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Liz's Journal

"Into The Woods"

I hate the start of a cold. That little tinkle that tells you something's about to happen, that you know you can't pervent. Something that can be mild if you did all the right things, or something that can knock you off your feet if you're not careful.

"The Balance"

There are days when everything seems wrong... the little things just irk you for no good reason. Then there are days, like today, when the world just sings to you, from the minute you open your eyes in the morning till the minute you shut them again at night. Days when you actually enjoy cleaning the milkshake machine.

I’ve always been the one who comes through in a time of crisis. I do what’s necessary and I don’t panic. But seeing Michael so sick and having no way of knowing what’s wrong or how to help, it made me scared; scared that one day something could happen to Max and I wouldn’t know how to help this person that means so much to me... means everything.

"Blood Brothers"

Have you ever had a moment when your with the one person in the world you want to be with and the wind is blowing through your hair and the song that just describes your entire soul, happens to come on. An the person you happen to want to be with happens to love the same song and suddenly you realize that your listening to it together. An no matter how crazy your life has gotten there's this one moment, this perfect moment, where you could just say that no matter what happens, nothing can take this moment away from me... and then something does.

"The Morning After"

Sept. 27, 1999. I'm Liz Parker and I'll never look at the stars in the sky the same way again, I'll never look at anything the same way again. What did Max mean when he said "I'll see you at school" was it I won't be able to breath until we meet again, or was it just something someone says to like fill space. What is he thinking right now... is he also obsessed, tortured, going from one sleepless night to the next, wondering what's going to happen between us.

The thing about czechoslovakians is that you sort of have to factor in is that they have incredibly soulful eyes.

Since I found out about Max, Michael, and Isabell I've been thinking a lot about secrets. That for everyone who has a secret there is someone else who needs to know what that secret is. How some times secrets keep people from feeling that they belong... and sometimes secrets make you feel like you do belong. And now even I, Liz Parker, the smallest of small town girls with the simplest of lives, even I have something to hide.