POOP WORDS (Shit Synonyms)
Words for poop
- ass goblins
- ass kabobs
- ass monkeys
- black banana
- blind eels
- boulder
- chocolate channel chewie
- colon cannonballs
- corn eyed butt snake
- corn massacre
- crapsters
- creamy butt nuggets
- digested Crayola box
- Easter Bunny's present
- the fourth teletubby
- frightened turtle
- hardened fudge nuggets
- hell's candy
- Indian rug burns
- keester cakes
- Mississippi mud
- monglin cluster shit
- mudfat balls
- peanut butter poop
- potty animals
- product of Uranus
- sea pickle
- sewer serpents
- shitsicles
- space slug
- Super Shit Man
- tangy butt nuts
- that ain't chocolate puddin'!
- tom cruise missiles
- toxic turdeys
- turd tunnel tasty
- yellow submarine
- air out the anus
- ass sneezing
- bust a shit
- christen the comfort station
- cook some beans
- clean one's colon
- cut off a load
- drop a chalupa
- drop ass goblins
- drop some friends off at the lake
- empty the manure spreader
- take a plane crash - no survivors
- talk to a man about a horse
- blow mud
- booty hole burnout
- butt dribblets
- butt drool
- chocolate explosion
- G.I. shits
- human expresso machine
- Montezuma's revenge
- oohs and ahs
- screaming mimis
- supersonic sewer sauce
- boggy crapper
- toilet bowl stew
- cattle cookies
- chimp chunks
- cow farts
- dog logs
- doggy sausage
- elk duds
- kagatzka
- lawn sausage
- anal impaction