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sailing ship You look out to sea from your the ship that you are sailing on. The waves of the great ocean tread their way through the seas as your ship catches a wave and a hiss if spray flies up at the bow of the ship. The sails clap in the beautiful sea breeze carrying your ship off to a place of fortune.

All around you well trained sea beasts work together, from the rigging to the bulge that the crew works like one machine. You look in awe at how these vermin and goodbeast sailors are trained. All of them seem happy. They are all clothed in different sailors clothes, yet all carry beautiful weapons and jewels. Ripfang must have a huge hoard of booty if his common sailors owns objects worth quite a bit. As the ship climbs of a tall wave, a distant island comes into view. It is still far away, and almost looks like a cloud on the horizon. But the navigator of your ship has well trained eyes and he soon shouts, “Land ho me matties!”

Your ship nears to the island that now can be seen clearly rising out out the sea. Great palms cover most of the island meaning that you are well into the tropical south seas. White beaches cover the west and south sides of the island, small rocky cliffs dropping into the sea cover the east and north sides of the island.
You soon notice your ship is heading towards a large bay in the island. The opening of the bay is heavily guarded by two fortress-like, lighthouses at each side of the bay’s mouth. At the centre of the island is one huge hill. Atop that hill is a giant castle with that flag of HighTide flying at its top most tower.

The crew of this ship were not lying when they found you alone stranded on a deserted island and said they would bring you to the greatest empire the world ever knew! Ripfang Tide is truly lord of the land and sea! Your ship enters into the bay. As it passes the lighthouse, rats and weasels and hares and mice can be seen waving their cutlasses from atop the towers welcoming the ship back.

Inside the bay, a huge port can be seen. Docked at the wharves are countless ships. As your ship docks at one of the wharves, you step off the ship and come ashore. As you look up at the castle, you know that the best days for you life will be here, plundering and drinking until dawn comes up over the eastern horizon each morning!
Light House

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