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Rick's Place
(Yes, the page is under construction -- aren't they all? More words and pics -- and I guess special effects and stuff (but NOOO music!) later as I get time and take breaks from flying and building.

Recent updates:

Mar 05 - added link to the 'for sale' page for my Guerin-built Focus 1  -- Focus 1 For Sale

April 04 -

    stuff about coaching / score analysis for training.         Scoring Analysis / Coaching Aids

Jan / Feb  04


I'm Rick Wallace, and one of my passions is radio controlled airplanes. It all started when my Kadet MkII kit came home in November '79 and took flight in early 1980. The rest. as they say, is history...

My current passion is flying toy airplanes, especially pattern - precision aerobatics - and building the planes. In fact, I'm currently building a competition pattern plane for a flying buddy, and documenting it on some of the links below.


For sale:  Focus 1 For Sale

My planes --
Planes I've Known - pics of planes I've owned / built / flown over the years.
Focus ARF Component weights - weights as the parts come straight out of the box; and pics of the efforts I made to lighten my Focus (10.6 lbs RTF less fuel at the 2003 Nats )

Shop Tools and Tips
Keeping the Dust Down -
 A nifty little dust abatement system for the shop

Links to the National Association of (for??) Radio Controlled Aerobatics
NSRCA Home Page
NSRCA District 1 Home Page

Links to the continuing story of building a pattern plane

Building a Hybrid Pattern Plane - actually the beginning of the story - shows initial wing core prep - planning and installation of interior structure, servo / linkage locations, etc.
Updated Jan 11 -- Root Rib Prep and Wing Mounting - shows what it says - matching the wing cores/ root ribs to the fuse sides, and the selected  system for mounting the wings to the fuse.
Added Jan 11Sheeting_The_Wings
Added Dec 13  - CG,  Landing Gear and Fin Mounting