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Dr. Oyibo vs. Einstein

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Dr. Oyibo vs. Einstein

Quiet as its kept, it appears as though African born, Dr. Gabriel Oyibo may have replaced Albert Einstein as the world's greatest physicist. Dr. Oyibo, years ago, offered a clear mathematical proof of Einstein's theory of relativity that has yet to be refuted. Not stopping there, the good doctor went on to develop a Unified Field Theory, something that Einstein tried in vain for the last 30 years of his life to accomplish.

The Unified Field Theory, also called the Theory of Everything, has been the pre-eminent goal of physical science for over 80 years. Why haven’t you heard of Dr. Oyibo before? Good question. This writer was only exposed to his ideas last week after he appeared on Dr. Clinton Crawford’s television program (which airs on Cable Channel 25, Saturdays at 1:00 pm in NYC, NJ and Conn.)

As you may recall, Isaac Newton formalized the basic laws of matter and motion in the universe. They ruled physics for more than 200 years until certain anomalies were observed in the late 19th century. Albert Einstein accounted for these difficulties with his special and general theories of relativity, early in the 20th century. However, the development of quantum theory soon introduced an entirely different set of physical laws to deal with the behavior of sub-atomic particles.

However, it is a fundamental contradiction to believe that the universe has two distinct sets of laws for matter and motion depending on the size of the particles. There has to be an underlying set of rules that explain both relativity and quantum theory and all matter and motion in the entire universe. These heretofore indiscernible underlying laws have come to be called the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything. At this point enter Dr. Oyibo with what appears to be the answer. Is it?

Dr. Oyibo who a physicist with the prestigious Polytechnic Institute, has handled millions of dollars in government defense contracts, and has had his papers appear in top notch academic journals. They have been closely reviewed by the American Mathematical Society, and have yet to be refuted.

Dr. Oyibo has written several books, one of which is "The Grand Unified Field Theorem." It is widely available. He has a website at and is eager to discuss his theories with all comers.

This is a breakthrough on many levels. For one it offers a solution to the biggest problem facing physics, for another it demonstrates the power of the African mind and African thought out of which the Western system of thought, and all philosophical systems, are ultimately derived. Furthermore, the attempt to evaluate the theories of Dr. Oyibo provide a unifying, holistic frame to mathematics, physics and the entire rational world view. And it is also an excellent spur for our young people, and all people, to pique their interest in math, science and philosophy.

We eagerly look forward to your comments and evaluation of Dr. Oyibo’s work. See the above website and related internet articles. Hopefully we can encourage a dialogue vital to science and to us all. (Africa Unlimited) 1/17/2


Dr. Arthur Lewin.
Copyright © 2003 [Africa Unlimited]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 06/11/03.

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