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I realized a few days ago I had absoultly NO pictures of anything in the page! Wow! Well, anyway, here are some of the various critters living at DWG currently. I will post more pictures as I get them! So sorry about the delay!

This is a picture of the first Dark Patch Pied gerbil born at DWG! A Dark Patch Pied or DPP is a realitivly new occurance in the gerbil world and not much study has been put into it. I'm going to see, however, what it is that causes this gene, and how it works eventually! This nameless little girl is only a few days old in this picture.

Here's the DPP girl at another angle.

Here she is after a few weeks. Her marking is so dark now!

The best shot I have of the DPP so far. You can see how big the marking is here.

This is my pride and joy, Cloudy! She came from Gary's Gerbils in NYC. She's such a gem! The best temperment I've EVER seen towards both humans and other gerbils.

Here she is again. She's so mottled that she has hardly any color.. just a slight amount of lilac coloring on her head.

This is Kat's (Purple Kat Kritters) gerbil, Garfield. Kat and I were waiting for someone to drop off some rescues and when he appeared we both fell for him! Haha! I'm attempting to breed Garfield to Cloudy, however, he's being a grump about it.

This is Desertwinds from Jo (Black Diamond Wolf Clan). He is such a beautiful gerbil! This picture really does him no justice, as his coat is much more golden in person, and there is more mottling on his rump. He's got an excellent body type. I may consider showing him if he bulks up a little before the next show.

Desertwinds lives with his brother and sister, Coal and Star, in a 20 Gallon (high) aquarium.

Here's the four new rat kits taking refuge at DWG. I found them in one of the new chain stores here in New Jersey called Pet Goods. Dumbos rats (rats with big, low-set ears) aren't commonly found in petshops so I snatched them up as soon as I saw them! I purchased them around November 13th, 2003. I'm guessing they were about 5 or 6 weeks at that point?

I love this picture! LOL! They look so adoreable with those big ears. The colors are from left to right; Blue-Beige(?) Banded Female (Acadia), Silvered Chocolate(?) Solid Male (Orion), Pink Eyed White Female (Iona), and Beige English Berksire female (Asia).

Here are my new boy rats! Right now, they're living in their temporary home (aquarium) but their new 3-level ferret cage is coming in the mail. The boy in the front is a Chocolate English Berkshire Rex, Just behind him (partially hidden) is a Solid Agouti Rex, The two white things behind him are Himilayan Rex brothers, infront of the himi's is a Chocolate American Berkshire Rex with extended white marking and a star, and all the way in the left hand corner is my little ham; Ice.. solid American Blue with faint rexing.

This is just to show how curly this little guys coat is! I got him from Sheree in Middletown, NY. Hopefully, he'll keep this curly coat well into his adulthood. :)