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Name: Scott Levy
Height: 6'1"

Weight: 237 lbs

Birth Day: September 8, 1962

Hometown: Short Hills, New Jersey

Signature moves: Evenflow DDT

Alias: Raven, Johnny the Body, Scotty Flamingo, Johnny Polo

Titles Held: WCW Lt. Heavyweight 6/20/92-7/5/92

USWA Tag w/Brian Christopher 3/22/93-3/29/93

ECW Tag w/Stevie Richards 6/20/95-9/16/95

ECW Tag w/Stevie Richards 10/7/95-10/7/95

ECW Heavyweight 1/27/96-10/5/96

ECW Heavyweight 12/7/96-4/13/97

WCW US 4/19/98-4/20/98

WCW Tag w/ Saturn 4/9/99-5/31/99

WWF Hardcore Champion 22 times

Scott Levy makes his debut in the Pacific Northwest Championship Wrestling at the age of 26 in 1988 as "Scotty the Body". He trained at "The Monster Factory" wrestling training facility.

In 1991 Scott Levy joined the Global Wrestling Federation under the name, "Scott Anthony". He became a member of the Cartel, which was some wrestlers including himself, Mahkan Singh (Norman the Lunatic), and Rip Rogers. The GWF was shown on ESPN for a short time.

Later in 1991 Scott Levy joined the World Championship Wrestling, under the name, "Scotty Flamingo"

June 20, 1992 at Beach Blast Scotty fought the champion, Brian Pillman, and in a gruelling 18 minute match, Scotty won.

1992 November Scotty Flamingo defeats Johnny B. Badd at "Clash of the Champions" in a boxing match after four rounds, with assistance from Dallas Page and Vinnie Vegas (Kevin Nash). Page filled Flamingo's boxing glove with water, knocking Badd out, and giving Flamingo the win.

1993: Scott Levy tags with Brian Christopher (Grandmaster Sexy) in the USWA, winning the Tag Team Titles.

1993: Scott Levy enters the WWF as "Johnny Polo", a rich kid manager of Adam Bomb (Wrath WCW), and more famously The Quebecers. Polo also co-hosted, "USA All-American Wrestling" with Gorilla Monsoon, as well as did occasional interviews.

1993 September: Johnny Polo leads The Quebecers to the WWF Tag Team Titles after defeating The Steiners in a special "Quebec rules" match set up by Polo

1994 January: Johnny Polo's Quebecers lose the WWF Tag Team Titles to Mary Janetty with The 1-2-3 Kid (X-Pac)

January 31, 1994 RAW: Marty Jannetty pinned Johnny Polo

January 7, 1995 Raven is born. Scott Levy joins Eastern Championship Wrestling, which will later be known as Extreme Championship Wrestling. Stevie Richards introduces him as, "Raven", an anti-social grunge freak. (And the world rejoiced)

Hostile City 1995: Before this match, Tommy Dreamer was crucified atop the ECW Arena by Raven. Dreamer was mad, and so they fought. (Don't you wish you could solve -your- problems this easily, kids?) Dreamer would have won if Stevie Richards hadn't interfered. Tommy DDTed Stevie, then the referee. When Beulah entered the ring and started hitting Tommy in the back, he grabbed her head and piledrove her into the mat. (poor Beulah!)

Hardcore Heaven 1995: Raven and Steven Richards fought Dreamer and Vachon for the Tag Team Titles and retained their titles.

Heat Wave 1995: "Chairshot Heard 'round the World" Vachon had fought against Stevie Richards in a steel cage match and won. After the match, Raven entered the cage, and Dreamer followed. Dreamer attacked Raven and handcuffed him to the cage. He drove a piece of aluminum siding into his crotch and then hit him with a steel chair to the head so damn hard, that an indentation of Raven's head was left in the seat of the chair. Raven was left unconscious for nearly 10 minutes thereafter, and Dreamer finally had his revenge.

November to Remember 1995: Raven and Cactus Jack vs. Dreamer and Terry Funk. One of the most violent matches in ECW, of all time. Weapons, blood, and Raven standing in his crucified pose, with a crown of barbed wire around his forehead, and stucking in his hair.

January 27, 1996 Raven becomes engulfed in a war with the Sandman. Raven and the Sandman get very personal, and Raven even turned the Sandman's wife and children against him. Raven wins the ECW World Title from the Sandman this day.

