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Misc. Fun Stuff to Do with Bernadette Peters

This is my page with cool stuff I got from using the internet.
All these things are totally original, and if you'd like to help, e-mail me with your cool Bernadette stuff.

Fun thing #1: ©:o <~~~Bernadette Happy Face ( isn't this so cute?!?) She deserves her own symbol! It's about time@:o
Fun thing #2: Not just South Park, but SONDEHEIM SINGING South Park!

Fun Thing #3: A GREAT interview with Bernadette (I've read it a million times and loved every second)

Fun Thing #4: I LOVE 'The Bernadette Thinks We're All Blubbering Idiots page'. (a page to console those who have met The Goddess, and have gorked out on what they wanted to say.)

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