The things that customers in my store do that piss me off the most!

1.) Ask me if I work there. No! Of course not! I'm wearing that ugly light blue shirt with the red CVS logo on it and a name badge only because I like to.
2.) I'm standing at the register, and I'm the only person up there and they ask me if I'm open. Of course I'm open. There's no one else up there with me and someone has to ring you up, right?!
3.) Throw their money and/or items on the counter. And I don't just mean drop them on the counter, I mean like throw them onto the counter so that it comes close to going completely across the counter and hitting me. One day, I swear I'm going to throw the stuff right back at them!
4.) After we've closed and the gate's down they like to ask if they can come in and get something. Umm... did the gate being down not give it away that we were closed and going home? I don't get it.
5.) Yell at me when something is not in stock. Yes... I have control over the availability of the items in the store. We order the store every week... sometimes the warehouse is just out of stuff and they don't send it. It's not our fault. And anyway, what am I going to do about it? My name badge doens't say "Store Manager" on it now does it?
6.) Try and steal things when I'm standing right there. Like, how dumb can you be?
7.) Knock stuff over or onto the floor, look at it, and then walk away... when I'm STANDING RIGHT THERE! Ugh... that's horrible... you see me there, you knock the stuff over, and you just walk away as if you didn't do it!
8.) Yell at me when their pictures aren't done. We don't even have a photo lab in the store. Film gets sent out to get developed. Once it leaves our store we have no control over it anymore.
9.) Don't let me know when they're getting cashback so the registers open up and come slamming into my fingers that are resting on the counter. It hurts!
10.) Ask me a question... I give the answer... and then they don't like my answer so they ask to speak to a managaer who gives them the same exact answer I just gave!