Jan. 7, 1996, House Party 1996: Beulah announces she was pregnant. Raven was pissed, and then even more when he found out the baby was Tommy's. Raven went to attack her, but Tommy quickly ran out and helped. Then, Dreamer DDTed and piledrived Raven on a Stop Sign.

Jan. 16, 1996, on ECW TV: Raven DDT'ed 2 Cold Scorpio to give Mikey Whipwreck the ECW TV Title. And, then later they show clips of Dreamer and Beulah checking into a hotel room after the show. Dreamer tells the camera how he could learn to love Beulah and how he'd be there for his kid, not like Raven. He walks into a room in the hotel and finds Beulah in bed. She gets up and then says "Tommy, I want to feel your pain." The door closes, and the "Do Not Disturb" sign is showen.

Januray 27, 1996 ECW: Pre-match: Raven runs-in during the Dreamer/Shane Douglas vs. Cactus Jack/Mikey Whipwreck match because Raven sent Cactus to destroy Dreamer for impregnating Beulah
ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Raven vs. The Sandman: Raven shows up for the match and has a new woman at his side (to replace Beulah) her name is Kimona Wanaleia. Sandman canes Raven, and so do Jim Molineaux, the Meanie and Richards as they come in to help. Raven gets the cane and out runs Tommy Dreamer. He crotchshots Raven (Ouch!) then Cactus Jack runs out and DDT's Sandman. Sandman gets DDT'ed face first onto a chair, and Raven gets the pin and becomes the new ECW World Heavyweight Champion.

Jan. 23, 1996 ECW TV: Pulp Fiction Montage: ECW has its 'Pulp Fiction' montage minute, where they have several wrestlers cut quick promos to the tune of Dick Dale's tune "Miserlou." Tommy Dreamer and Beulah McGillicutty are alone in the locker room with the knowledge of how they know Tommy has a higher purpose and "his" is "bigger" than Raven's - double entendre emphasized by Beulah.
Raven is all alone and he feels Tommy can't beat him in the ring wrestling, but beat him in the ring at House Party in another way (by stealing Beulah away).

Ultimate Jeopardy 1996: was supposed to be Raven and Brian Lee VS. Dreamer and Sandman. There were a couple stipulations. If Raven was pinned, he would lose the World Title. If Lee was pinned, his head would be shaved. If Sandman was pinned, he would be lashed 10 times with his cane. If Tommy was pinned, Beulah would be forced to leave ECW. At the last moment, Raven had to cancel due to a substance abuse rehab 'commitment.' So Stevie Richards took his place to defend his title for him (Real smart...) In the end, Sandman pinned Stevie for the belt, and ended Raven's World Title reign.

December 12, 1996 Raven wins the title back from the Sandman in a bloody Barbed Wire Match in ECW Arena

WrestlePalooza 1997: Dreamer and Raven fought for the last time. (*sniffles*) It was one of their most violent encounters. They took it into the audience, up into the balcony, and a lot of weapons were used, Despite interference by Spicolli, Lupus, and Chastity, Tommy DDTed Raven twice, and covered him for the win.

1997 April: Raven leaves ECW following a "loser leaves ECW" match with Dreamer. (See people! It happened before!) Dreamer caught Raven in the front face lock, yelled out "EC Fucking W" and gave Raven a DDT.

June 30 1997 Raven makes his first appearance on WCW Monday Nitro. The announcers recognized him in the crowd as a champion from other organizations. Mike Tenay attempts an interview but Raven just shoves him away. At the end of the program Raven jumps the guard rail and stares down Scott Hall.

August 1997: Clash of the Champions. Raven defeats Stevie Richards in his first match with WCW.

November 24, 1997 the beginning of "Ravens Rules". Raven is approached by "Mean" Gene Okerlund and J.J. Dillon at his ringside seat. J.J. Dillon says that it seems like Raven has signed a contract, even though he cannot read the writing. Raven informs him that he added stipulations to the contract, which state that Raven can always wrestle who, when, where, and how he wants. These will come to be known as, "Raven's rules".

November 1997 Nitro: During a match, Raven executes a drop toe hold on Riggs, sending him crashing face-first into a chair. After the incident, Riggs wears an eye patch.

On January, 1998 at Souled Out, Raven loses to Chris Benoit. He passed out with a smile on his face in Benoit's "Crippler Crossface" submission hold. (Much to the delight of slash writers, EVERYWHERE! ^__^ )

March 1998 at Uncensored: Three Way Dance for the U.S. Title between Raven, Diamond Dallas Page, and Chris Benoit. No disqualification’s, falls count anywhere. In the end, it was DDP diamond cutting Raven through a table for the win.

