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Steph & Amanda's BSB Fan Fiction

Last updated: 7/18/00 - Hey, everybody. I made some notes that some of the posting of chapters of my stories is put on hold till I can finish some of them cause I have to many going at once. That's what happens when you get all these ideas. I'm going to finish updating the sequel to High School Love and then I will go back to the rest of them. Also there is going to be a new story going up written by both me and Amanda in Amanda's stories.

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People are saying that Nick is fat! It hurts him when people say that cause he does have feelings too! Please help us and join in the fight against people who dis Nick!

Stop dissing Kevin because of his eyebrows! That's what god gave him and he looks damn sexy with them.

Howie is not a troll. Help me let me people know to stop dissing Howie by calling him a troll. Please stop the name-calling. It's not very nice.


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