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The Tinbuttu Rally

Endurance Riding Guidelines

The following information is intended as a guide only, and is not meant to be a complete handbook. All participants should educate themselves fully as to the requirements of long distance motorcycle riding prior to participating in this event.

All motorcycle riding involves risk. Long distance or endurance riding has more risk due to rider exhaustion, hot and cold temperatures, and other factors that reduce attention, concentration, and responsiveness. All riders and passengers must understand that they are responsible for their own well-being, and that they must be constantly conscious and aware of the condition of their equipment and their bodies and minds.

- Get in shape.
- Put in some long days and hours on your bike prior to participating in long distance rides.
- Get lots of rest and sleep.
- Get off your bike and stretch and exercise frequently.
- Drink lots of water, especially on warm days. Dehydration leads to poor judgment, fuzzy thinking, and slow responses.
- Cover up. Bare skin is very susceptible to road rash. Bare skin easily gets wind and sun burned, and accelerates dehydration (see above).
- Plan for rain. Wet means cold, means hypothermia. Hypothermia also leads to poor judgment, fuzzy thinking, and slow responses.
- Plan for cold. Hard frost or snow are likely after Labor Day in upper NY or New England, or at high elevations. See hypothermia above. Watch for road conditions.
- No Booze or drugs. We don't have to say why, do we?

- Have your bike checked out by a qualified mechanic before the event.
- Tires should be in good condition.
- Check fluids, air, chain, etc. regularly during event.
- Bring tools, spare parts, and sufficient cash.
- Bring small notebook and pen to keep track of route, miles stops, and weird happenings.

- This is a fun event, not a race.
- Ride safely. Don't take chances with your life or someone else's.
- Obey traffic laws, especially when you're tired.
- Take regular breaks. Get off the bike and stretch. Drink lots of water.
- Be alert for changes in road and weather conditions, especially at night.
- Be alert for deer and other wildlife, especially at dusk or after dark. This is the start of their active season.
- Be courteous to other riders and drivers.

Iron Butt Association's Archive of Wisdom (REQUIRED READING)
Fatigue and Motorcycle Touring (REQUIRED READING)

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