April 1998, Spring Stampede: After a long and violent feud, Raven (with the help of new Flock member Horace) defeats Diamond Dallas Page for the U.S. Heavyweight Title.

1998 April 20: Raven loses his brand-new U.S. Title to some guy named Bill Goldberg. *sigh*

1998: Raven is soon stalked by a mysterious man who turns out to be Kanyon, formerly Mortis.

1998: Perry Saturn is tired of Raven's so-called ‘abuse,’ that he defects from the Flock and encourages the other Flock members to do the same. When they resist, Perry offers to fight for their release. Raven, Saturn, and Kanyon begin a three-way feud.

August 1998 at the Road Wild: Raven, Kanyon, and Saturn take some incredible bumps in a no-holds-barred, falls count anywhere match. Saturn ultimately pins Kanyon for the win.

September, 1998 Fall Brawl: Raven and Saturn finally battle for control of the Flock. If Saturn wins, the Flock is released. If Raven wins, he retains the Flock and Saturn must return to him. But, the special stipulation is that, Kanyon must be handcuffed to the turnbuckle to prevent interference. Kanyon however, manages to steal the key and deliver a Flatliner to Saturn, but Perry still manages to kick out. He avoids additional Flock interference and defeats Raven with the Death Valley Driver.

October 5, 1998 Nitro: Kanyon had a match with DDP, which Raven interfered in. Raven was beating up Page when Goldberg ran in and cleared the ring.

Oct. 8, 1998 Thunder: Page and Raven. Raven, was on his way to victory, but Lodi distracted him by jumping up on the rope. Page used the distraction to apply the Diamond Cutter to get the win.

November 2 1998 Nitro: Raven started whining until Kanyon told him that he was a crybaby, but it wasn't enough to get Raven to win, as he later crashed to Dean Malenko.

At Nitro, November 2, Raven started whining until Kanyon told him that he was a crybaby, but it wasn't enough to get Raven to win, as he later crashed to Dean Malenko.

November 16, 1998 Nitro: as he wouldn't allow WCW to order him around, so Raven refused to wrestle and left.

November 1998: Raven spirals into a depression (well, more then usual) after losing his Flock. He refuses to wrestle or even to appear in the ring.

December 1998: Raven's mother appears to take her son -- and his buddy Kanyon -- back to Palm Beach, FL in an attempt to cure him of his depression. At the Levy home we meet his "sister" Chastity and his "friend" Jim Fullington (ECW'S Sandman).

February 25, 1999 Thunder: Raven and Kanyon vs. Villano V and El Dandy Before the match, Raven insults Hack and Bam Bam Bigelow, claiming that he was the one that invented hardcore. Raven also said that Hack was once his best friend. Raven and Kanyon win with multiple hardcore attacks involving steel chairs.

February 1999: Raven reveals to Kanyon (and to us) that his depression over the past few month has been nothing more than a charade meant to piss off his mother. (like every grown son's reason to live - to piss off their mom's)

1999: Raven reunites with Saturn and they begin to feud with the Horsemen, and Kidman (the ex-Flock memeber) and Misterio for the tag titles.

May 9, 1999, Slamboree: In a three-way dance for the tag belts, Raven and Saturn emerge victorious with help from Kanyon.

May 20, 1999 Thunder: WCW World Tag Team Title match Saturn/Raven/Kanyon vs. Horace/Vincent. A few minutes into the match, Raven left the apron and Kanyon became Saturn's partner. So appartenly Raven's rules also cover tag title matches. Raven took Kanyon's place shortly thereafter. Horace came in and tried to hit Raven with the chair, but hit Vincent unstead.

1999 Raven leaves WCW after a backstage confrontation with Eric Bischoff.

1999 Raven returns to ECW, where he reunites and teams with his old nemesis Tommy Dreamer.

September 3, 1999: Raven and Tommy Dreamer defeated The Dudley Boyz to win the World Tag Team Titles to win the Tag Team Titles.

1999: But soon Raven turns the tables on Tommy, stealing Francine from him in much the same way that Dreamer once stole Beulah from Raven.

