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You found a secret!!! Zelda Glitch Central You found a secret!!!

     Hi, welcome to my web page where you'll find all the glitches and secrets in Zelda 64, all the rumors surrounding the legendary Triforce and everything you need to know after you've beaten the game to still make it fun. If you haven't already beaten this game watch out, because I include spoilers. I hope you enjoy my page, thanks.


9/28/06 For practice, I've been rebuilding my old sites to be xhtml complient. I could greatly improve the style of this site if I wanted to, but I like to keep this as a reminder of how wonderfully simply web design used to be.

While I'm here I may as well say that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is still alive and kicking. However, emulation is where it is at. Maybe I'll make a page on taking this game apart further with Project64.

Here's a teaser:

Arwing in Zelda:OoT

2/14/02 My stupid Guestbook was deleted for some crazy reason that nobody told me about... I hate them now, so I got a new one. Hope this one lasts longer.

1/24/02 Humm dee dum de dumm... uhh what was I here for... OH YEAH! Give this guy some hits he's getting bored! Oni Link has a site about Majora's Mask.

Look Around


Bugs and Glitches


Majora's Mask

Gossip Stone

Hints and secrets


Mini Gallery

Gameshark Codes

Gameshark Tutorial

Take the zelda Test


The beautiful gold collectors edition:
Gold Cartridge

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2000 hits on June 11, 2000
3000 hits on July 17, 2000
4000 hits on August 27, 2000
5000 hits on October 21, 2000
6000 hits on December 1, 2000
7000 hits on January 21, 2001
8000 hits on February 27, 2001
9000 hits on April 11, 2001
10,000 hits on May 23, 2001
20,000 hits on January 9, 2002!!!

Author: Joel Unger
ICQ Number: 67019315 (Brak)
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