit this site since June 1999



;Here are a few of the titles I've really loved to read, click on the title to go and see what it's about.

cover "None So Blind" by LJ Maas       cover"Tropical Storm" by Melissa Good.

cover Tumbleweed Fever by LJ Maas      "Ashes of Victory" by David Weber

cover"Destiny's Crossing" by Carrie Carr  Hope's Path, Bk2. by Carrie Carr





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Bill Gopher

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