November 7, 1999- ECW November To Remember '99- Justin Credible, Lance Storm, and Rhino beat Raven, Tommy Dreamer, and The Sandman when Credible pinned Sandman

June 9, 2000: Scotty Anton defeated Raven... Last match in ECW.

August 2000: Raven leaves ECW to work for the WWF.

September 24, 2000: Raven makes his long-awaited debut in the WFF at the Unforgiven PPV, assisting Tazz in defeating Jerry "The King" Lawler.

September 25, 2000 Raw: The next night on Raw, Tazz won against Buh Buh Ray Dudley, again with assistance from Raven.

September 29, 2000 Smackdown: Raven teamed up with Tazz in his first WWF bout and won in a match vs. Lawler and Chris Jericho, when he pinned Jericho.

October 22, 2000 No Mercy: Raven and Tazz were quickly eliminated from The Dudley's Table Invitational by Buh Buh Ray and D-Von.

January 7, 2001 Sunday Night Heat: Tazz defeated the Hardcore Champion Raven, and Jacqueline defeated Molly Holly

January 22, 2001 RAW: Raven and Al Snow battled for Raven's Hardcore Title. The match immediately went under the stage, where a firework accidentally went off. Both men, and the ref, were temporarily stunned by the loudness of the pyro, and then they continued their fight into the dining area of the Cajundome. Al Snow won the Hardcore title, but was attacked by a person wearing all black and a mask. As Al lie on the ground, the person put Raven on top of Snow and Raven regained the Hardcore Title! The two then drove off!

January 28, 2001 Sunday Night Heat: Perry Saturn defeated the Hardcore Champion Raven

January 29, 2001 Raw: In a Hardcore Title match, Crash Holly challenged champion Raven. The two battled everywhere, and eventually got outside in a small park. When it appeared Raven was about to win, a car drove up and a woman dressed in black with a mask attacked Crash and drove away with Raven!

Febarary 8, 2001 Smackdown: In a Hardcore Championship match, Raven defended against Hardcore Holly (accompanied by Molly). Hardcore was able to pin Raven to become Hardcore Champion! As the match ended, Raven's mystery woman headed to the ring where she was headed off by Molly, who tried to unmask her! But thanks to Raven's help, the mystery woman knocked out Molly. The mystery woman then helped Raven to knock out Hardcore Holly and to regain the Hardcore Title, thanks to the 24-7 rule!

Feburary 12, 2001 Raw: Before their match, Raven was hesitant about the Big Show being Essa Rios's partner. Angle assured his partner that he'd handle Rios, and Raven can handle the Big Show!
The match began with Rios and Angle going toe-to-toe. While Angle distracted the Big Show outside of the ring, Raven pinned Rios for the win! Suddenly, that mysterious woman appeared with Raven's weapons in a shopping cart. Both Angle and Raven hammered the Big Show with a variety of weapons -- trash can and fire hydrant included -- but Show recovered and chokeslammed Raven!

Febaray 19, 2001 Raw: In a match for the Hardcore Championship, Raven took on Crash Holly. The two men battled to the back -- even exchanging blows in a pool of raw sewage! As the two fought, the Big Show attacked them both! Then, the mysterious female ninja nailed the Big Show in the knee with a 2x4! As Raven and the ninja tried to run away, Molly Holly attacked! Crash and Molly fought Raven and the ninja in the getaway car, before Raven tossed Crash and Molly out of the car. Then the Big Show chased after the car, but Raven and the ninja sped away.

Febaray 25, 2001 No Way Out: As the Big Show walked to the ring, he was attacked by the mysterious female ninja who has helped out Raven during the recent weeks. Big Show went to attack the woman, but Raven ran up the ramp to meet his foe.
As the match began, a popcorn vendor came out from the crowd to attack Raven, and the vendor scored a two-count, taking advantage of the 24-7 rule. After the pinfall was broken up, the vendor -- revealed to be Crash -- continued his assault on Raven, as did Hardcore Holly, Steve Blackman and Billy Gunn! In fact, Billy Gunn pinned Raven to win the Hardcore Title. But Billy didn't escape in time. The melee continued in the ring, and Raven soon regained his title from Billy Gunn! But still the match continued! Down to the ring ran the mystery woman, followed closely by Molly Holly! Moments after they were knocked from the ring, the Big Show gave Raven a huge chokeslam onto a trash can, winning the Hardcore Championship!

