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Julie Scully

This is the story of Julie Marie Scully. In 1997, Julie was a 29-year old wife and mother of a young daughter in Trenton, New Jersey. She cherished her husband, 40-year old Tim Nist, and 1-year old daughter, Katie. Julie also cherished her part-time job as a model. She frequently posed for local newspapers, magazines, and did promotional work. She loved feeling 'pretty' and her many successful modeling jobs made her feel just that way. In 1997, Julie and her husband, Tim, decided to go on a cruise. On that cruise, Julie met 22-year old ship worker George Skiadopoulos. George was from Greece, and spoke almost no English. However, George was nice to the Nists' and they quickly befriended him. However, he was becoming more then just friends with beautiful Julie. When her husband wasn't around, George constantly complimented Julie, told her she was the most beautiful women he'd ever seen, and that he was falling in love with her. It didn't take Julie long to feel the same way about him. Once the Nists' returned to New Jersey, George began calling and writing to Julie. They kept their new 'relationship' a secret from her husband, although he recalled catching them talking in hushed tones on the telephone several times. Within a few months, Julie begged her husband Tim to take her on another cruise. When Tim asked where she wanted to go, she immediately told him she wanted to go on the same cruise they had just been on. At first her husband didn't want to, but eventually Julie was able to change his mind. However, Julie had a secret reason for wanting to go on that same see George Skiadopoulos. During that week-long cruise, George and Julie snuck around to see each other, and even managed to make love a couple of times. At this point, George was begging Julie to leave her husband and be with him. The offer was awfully tempting to the love-struck Julie. When the Nists' returned back home, Julie and George continued communicating. It wasn't long before Julie's husband Tim noticed phone bills in the thousands. Tim asked what was going on, and Julie finally confessed...she and George were having an affair. Soon after, Julie filed for divorce from Tim Nist. They shared joint custody of their daughter, Katie. Julie took back her maiden name - Scully, and continued to tell George Skiadopoulos she was in love with him. George continually pressed Julie to move to Greece to be with him. Julie wanted to, but her love for her daughter was holding her back. Tim had told her many times that if she went to Greece, she could not take Katie with her. Julie was torn, but George eventually manipulated her into moving there with a condition...she would return frequently to visit with Katie. In November of 1998, Julie Scully left for Greece to be with her beloved "Georgie." She wasn't going empty handed - she had recently recieved a $600,000 divorce settlement from her then ex-husband Tim Nist. But Julie was depressed when she left. She didn't want to leave her then 3-year old daughter, Katie, behind. George constantly pressured her to come anyway, he reassured her by telling her that maybe in the future she could talk Tim into letting Katie come to Greece for awhile. So Julie went. At first, Julie enjoyed Greece and being with George all the time. The two filed for a marriage license and planned to marry as soon as possible. But Julie became miserable in less then a month. She missed Katie, she missed the United States, she even wondered if she had really been in love with George all along. On January 8th, 1999, George and Julie had their first fight. Julie finally told George that she wanted to go home. George freaked out, he told Julie she was NOT leaving him. They argued some more, until George, in a rage, started to choke Julie. Julie struggled, and George just choked her harder. He finally strangled her to death. George then panicked, realizing what he had done to Julie. George was desperate to hide Julie's body. He tried to fit her body into a suitcase. When it wouldn't fit, George cut off her head and threw it into the Aegean Sea. He then buried the suitcase in a field. George then conconted a story that Julie was missing. He went to the Greek police and told them he and Julie had a fight earlier that day, they had agreed to seperate to cool off and meet back at a McDonald's in downtown Greece a few hours later. Julie had never showed up. For several weeks, the Greek police looked everywhere for Julie Scully. By that time, her family and friends back home in the U.S. were hearing about Julie's dissapearence. They made no secret of the fact that they suspected foul play. They were certain George Skiadopoulos had done something to Julie. They were right. On January 26th, 1999, George Skiadopoulos confessed to the murder of Julie Scully. The police were able to recover the suitcase containing Julie's torso, however to this day her head has not been found. Julie's ex-husband, Tim Nist, flew to Greece to talk with police there and take Julie's remains home. A few weeks later, family and friends had a memorial service for Julie. On December 6th, 1999, George Skiadopoulos was sentenced to life in a Greek prison without the possibilty of parole. He will never again be free.

News article about Julie Scully's murder
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