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Contact Me

Anyone interested in contacting me about anything can do so at Contacting me via e-mail will get you the fastest responce. If you wish to speak on the telephone, e-mail me first and I'll give you my number from there.

You can also contact me by AIM under the following screen names (minus the brackets), [bluewoulfe] and [dismal]. I'm online most often under [dismal], so your best bet is to put me on your buddy list and IM me when you see me online.

My Yahoo! user name is [whiisperz], however, I'm rarely on Yahoo! Messanger, and I very rarely ever check my mail there. A quicker responce will be given from my AOL e-mail address.

If there's any problems getting ahold of me, please send a message (titled "Desert Winds Gerbils" or something similar) to any of the following mailing lists; AGSgerbils (Yahoo!), -Gerbils- (Yahoo!), GML (