Febaray 26, 2001 Raw: In a match for the No. 1 contender spot for the Women's Title, Molly Holly and Lita faced off. The two women took it to each other in the ring, and Matt Hardy and Crash exchanged words on the outside. As the referee was trying to break up a fight between Matt and Crash, Raven's mystery ninja came to the ring and attacked Molly! Lita then scored the pin for the win!

Later, Raven challenged Chris Jericho to the Intercontinental Title, but before the match, Raven said that since he had cemented his place as the greatest Hardcore Champion in history, he was expanding the Raven Effect to the Intercontinental Title. Y2J just told "Raisin" to shut the hell up! Raven took control of the match right away in high-paced action, but Jericho soon took over. Then, the ninja that has been helping Raven came to the ring and tried to hit Jericho with a two by four... But, Molly Holly ran out and held back the woman, causing her to accidentally clobber Raven! After Jericho scored the pin, Molly tried to rip the mask off the women, but she and Raven escaped before her identity could be revealed.

March 4, 2001 Sunday Night Heat: European Champion, Test, defeated Raven

March 11, 2001 Sunday Night Heat: Raven (with Ninja Girl) defeated Crash Holly (with Molly Holly)
This was the first time that the ninja had actually accompanied Raven to the ring, instead of just interjecting herself in the middle of a bout! The ninja soon tried to interject herself in the bout, and she helped Raven to defeat Crash with a DDT! After the bout, Molly snuck up behind the ninja and unmasked her -- revealing her to be Tori! (And then we never heard from her again... *sniffles* Another lost angle...)

March 18, 2001 Sunday Night Heat: Raven defeated Val Venis

April 1, 2001 Sunday Night Heat: Hardcore Champion Raven, defeated Essa Rios

April 8, 2001 Sunday Night Heat: Haku defeated Raven

April 22, 2001 Sunday Night Heat: Perry Saturn defeated Raven

April 29, 2001 Sunday Night Heat before Backlash: Raven defeated Justin Credible, and Lita defeated Molly Holly.

May 20, 2001 Sunday Night Heat Judgement Day: Raven defeated Val Venis

May 31, 2001 Smackdown: WWF Hardcore Championship Raven vs. Rhyno. Raven hits Rhyno with a lot of trashcan lid shots, and Rhyno goes under the ring and brings out a table. Rhyno GORES himself headfirst into a garbage can, and stays in it. Raven uses the kitchen sink, but Rhyno reversed a whip into a bearhug and rams Raven into the table and wins

June 10, 2001 Sunday Night Heat: Christian defeated Raven

June 24, 2001 Sunday Night Heat: Raven defeated Haku

July 1, 2001 Sunday Night Heat: Rhyno defeated Raven

July 8, 2001 Sunday Night Heat: Raven defeated Hardcore Holly

July 9, 2001 Raw: ECW is reformed during a Storm/Awesome vs Kane/Jericho match. Mayhem insues for the next couple months.

August 19, 2001 Sunday Night Heat before SummerSlam: Raven and Justin Credible defeated Kaientai

October 14, 2001 -Sunday Night Heat- Raven w/Terrie and Justin Credible vs. The Hardy Boyz w/ Lita for the WCW Tag Team belt

November 11, 2001 Heat: I, Sarah Ann, saw this match live. In real color. As real as Raven's underwear (which I saw a lot in this match). Billy and Chuck (when they were faces...and not as *cough* on the flaming side, as they are now) VS. Raven and Justin Credible. Chuck and Billy had matching orange trucks, and Raven had his red kilt on. And Justin was...Justin. Chuck & Billy won after Chuck super kicked Justin, and Raven was knocked loopy on the otherside of the outside of the ring.

November 18, 2001 Heat: Scotty Too Hotty, Albert, and Spike Dudley vs. Lance Storm, Raven and Justin Credible. Spike and Raven start off the match (One could say, because both Raven and Spike loved Molly Holly. All right, maybe only I thought that...) Scotty gets an opportunity for the Worm on Justin. Raven stops him and gives him the Evenflow. Spike gets in the ring and delivers the Dudley Dog to Raven. Scotty hits the Worm on Credible for the win.

November 18, 2001 Survivor Series: The Alliance (ECW/WCW) loses to the WWF. So far Raven is gone. But, he'll be back. He will be like the phoenix rising!

Ha! Told you all he'd be back! He came back to the WWE for the WWE roster split, as a newly formed blonde. But, before that, he was in the HWA working shows and booking.

