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S.B.H.S. Class of 1969

Update> October 29,2003

We are planning our reunion for the fall of 2004. Either September or October. Details to follow in the next few weeks. Stay tuned. We are moving and expanding the website. The new address is It's not done yet, but bookmark the new address and sign in please!

Thanks, Pete Kopec

June 10, 2002

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are forced to POSTPONE our reunion. Sometimes the reality of life interferes with our fantasies. When we started talking about this thing a year and a half ago, we agreed that to be a success and cost effective we needed at least 120 people to show up. Well, tracking down our fellow classmates is far more difficult and time consuming then we had anticipated.

So, we begin again! However, we aren't going to set a date until we have reached enough people to make this a success. Maybe in the fall or the winter or if need be next spring!

Please, if you have anybody's address or phone number or email address please forward it to me. And if you have any old Saddle Brook or high school pictures, please get them to me. I'll send a general email via classmates this week.

BTW/ There is going to be the 5th Annual Saddle Brook Community Car Show at the High School on August 11, 2002. Be there or be square! I'm going to set up a table for registration for the 'Class of 1969 Reunion' please stop by and sign in.


Pete Kopec

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The Good Stuff..

Class of 1973 Check it out. It keeps changing.
Class of 1975
Class of 1981
Ed's Tavern
SB Police. Real nice site! Loads of great stuff!
FIRE!!!! Another great site!
Saddle Brook Chamber of Commerce
Paul Lopes(1970)Paul always has something to sell and wants to make a deal.

