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This is where you can find help concerning TeamBG's editors, the items posted on this page, and just editing in general.

Tutorials, Modifications, and Kits

Note that both these tutorials are very basic.

Beginners' Guide to Scripting -- DL this Wordpad document to learn the essentials of making AI Scripts for the Infinity Engine. It takes you through IF-THEN logic, as well as the format of actions and triggers. Note that this is based on BG2 since it contains the most functions. <-- By Potencius

A Slightly More Advanced Guide -- This guide walks you through Global Variables, as well as putting together a slightly more complex script. <-- By Potencius

Invisible Creature Tutorial This is a very detailed and useful tutorial that shows how to use creatures to execute script commands through spells or items. I *might* be posting a file that will get rid of that annoying flash when the creatures are summoned, too. This tutorial is by Akshel.

BG2 Rules Modification V1.2 --4mb! This thing gives you no class penalties or restrictions, AI Scripts from the IronWorks, some harder replacement creatures, better graphics, a 'no-reputation-loss' modification, disables the normal end-game sequence, and includes the Level 50 rules pack as well as the backstab damage multiplier x6. A lot, eh? Have fun with this one! <-- By FW Elesion a.k.a. DuskTheSpellLord.

  • For additional help, e-mail or go to the Message Boards on this site.


    This is a MUST download before using my items for IWD. BioWare was kind of lazy when they made their script compiler and left some commands out. If you have a folder for your AI Script Compiler, extract these IDS files there.
    IDS Files

    WAVC to WAV Converter

    This program is used to convert the sounds in the game into playable .wav formats.

    WAVC to WAV Converter


    Arcane Fist
    Monk/ Mage
    Arcane Fist -This kit is the monk/mage kit that everyone wanted. It does have some of the abilities of each, but sadly I had to make it a bard kit, but the bard songs and thieving abilities are disabled. Do remember to read the installation readme.txt because if you don't, then you will not install it properly. A special thanks to Po for writing up the script that disables the bard songs. Also another thanks to Drizzt1180 for some help concerning some of the general aspects of this kit.
    Death Knight
    Fallen Paladin
    Death Knight -The Death Knight is what can happen to a fallen paladin when they die. They loose their priest spells and the ability to Turn Undead, but gain several necro spells as innate abilities. This kit is listed under the other fighter kits in the game. This was the first kit I ever made.

    Another version of the Death Knight can be found at Drizzt1180's Site for Infinity Engine Games Customization, by Drizzt.
    Archer of Sylvanus
    Archer/ Druid
    Archer of Sylvanus -This is a combination of the Archer kit and the Totemic Druid. This is a Druid kit. This can only be used by Elves and half Elves.
    Wushi Ninja
    Wushi Ninja -This is based off of an older class from D&D. This is very close to what an assassin is in the 3rd Edition D&D rules. The Wushi Ninja is basically a thief that can specialize in weapons, and can cast spells.
    Blade Master
    Blade Master- This is a great kit. The Blade Master specializes in, yup you guessed it, any bladed weapon. He gets special abilities like disarm and parry as he levels up and gets a +2 bonus to dexterity. Once again, this is a very nice kit and one I actually enjoy playing.
    Vaskez aka Notrix
    Juggernaut - At first glance this is a pretty powerful kit- Battle Rage capabilities, bonus to strength and damage against weapons... however, I think it's evened out by the -4 penalty to Dexterity and +2 penalty to AC vs. Missile Weapons. A good kit for a bar fighter, I think. ;)
    Psychic Elemental
    Vaskez aka Notrix
    Psychic Elemental- Well, we all know people have been waiting for a psionicist-type kit. Meet the Psychic Elemental. These guys are not from the Prime Material plane and have according, out-of-this-world type abilities. They kick serious ass! Of course, being from the another plane of existence DOES have its disadvantages... This kit has a huge number of special abilities, but is, surprisingly, very well balanced.
    Vaskez aka Notrix
    Breakin' the law, breakin the law! Ahem... sorry... This kit just kind of reminded me of that song... Anyway, the Desolator is not your typical ranger kit. The Desolator has a problem with authority, and "he's not gonna take it anymore!" (eh, sorry again). These scimitar-wielding, trap-setting, nishruu-morphing, risk-taking bad boys will kick the crap out of anyone who pisses them off! Of course, when risk comes into play, so does luck, and these guys have bad luck year-round. Oh, let's not forget their ability to disarm enemies quite aptly at high levels. Cool kit if I do say so myself. (ya, I felt like a casual description today).