Observation Internship Website

This program has been designed so that I can learn more about making a website! Below is a little bit about teaching and me, your hostess, Jaime Seltzer, known in the fanfic community as Kirinin.

Why should you be a teacher? For that matter, why should I?
  • I like being around kids.
  • I really enjoy imparting knowledge, explaining something I know about, and discussing things I'm unsure of.
  • I like science itself but am too squeamish to test it on animals for a living.
  • I think being a teacher is the most important job you can have!
  • I will never be bored. Ever. Again.

    Things found on this site:

    Educational Sites for Teachers

    Me! The great, all-powerful... ahem...

    My photos of life the universe and nothing.

    my fanfiction website-- actually moving along!
    In fact, there's a bunch of stuff at this point!

    Links to my favorite anime spots.
    Thanks for visiting! Questions, comments? Would anyone like a mint?
