Hi!!!!! Welcome to the Simply Quilts quiltbooks page.
My name is Lisa Campanella. I not only make quilts, but I have been a
big fan of Alex Anderson's show Simply Quilts for a long time. On
this web page, I have tried to make as complete a listing as possible
of all the books and authors that Alex has presented on her show. In most
cases I have show numbers alongside the books and authors to help you
locate a book that you may want. Many of these books have direct links
to Amazon.com and can be ordered directly-- and on the Amazon site
there are usually reviews for the books as well to help you decide whether
or not to buy them. For out of print books, I have a section of links that
may help you find the quilt book you want somewhere on the web.
Good luck and enjoy!
Lisa's Quilts
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Links to Out of Print Books
By the way, take note that ONLY the shows where books are a prominent feature are displayed on this site. this is
NOT a comprehensive listing of all shows.