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News & Updates

May 19, 2003, 4:15 PM Added Game of the Month May 2003: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. September 21,2002, 4:04 PM Well, I have put up the Game of the Month for August! Oh, and if you are confused, the Game of the Month for July was Final Fantasy X again. June 17, 2002, 8:28 PM Oh my God. I look at the last date I updated and...has it been that long already? Well, anyway, I added the game of the month for June, since I was bored: it's Final Fantasy X for the PS2! January 27, 2002, 6:11 PM Added Deathmatch #4: Ness vs. Yoshi. Check out who won! January 18, 2002, 5:07 PM What is this site called again...? Oh, yeah, I remember now! I have all the secret chars in melee...yeah...Oh, and Happy New Year! Late! Well, we got permission to put up a game guide for Donkey Kong 3 for NES. December 29, 2001, 12:43 PM Haven't updated in a long time, but now I have. I got GameCube (complete with Luigi's Mansion, SSB:Melee, Madden NFL 2002, and Rogue Leader), Wario Land 4 for GBA, and got the Harry Potter computer game (the game is quite...strange). Anyway, I have nine of eleven secret chars in Melee. I got a digital camera and am going to take some screen caps and post them. Game of the Year and Nintendo Char of the Month draws ever nearer... November 13, 2001, 5:05 PM Altered the pictures section, featuring more pictures. September 23, 2001, 1:47 PM Just added the new Nintendorealm Forums! August 19, 2001, 4:27 PM Our new affiliate is Heimdal Gazzo Anime! I'm one of the webmasters there, and I also finished Deathmatch #3, and added our new banner, featuring Donkey Kong! August 12, 2001, 11:09 AM We have a new affiliate! I made another website called the Sacred Realm of Dragonball Z! Also, added Deathmatch 3: Samus vs. C. Falcon! August 1, 2001, 12:44 AM Nintendo Character of the Month for the month of July: Mario Mario, mascot of Nintendo and appeared as the bad guy in Donkey Kong Jr. for Coin-Operated Arcade (Arcade, Coin-Op Arcade, ARC) and Nintendo Entertainment System (Nintendo, NES) July 17, 2001, 3:02 PM Added Contests section. Sorry that we didn't have a Nintendo Character of the Month for June, but I took a little vacation from the site except for on June 2nd. July 16, 2001, 11:47 AM I have finished Article 0: What Games to Buy? Next time I'll start on the contests section. July 15, 2001, 8:54 PM WOWWWWWWWWWW! It has been a loooooong time! Anyway, I added the articles section and I am almost done with Article 0: What Game to Buy? Thinking of adding Contests, Awards, and Online RPG section. June 2, 2001, 5:05 PM I haven't updated in a long time... But anyway, I added King Bowser Koopa to the Great Nintendo Characters section. He'll be coming soon! May 16, 2001, 5:53 PM Sorry, I updated a full week after I was supposed to :'-(. But I did finish the Mushrooms vs. the Bananas. I'm going to make a reccomendation. To read the best-written fanfic I have ever read, go to and go to the fanfiction section. Sort by Misc.;Author;Normal, and go to the second page of that part (Displaying 11 to 20 out of __ fanfics), and you should find three fanfics by "Erico the Megafreak". Choose the one that says, "Mega Man X: An Uncertain Future", to read a great fanfic. May 7, 2001, 8:04 PM Started Nintendo Baseball: Mushrooms vs. Bananas! Staff Member of the month is (e-mail only)! New Nintendo Character of the Month is Kamek; Chief of MagiKoopas. Will be off at the GameFAQs Message Boards, won't update until, at the earliest, Wednesday. My SNES came and I have Super Mario World an I'm at #3 Lemmy's Castle. Wish me luck. *Deep Breath* As Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) said in Star Wars: A New Hope, I'm goin' in. April 29, 2001, 6:37 PM Added Angelfire Recognition Page. Changed Nintendo Baseball to Nintendo Sports, so now you can look forward to Nintendo Football, Nintendo Basketball, Nintendo Hockey, etc. I got all "A"'s on my report card, so I get a gift. I got an SNES, but it hasn't come yet :-(, but it probably will Monday :-). April 22, 2001, 1:49 PM Finished Deathmatch #2, DK vs. Link. Link won. Deleted Staff Members section. April 18, 2001, 7:24 PM I beat Mario! That's right, in 3 out of 4 matches! Baby Mario 64 started. Links page added (Other Nintendo Sites). April 16, 2001, 7:37 PM Been vacationing in Baltimore. Got Comcast Digital Cable. Added Cheats & Codes section. Added Chapter 1 of Super Mario Bros. 4. Added Staff Members Section. Mario challenged me to a tennis match, which is tomorrow. HaHA! He doesn't know that I, since I own Mario Tennis, know all of his moves. HE WON'T BEAT THE PANTS OFF OF ME SO EASILY! HA! NOW WHO HAS THE LAST LAUGH! Oops, sorry. This match might make or break me. I'll tell you if I beat him. I won't tell you if I don't. April 10, 2001, 4:45 PM Baseball Game of the Mushrooms vs. the Bananas--coming soon! April 9, 2001, 5:31 PM Added Great Nintendo Characters Section and Guestbook. April 7, 2001, 3:09 PM Added Misc. fanfic: Mario and Donkey Kong in: The Rescue of Candy Kong and Princess Peach! April 6, 2001, 4:55 PM Added a Game Idea: Baby Mario 64! April 5, 2001, 4:30 PM Deathmatch #1 finished! Check it out to see the results. April 2, 2001, 4:47 PM Super Mario Bros. 4, Chapter 1 added. April 1, 2001, 2:02 PM New Nintendo Character of the Month, Zero Omega. March 31, 2001, 3:27 PM Nintendo Baseball section added. Added a link to it from Main Page. Super Mario Bros. 4 might be added tomorrow. MEGA UPDATES. I will think of more to add! :-) March 30, 2001, 6:06 PM Nintendo Quiz edited. Added Top games section. March 29, 2001, 5:43 PM Fanfic, Super Mario Bros. 4 Coming soon. Pokemon Stadium 2 was released yesterday, I think. March 28, 2001, 5:00 PM Character of the Month Poll added. Kamek expected winner. More updates soon. March 27, 2001, 4:54 PM Second day, added Nintendo Character of the Month section, Bowser. More updates soon and deathmatch soon to be finished. March 26, 2001, 5:29 PM This is our first day as a website. Today, we began the homepage, Deathmatches (#1, Luigi vs. Mario), Fanfiction, and news section. So far no fanfics. 1 person visited the page and that's me. Update expected tomorrow, if there is anything to update.
