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Here is the list of items. They are sectioned into Items, Pokemon, Tranportation, and Real Estate. If you want to buy something, then say "Buying "item you want to buy" from Pokemart" on the Msg Board.

Items- these items you may buy as mant times as you want.
Pokéball $200
Greatball $600
Ultraball $1,200
Potion (20 HP) $500
Super Potion (50 HP) $1,000
Hyper Potion (200 HP) $2,500
Max Potion (all HP) $5,000
Rare Candy (1 level) $1,000
Super Candy (2 level) $3,000
Ultra Candy (5 level) $5,000
Hyper Candy (10 level) $8,000
Evolution Stones (any) $2,500
1 time Items- by these 1 time and they will stay for along time.
Breeder's Lisonse $2,000(breed pokémon)
Breeder's Equipent $2,000(breed rare pokémon)
Medical Lisonse $2,000(heal pokémon)
Medical Supplys $2,000(heal new pokémon)
Genetic Lisonse $2,000(create new pokémon 2 with pokémon max)
Science Equipment $2,000(create new pokémon with 5 pokémon Max)
Broom $500(keeps store clean)
Cash Redgister $3,000(keeps theves from stealing your money)
TMs-$2,500 each
HMs-$5,000 each
Special-5 TMs and 2 HMs for $10,000. A $15,000 value!

Pokemon- if there is a ! in the barges, that means there are infinite of that pokemon.
Squirtle {!} $1,250
Bulbasaur {!} $1,250
Charmander {!} $1,250
Ekans {!} $1,000
Koffing {!} $1,000
Meoth {!} $1,000
Vulpix {!} $1,500
Chansey {!} $5,000
Growlithe {!} $1,500

Transportation- You must have a mode of transportation. You can upgrade the item you have, but you may want to have the upgrade and the original(ex. a skateboard can get into spots that a mountain bike can't).
Skate Board - This is used by Jr.Trainer's to get around. Cost:$500
Mountain Bike - This is used by Trainers who want to get a little more faster. Cost:$1,000
Sports Car - Really fast, best car of all. Can be used by anyone. Thefes and cops can use them too. Nurses relley have no use for this. Cost: $10,000(THEVES:-5 hours escape time)(Cops:+5 hours escape time)
Van - This is black and used so no one can see it. Cost:$4,000( -1 hour escape time)
Truck - Black like the van but alot faster. Cost:$6,000 (- 3 hour escape time)
Ambulance - Used by Doctors who need to get to action faster. Cost:$5,000
Motarcycle - Used by Deputies to spot those vans has a set of lights.(+1 hour escape time) Cost:$4,000
Police Car - Used by Sherriffs to spot Trucks has lights but goes alot faster then the Motarcycle. Cost:$6,000(+3 hours escape time)

Real Estate- You come with a cardboard box, but you may want to buy a house or apartment(every once and awhile there will be a storm. The cardboard box will blow away and you will be homeless.. Apartments will be destroyed by Hurricanes which occur rarely, and you will then be homeless)
Lock- Locks serve minimim protection they work all hours but any kind of Rocket can get buy.
Bugler Alarm(B.A.)- B.A.'s work from 6pm-12 noon eastern time. they can only be passed byTeam Rockets and Expert Rockets.
Growlith Guard- Growlith Guards are LV.30 pokémon that guard the house (6 per. home) to get pass them the thefe must battle them with it's own pokémon. Works all hours. (NOTE. you may not use this growlith for anything else.
Guards- Guards are highered by the owner of the house only sherriffs may guard and they work morning hours 12 noon-6pm. No one can get passed them if you have 6.(Note: If you are highered you must stay on for at least 1 hour.)
Hut - This hut will give you pretty much only protection from the rain. If someone steals something from you, this hut will be destroyed. A good side to the hut is the affordable price. Cost: $500
Apartment - The Apartment offers better protection than the hut. While protecting you from rain, this will also offer good protection against thunderstorms. When robbed, you will also be able to keep your home and it won't be destroyed. Cost $1,000 Lock $500
Brick House - The Brick House will give you protection against not only rain and thunderstorms, but also hurricanes. The apartment also comes the option of a lock, giving the burglar seven hours to escape instead of five. Cost: $3,000 Burgler Alarm $2,000 Lock $500
Police Station - Police Stations are for cops and pretty vulnerable to any weather but won't be destroyed. Can't be stolen from with the new Growlith Guard because its LV.75 instead of LV.30 Cost $4,000 Growlith Guard $1,500
Pokémon Center - Preaty much the same thing as the Police Station only for Doctor's. Cost: $4,000 Growlith Gaurd $1,500
Pokémart - Still the same thing as the Police Station and Pokémon Center. Cost: $4,000 Growlith Guard $1,500
Gym - The Gym is tough against any kind of weather except an F5 Tornado. To be stole from the stealer must battle you 1-1. Cost: $10,000
Mansion - Mansions are tough against any kind of weather except F5 Tornados and only Master Rockets can enter but there escape is 3 hours instead of 1. Cost: $20,000 Gaurds $3,000 each Burgaler Alarm $2,000 Lock $500
Weather Safe Palace- Great against all weather types. Comes with Growlithe Guards and a burglar alarm. You can't be robbed by anyone but Master Rockets. There is an escape of 5 hours because of the large size of the house. $25,000.. Guards $5,000 for 6 guards Burgler Alarm $2,000 Growlith Guard $1,500 Lock $500