Feburary 16, 2002 HWA at Red Barn: Raven and Dreamer run in and save Mike Sanders from an attack at the hands of Johnny The Bull, EZ Money, and Steve Bradley. This leads to an impromptu tag team match. Raven and Tommy Dreamer vs. EZ Money and Steve Bradley - Tommy Dreamer wins this match for his team by his hitting a DDT on fellow former ECW member EZ Money.

March 25, 2002 WWF Roster Spilt: Raven is picked 14th for the RAW brand. Other people who were picked were, Tommy Dreamer, Team X-treme (who he's feuded with before), Justin Credible, RVD, Molly Holly and Spike (What?! Do you see a recuring theme of Molly/Raven?! LoL! It's not my fault if it's true!)

March 28, 2002 Smackdown: (in Philly, PA) Raven vs. Maven Hardcore match. Raven and Maven (which was orignally Mavens choice to verbally abuse on TE 1) fight for the title which Maven has. Dreamer gets involved, and then gets quickly knocked out for his troubles. Raven kicks Maven in the stomach, gives him the drop-toe hold onto a chair. Raven hits the Evenflow on Maven and wins the Hardcore title for himself and for RAW, which gets Vince mad enough to call him a 'freak' later.

March 30, 2002 Jakked/Metal: Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer. Raven's first match for WWF television since the Survivor Series PPV. Dreamer shoves Raven into the corner, but Raven pops him in the mouth. Dreamer stands on the apron and punches Raven on the floor. Raven grabs him and tosses him into the barrier. Raven breaks the 10 count before tossing Dreamer back in the ring. Reverse chin lock by Raven, but Tommy turns it into a neckbreaker to break the hold. Raven sidesteps Tommy, who runs into the ringpost. Tommy comes back with a flurry of punches, then a swinging neckbreaker. Tommy whips Raven into the corner and then hard into the opposite one. As Raven bounces off, Tommy catches him and hits a powerbomb and wins. This is Dreamer's second pinfall win over Raven, EVER. As well as Dreamer's first televised singles victory in the WWF.

April 1, 2002 RAW: Hardcore Championship Raven vs Bubba Ray Dudley Raven brought his shopping cart with him to ringside. Outside the ring, Bubba did some juggling with oranges, and then made orange juice on Raven's head!! Raven brutalized Bubba with various weapons, but couldn't keep Dudley down. Bubba downed Raven with a Samoan drop, and abused him with a arbage-can lid. Bubba went to the second rope, and Raven downed him with a fire extinguisher. Bubba recovered and hit a second-rope splash on the champion. Bubba set up a chair in the ring, and Raven dropped him face-first onto it! Raven went to DDT him on the chair, but Bubba hit the Bubbabomb and pinned him to win the Hardcore Championship! After the bout, Bubba screamed that the win was for D-Von!

April 2002: Raven does commentary with (the annoying) Jonathan Coachman on both WWF Exxess and Sunday Night Heat. (I only liked Tazz/Cole or Cole/Snow for my Sunday Night Heat programing. Or just Raven. But, not Coach...)

April 28, 2002 WWF Sunday Night Heat: Raven vs. Steven Richards: Steven Richards comes to the ring and gets on the mic. "Allow me some time to air a grievance. There is a man who is has soiled the reputation of a solid citizen in Steven Richards. Raven, two weeks ago you called me a whacko. My mind and body is in the best shape of my life. You sit behind that desk and critic the abilities of others. Step through those ropes and I'll prove to you that I'm not a whacko."
Raven had his fighting kilt...erm.. clothes on anyway. Raven backdrops Richards after a minor rally by Richards. Raven clotheslines Richards and hits him with a knee for a 2 count. Stevie tries the Superkick, misses, and Raven hits the Evenflow for the pinfall win. Thanks to a kick in the mouth by Stevie, Raven's gums were black and blue. (Poor Raven. I could have kissed them, and made them all better!! o_- What?!?)

May 19, 2002 WWF Heat before Judgement Day: Coach and Raven host. (This is where we also found out -or at least I saw- that Raven wears Tommy Hilfiger undies with his black kilt, when he's not wrestling! ^___^ )

May 20, 2002 RAW: Raven fights Jerry The King Lawler in his home city. Raven loses (big surprise there)

May 26, 2002 Heat: "I've been with this company for two years and the treatment I have received has been bad. My skills have been overlooked while others have been showered. Sometimes we make our own choice. Sometimes our choices are made for us. Sometimes there is no choice. Therefore, I quit." Raven leaves and walks into the back.

