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2/5/05 Who's a big, fat liar???!

That's right.....I AM!!!! There was no getting down to business!!!!!!! There will be no comics!!! There will be no big updates!!! There prolly won't be small updates. I haven't heard from the Bearded Smile in at least 3 years.... maybe 4!!!! He might be dead for all I know.(I sincerely apoligize to the family and friends if he is. And I sincerly apoligize to him if he isn't.)Kitty has been doin the college thing. I have been doing absolutely nothing up until about 4 or 5 months ago when I began attending the Tom Savini's special make-up effects course out in the middle of nowhere(aka MONESSEN PA.). We have been continuing our cosplay efforts and some day will have a Panda Chimp produtions cosplay site with pictures and unedited scripts and hopefully cartoons of our skits.And if you still check in at this site you will be pleased to know that Kitty and I have deviant art acounts under the names Joe Curr and Icequeenkitty. And I would also like to apoligize to the fans of The Cheery Gung Ho Chaps.Hopefully they will be a Flash Cartoon someday when nobody remembers what Trigun is. For allwho are fans of Kitty's comics. You shall have deal with the loss for now. She is a very busy lady.And all her MINIONS are so for life. If you are in need of some Kitty humor come to Otakon every year and get some good anime parody nonsense at the Masquerade contest. And if you ever look here anymore Mr. Bearded Smile Me and Kitty would like to say HELLLLLLLLLOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

8/20/03 1000 hits, Lets get down to business!!!

Kitty and I are back from Otakon where her fantastic writng skills and hilarious sense of humor have finally paid off by winning us "Best Overall Novice" in the masquerade contest(we are the beautifully dressed Folken and Naria on the left). With all that excitement I have become inspired(Kitty told me to get off my lazy ass). So there are gonna be some serious renovations here at Panda-Chimp, including: The Kitty's own private news section on her main page so she can keep contact with her Minions, lots of Kick ASS artwork, maybe some T-shirts and stuff,and I might finally draw a comic or two. We want to say thanks to all of you who contact us(mostly Kitty) to tell us(mostly Kitty) they like us(all Kitty).And sign the guest book cuz it looks sooooo pretty with entries.HAIL IL PALLAZZO!!!!!

6/10/02 Mwahahaha!!!

New Experimental art in in the Slapshtick area, and The Kitty has informed me that new H40 pages are on the way.....YAY!!

3/29/02 NEW H40!!!

There is a whole butt load of new H40 pages, so read em and look at the pictures and tell your friends!!!

1/11/02 NEW KITTY MANGA!!!

New manga H40 by Christina "The Kitty" Smith! Find it on the Kitty's manga page and READ IT!!

Welcome to Panda-Chimp Comics!!

Yes that's right folks new layout!!! Now that I've actually learned some stuff about making web sites there are gonna be a bunch of improvements here at Panda-Chimp. I hope you like them.

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