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Welcome To My Poetry

Welcome old friends and new ones....if you have previously been here then you have obviously noticed the changes that I have made to my main page. I had some time on my hands and figured that I would make the page faster to load so that it would be a more enjoyable experience to my visitors. If you are a first timer then you are in for a treat! You do not have to deal with the long wait that the others had to get to my poems and links...but you still get the same effect of how my page is situated with less waiting time=+). I also wish to put a disclaimer on this page because I know how soem people are these days... people love to voice their opinions, which I find nothing wrong with, but before you go running to my email link to tell me about the "offensive nature" of my poems, or how the page is not suitable for younger viewers, then I will tell you right off the bat that you are absolutely, 100%, positively correct!I will not deny that some of my poems are very depressing, hold mature language and may not be wise reading for someone that is not open minded to everything around them and not just their views. And no, I am not the greatest poet on the face of the universe, and as you can see, I will be the first person to tell you that. If you see any other reason to complain to me and I find that It is a valid complaint then yes, I will apologize, but only for a see, now that this disclaimer is here, you have been duely warned and now know that this is a ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK area=+)Now, for those of us that don't need petty disclaimers because we don't think that all depressive poetry is written by "Satan Worshippers", you can find the list of my poetry HERE. If you wish to contact me other then the guestbook that is displayed below(hint...hint)Then you may contact me HERE. I hope that I never have to deal with a person as listed above, but this world is a strange place, full of strange little people...this why you will continously hear me say that "I hate People"'s not towards everyone...just those really annoying people in general.Enough of my babbling...let the links begin!!!!

Ok, I know that this says stories, but actually it is a collection of thoughts that I managed to write down and include here...I do have stories...just not on the page yet~~>STORIES

Yes, Links, do mean will be redoing this page over soon too hopefully, so that the explainations are more detailed so you know if you really want to click on it or not~~>LINKS

Aha!!!believe it or not, I have won an award for this little piece of webspace that mostly no one knows I have-lol you can see it HEREand be sure to visit the site that it came from!!=+)

And being the sweet considerate person that I am(when I wanna be that is-lol), I have included other people's poetry as well...not too many people are on there right now....ok maybe there is only one person..but it's not my fault that you people haven't given me your it?~~>OTHER PEOPLE"S POETRY..and just a little note...I am not to be held responsible for the views and words that are not my own...

Do you honestly want to know about me?well if you do then here is the link..but i warn you, i'm pretty passionate in my beliefs, so if you are a big religious not enter!!!!this is not the place for you, and if you do go in..i do not want emails about how you are going to save my soul or any of that other have your views i have mine..leave it at that~~>ABOUT ME

My dedication to my grandfather, whom i will always hold dear to my heart, and wish that my son could meet...HERE

Here is a page dedicated to my husband and to the USCG HERE

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