June 1, 2002 Heat: We find out that Raven has a match on Heat, because what he meant was he 'quit' from commentary. Raven vs. Shawn Stasiak. Raven Evenflows him. End of match.

June 9, 2002 Heat: Raven vs. Spike Dudley. Raven mostly dominated the match with a few offensive moves by Spike. Raven put Spike away with the Evenflow. (And this is the match, where I found out my Auntie likes Spike.)

June 16, 2002 Heat: Jeff Hardy vs. Raven. Jeff was disqualified, by attempting to choke Raven in the tv wires. (I don't care. Jeff/Raven is the best kind of slash EVER. Next too Benoit/Raven ^__^ )

June 17, 2002 RAW: Jeff Hardy vs Raven (The match of matching body paint...) Undertaker walks out to freak out Jeff. Raven slaps Jeff and then he slaps back. Hardy up top turnbuckle, and Raven crotches him. He goes up after him, with Jeff fighting him off. Jeff throws him off the turnbuckle and swantonbombs him to win.

Later on June 17, 2002 RAW: During the Undertaker/Matt Hardy match, Jeff Hardy ran out to help his brother. He's about to do a swantonbomb, when Raven runs out and shoves him off the top. Undertaker wins the match (not like that's important) and Raven throws Jeff back into the ring. Undertaker grabs Jeff by the hair and Raven produces a pair of handcuffs from his kilt and cuffs Jeff to the rope and goes off to put Matt in a submission move. Matt watches as Taker beats up his brother.

June 23, 2002 Heat pre-KOTR show: The Hardyz vs Raven and Steven Richards. Pretty good match, Matt Hardy did Stevie's Stevenkick. And as it looks like Raven and Stevie are about to lose, Raven starts walking out. Matt taps Steven from behind, and Steven misses with a clothesline. Matts kick to the Gut does the Twist Of Fate, and Jeff does his Swantonbomb. Matt covers and wins.

June 24, 2002 RAW: Vince creates the match of Raven vs Dreamer. Whoever loses is out of RAW. - Raven with two shoulders in the gut,three rights, three kicks, into the opposite corner, off the ropes with a clothesline. Waits for him to get up - kneelift - cover - 1, kickout. Climbs the buckles, knee across the back of the neck and drives him to the mat - 1, 2, no. Into the opposite corner, wow that's a loose turnbuckle cover - boot up by Dreamer. But Raven gets a clothesline. Bulldog shaken off and Raven goes sternum first. Dreamer right, right, ducks, right as Raven comes off the ropes. Clothesline, into the ropes, Dreamer with a powerslam for 2. Into the corner, boot up by Raven, Dreamer ducks the swing and hits a neckbreaker. Dreamer hooks the leg - 1, 2, no. Dreamer takes a run but Raven slips out - Dreamer's shoulder hits the post. Raven winds up for the Evenflow - but Dreamer slips out - gutshot, DDT of his own - hooks the leg - 1, 2, NO! Raven sent into the ropes, up on the shoulders - no, Raven down, Slop Drop by Raven - 1, 2, no! Dreamer into the ropes, no, he reverses, there's the Spicolli Driver - that's his move! 1, 2, 3! Dreamer makes the "my GOD I won!" face and man, there is NOTHING like seeing epic issues like this tackled in matches that take 2:24. --
As Raven is being escorted out, Matt Hardy comes and runs him into the metal garage door, and runs him into a car. As as well as wishing him to "have a nice trip!" (Wasn't that nice of Matt?)

Friday June 28, 2002: Raven in Washington D.C (with Molly Holly. Coincidence? I think not!) to read as a part of the WWE's "Get R.E.A.L. Read" program. He read "Where the Wild Things Are."

July 7, 2002 Heat: Raven Vs. Dreamer as a re-match for the match that stuck Raven on Heat (Well, more then usual). Raven starts by badmouthing Dreamer and spitting in his face. Dreamer wipes the spit off his face and licks it. Then Dreamer punches Raven and kicks Raven in the corner. Dreamer clotheslines, and both men go over the top rope. Dreamer takes a cup of some guys drink and spits that in Raven's face. Raven Russin leg sweeps Dreamer into the barrier. Dreamer goes for the Spicoli Driver, reversed into an Evenflow, reversed into a DDT by Dreamer. Raven hits the Evenflow for the win.

