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 December 12, 2000: King Vegita
 Finally Got The Layout Up & Some Other News

     Well, as you can see from the headline, I actually got the chance to put up the new layout, although its not finished yet.  I will change it, bit by bit hoping to come up with something better and better every time.  The layout is relatively simple and shouldn't take too long to load for Dial-ups and especially for Broad Band Connections.
     In other news, Gohan turned SSJ2 today and although many people don't like the episode (because of flying birds and what not), I liked it.  And this is definitely one of the best episodes Funimation has done.  From the voice acting to some decent bg music, it all came together nicely.  There are plenty of things left to state, but I will post them at some other time.  It's nice to be back.


A New World