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Alpha Female #9 (Natasha)

Yellowstone Wolf Update #2

October 23, 1999 - UPDATED - 11/3 - 1/28/2000

MAJOR UPDATE - 2/19/2000 (See Below for Details)

*MINOR UPDATES - 5/3 - 5/7 (See Below)

As of early this month Female #9, Alpha of the Rose Creek Pack since 1995, has not been seen with the rest of the pack during several fly-overs.

There could be several reasons which might explain the disappearance of #9.

One could be that she has left the pack voluntarily due to any number of circumstances. Another could be that she has been displaced as Alpha of the pack by her daughter, #18, who has been the Beta female of the pack since 1997.

#18 is one of only two surviving daughters from the famous 1995 litter, and will be 5 years old in April. She has already had three litters by the Alpha male #8, and it is quite possible that she has won favor with him over her now "old" mother.

Although #9's age has never been determined, she is at the least 8 yrs. old this April, and could be as much as two years older. Her once beautiful black/brown fur has now turned almost completely silvery-gray.

At this time no one is quite sure of what has become of #9, but all remain hopeful that no harm has come to her. A special tracking flight has been scheduled to try and locate her whereabouts as soon as weather permits.

It is understandable that I am very distressed by this news. My attachment to this pack is long standing, and my concern for the well-being of all its members has always gone well beyond my dedication to the program. I am praying that #9 will be located safe and sound very soon.


Wolf #9 was finally located near Slough Creek in Yellowstone. She was not with the rest of the Rose Creek Pack and it appears that she is no longer the Alpha female of the pack. I will provide more details as soon as they become available to me.


Wolf #9 has been spotted most recently outside of Cooke City, Montana which is Northeast of Yellowstone Park. She is still traveling alone and appears to be in "okay" physical condition.

The chances of #9 joining a new pack or finding a new mate at this time are very remote and the length of her survival now hinges on her ability to find prey and elude death by other wolves or local poachers.

But wolf biologist Doug Smith believes that #9 will not be able to survive for much longer. Her age and the fact that she is all alone will hinder her ability to hunt and protect herself from other wolves.

This is a very sad and heartbreaking conclusion for Yellowstone's beloved Matriarch. For those fortunate enough to have known #9, her decline has been difficult to endure and her eventual demise will leave a tremendous void in us all.

This will also be the final chapter in what has become one of the most famous and dramatic stories in the history of the Yellowstone reintroduction program. A story of love, loss, devotion, perseverance and survival!

Wolf #9's amazing life and legacy will be forever etched in the annals of wolf restoration right along with her beloved Wolf #10!

But now it is her daughter's turn. #18 has been a loyal pack member all her life and now at the age of 5 she will begin her reign as the new Alpha female of the Rose Creek Pack. I'm sure everyone wishes her much luck and success.

I will continue to follow the story of #9 until its conclusion.


Wonderful News!

I just received the following update from the Weekly Wolf Recovery Report: (2/18)

"Famous but old wolf female #9 (former alpha female of the Rose Creek pack) was located on the east side of the Sunlight Basin, northwest of Cody, WY with 4 other wolves, including #153 and #164. Great work!- Special Agent Eicher.

Another observer the next day reported that one of the males briefly mounted her. It looks like this "super" wolf could be trying to start a new pack"

Wow! This incredible story is NOT over! I guess a lot of folks (including myself) highly underestimated #9's tenacious spirit and will to survive!

Coincidently, Special Agent Eicher is the same man responsible for the arrest and conviction of Chad McKittrick, murderer of Wolf #10 back in 1995.

The new pack of four has been unofficially named the "Valentine Pack" because they were first observed the day after Valentine's day.

Their new territory borders the area just east of Yellowstone Park and into the Sunlight Basin area of Wyoming and a bit further south.

Female #153 is a disperser from the Rose Creek pack and was born in 1998 to either #9 or her daughter, #18.

That was the year both mother and daughter shared a den and their litters were indistinguishable from each other. I am assuming that she is the daughter of #9.

Male #164 is the offspring of #9's other surviving daughter, female #16, Alpha of the Sheep Mountain pack. He was also born in 1998.

The fourth wolf, a black male, is uncollared and yet to be identified.

Click Here To Read Billings Gazette Article on Female #9

BTW: The other wolf in that article's photo is Female #7, #9's daughter from Alberta. She is the Alpha female of the Leopold pack.

I will post more updates to this amazing story as soon as the facts become available to me!


This pack now appears to be down to only three members. The uncollared, unidentified male has not been seen with the pack recently.

The Alpha male of the pack is believed to be #164 who is the offspring of female #16, #9's daughter from 1995.

It appears that both females in this pack have denned, and observers are fairly certain that #9 has given birth. Female #153 has in all probability also given birth.


I've been receiving conflicting information on female #9 all week. The latest info is that #9 has more than likely given birth, but that she no longer appears to be associated with the other pack members.

The pack, which again includes "both" original males plus female #153 is in one location, while #9 is miles away.

#9's den is located about 12 miles from where her daughter has denned and both males have been observed only at her daughter's den.

Some believe that there's a remote possibility that yet another male could be with #9, although no other wolves have been observed in the area. If it does turn out that there is a new male with #9, then mother and daughter could be the Alpha's of two totally separate packs.

This scenario, though not entirely far-fetched, is not considered too likely at this time. #9 does appear to be on her own. And if so, then for the second time in her life #9 has found herself isolated and alone with a new litter of pups.

The big difference this time being that the birth of these pups is of little importance to the success of the reintroduction. This time no one will be there to rescue her, or to help her feed and raise the pups. This time #9 will have to provide for the pups unaided or the pups will not survive.

It could be another two weeks (give or take a few days) before all the new pups emerge from their dens for the first time. Special tracking flights will then try to obtain an initial pup count. Only at this time will anyone know for certain if #9 has new pups.

If no pups are seen at #9's den, the possibility exists that she may very well have given birth, but that none of the pups survived their first four weeks.

In the meantime tracking flights will continue to monitor her denning area and keep an eye out for any (male) wolves who may be in the area.

I will post updates as soon as I know more.

*For all the latest updates please see Wolf Updates

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