July 14, 2002 Heat: Raven vs. Bradshaw for Hardcore Title. Bradshaw keeps his title, but not before hog-tying Raven in the ring. ^__^

July 28, 2002 Heat: Raven tells Terri (before his match against Crash) that he's going to make Heat his 'own personal playground.' And then goes and wins against Crash by seemingly hurting Crash's leg and trying to make himself a heel (Like that'll ever happen. He's way too lovable to be a heel. ^___^ )

August 4, 2002 Heat: Raven intrupts the broadcasting duo of D'Lo and Coach, sighting his decree of making Heat his own personal playground which means he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants (Kinda like his 'Ravens rules' in WCW) He ends up saying D'Lo cheated on the C.P.A. exam and D'Lo and Raven end up fighting. D'Lo knocks Raven over the announce table, to the floor.

September 1, 2002: - Sunday Night Heat - At MSG, D'Lo wins over Raven thanks to the Sky High. And the crowd chanted 'ECDub' for Raven. ^_^

September 8, 2002 - Sunday Night Heat- Raven and Spike fight. Raven pretty much was good enough to win this match, 'cept he kept on getting distracted by glaring at D'Lo and doing that one to many time, had Spike winning after Raven started yelling at D'Lo and D'Lo stood up on the announce table and Spike sneakily stole a win.

September 15, 2002 -Sunday Night Heat- Raven defeated Johnny The Bull. Raven gave him the match, because pre-match Johnny was talking about how Raven still owed him money from Johnny trying to beat D'Lo. And Raven said he didn't get the job done, so no money. Johnny the Guido, gets annoyed and Raven says he'd give him the satsfaction of being beaten by Raven. Or something like that.

September 29, 2002 - Sunday Night Heat- Raven and Spike match (return match from the last time they fought) Spike wins with Dudley Dog, and Raven gets rather mad and after the match Evenflows him.

October 6, 2002 - Sunday Night Heat - Supposidly this is the night the D'Lo/Raven fued would be over (hey! It maybe bad... but, it -is- giving Raven air time) but, of course, Raven cheated in the match by low blowing D'Lo to win. And Raven talked about the 'final solution' when he was talking to Terri pre-match.

October 13, 2002 - Sunday Night Heat- They show parts of the D'Lo and Raven match. Coach interviews Raven in the ring, Raven says some of his normal confusing things. It was something about showing us (the viewing public) 'a statement that will expose the hypocrisy that shows the WWE and society' and something about being 'seduced by depravity' and Lita (who is now co-hosting with Coach) is just as confused.

October 21st, 2002 - Sunday Night Heat- Raven won over Justin Credible

December 29, 2002- Sunday Night Heat- "if/when Raven wins, he can be on RAW" Raven vs. Dreamer. Raven takes off his skirt (Wooo!) and shows the world that he wears normal black wrestling trunks (-pouts-) in a show of... Ummm, that Dreamer gets him so mad, that he strips? (Ah, just in my mind...) Dreamer bits him, and Coach calls Dreamers bulldog a "modified Dudley Dog" (sigh.) Dreamer hits his DDT, but Raven kicks out. When the ref checks on Raven, Tommy pushes him away, and Raven hits a (rather sneaky) low blow and wins the match and gets to go on Raw! (Hoorah!)

Janurary 20, 2003- official pink slip.
WWE parts ways with Raven, Justin Credible

World Wrestling Entertainment Inc., has released Raven and Justin Credible from their contracts. WWE wishes both men good luck in their future endeavors.

Januray 22, 2003 TNA NWA - The TNA locker room filled the ring to congratulate Jarrett. Jeremy Borash came in to interview Jarrett, but Raven ran in from the crowd, DDT'd Jarrett, and grabbed the NWA title belt. Raven then left ringside with Russo.

I would like to thank a couple of people and places for the collection of this bio of my hero Raven.
VF -who enjoyed the Spike Dudley-ness...I'mma sure-
Pure Cancer
and Her purty Spikey pagey

CRZ- for his grrreat RAW, Smackdown, (and a couple rare times) Heat recaps.

The Old WCW site (no longer up and running)

and the WWF(E) site for being the only place on the internt who keeps track of all the times Raven wins his Hardcore belt during House Shows, and for overall being a cool site

And finally Raven, for being cool all these years (Yes, even during the Scotty Flamigo/Body days. I like muh men to look like they just stepped off of a Miami Vice episode.)