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Welcome To My Jim Carrey Website!

Jim's Biography
Jim's Filmography
News on Jim
Jim's Awards & Nominations
Jim Sites 2 Visit
Movie Pictures
Jim Carrey Videos

Welcome to my new and improved Jim Carrey Website. I know it has been a long time since I last updated this page but I finally did it. I've updated just about everything; from the News, to Jim's Awards & Nominations, to Jim's Filmography and Biography and more. I have also included pictures from The Number 23 and Horton Hears A Who in the Movie Pictures link.

I have a brand new guestbook now! Please feel free to sign it. Leave positive feedback in regards to the website. You can also leave comments in regards to ideas to keep the site fresh. For those who frequented the site before I got lazy and stopped working on it, I used to have a message board. I have removed the message board because I set that up so many years ago and do not remember the password to change stuff. So, I just deleted it completely. Thank you in advance for visiting. If you need to get ahold of me, please feel free to e-mail me at

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