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My purpose in life is no longer to live mine, but to wander the world of men, looking into their eyes and into their souls. I could be an unwanted watcher, or i could be an unexpected guest, whichever i am to you i do not ask what you make of it. You will see me standing from a distance or feel that i am a heartbeat close to you, but, know this -- i shall function like an angel, and depending on the machinations of your mind, i may choose to live by your world and see through your decisions. Ultimately, you will find your life to have become what it is meant to be. You will then look for me and ask why i have done this, and why i have chosen to be with you. B ut i will remain silent and quietly leave ... as i go about my wanderings, building mysteries that only i can weave and magnify.

- Quentin Montejo


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