Double Bulldog Bobby Duncum Jr. & Kendall Windham
Bulldog (jumping off second rope) Scott Hall Rick Steiner Chaz Taylor "Chaztiser"
Bulldog, jumping off 2nd rope w/ twist Aldo Montoya
Bulldog (jumping off top rope) Rick Steiner "Steiner Bulldog" Tiger Ali Singh "Tiger Bomb"
Bulldog (jumping off top rope, w/ opponent on partner's shoulders) The Steiner Brothers "Steiner Bulldog"
Bulldog (off the top rope) Rey Mysterio Jr.
Bulldog (from Backdrop Suplex position) Homicide "Zoolander"
Half-Nelson Bulldog Edge
Inverted Half-Nelson Bulldog Tokyo Magnum "Erect Smash" Matt Hardy "Side Effect"
One-Handed Bulldog The Great Muta Tiger Ali Singh Chris Jericho
Swinging Bulldog Billy Kidman Crash Holly Trish Stratus "Stratusfaction"
Inverted Bulldog Kaz Hayashi
Inverted Bulldog (jumping off the top rope, w/ powerbomb) Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko
Inverted Bulldog (off the top rope, w/ opponent sitting on partner's shoulders) Billy & Chuck "Code Red"
Upside-Down Front Facelock swung into Inverted Bulldog Shane Helms "Nightmare on Helms Street" The Big Show "Final Cut" Hurricane Helms "Eye of the Hurricane"
Legdrop Bulldog Marty Jannetty "Rocker Dropper/Showstopper" Johnny Ace "Guillotine Ace Crusher" Billy Gunn "Rocker Dropper/Fame-Asser" Scotty Riggs "Showstopper" Shannon Moore "Bottoms Up"
Legdrop Bulldog (off second rope) Mortis/Kanyon "Lethal Legdrop" Little Guido "Sicilian Slice"
Slingshot Legdrop Bulldog Little Guido "Slingshot Sicilian Slice"
Somersault Legdrop Bulldog Scott Taylor
Legdrop Bulldog Takedown Elix Skipper "Overdrive/Play of the Week/Play of the Day" Skip Over "Overdrive" Randy Orton "Ozone"
3/4 Headlock Bulldog Johnny Ace "Ace Crusher" Diamond Dallas Page "Diamond Cutter" Fatu "Samoan Bulldog" Bubba Ray Dudley "Bubba Cutter" Tommy Dreamer "Dreamer Cutter" The Hardy Boyz "Twist of Fate" Positively Kanyon "Kanyon Kutter" Satoshi Kojima "Kojima Cutter" Mike Barton "Barton Death Star" Caprice Coleman "Thermal Shock" Ron Killings "Truth or Consequences"
3/4 Headlock Bulldog (off the top rope) Gran Hamada "Hamada Cutter" Kaori Nakayama "Diamond Best"
3/4 Headlock Bulldog (after backdrop into air) Bubba Ray Dudley "Bubba Cutter" Sonny Siaki "Samoan Pop"
3/4 Headlock Bulldog (after over head press) Johnny Ace & Mike Barton
3/4 Headlock Bulldog (w/ flapjack) The Dudleys "3D - Dudley Deathdrop"
3/4 Headlock Bulldog/Face-First Wheelbarrow Suplex Spike Dudley & Roadkill
3/4 Headlock Bulldog/Inverted Crucifix Powerbomb The Backseat Boyz "Backseat Driver"
3/4 Headlock Bulldog (from Canadian Backbreaker position) Diamond Dallas Page
3/4 Headlock Bulldog (from fireman's carry) Diamond Dallas Page "Diamond Cutter" Marc Mero "TKO (Total Knock Out)" Roadkill "Barnburner"
3/4 Headlock Bulldog (w/ opponent sitting on top rope) Diamond Dallas Page "Diamond Death Cutter"
3/4 Headlock Bulldog (w/ opponent across partner's shoulder) Diamond Dallas Page & Bam Bam Bigelow
3/4 Headlock Bulldog (w/ opponent sitting on partner's shoulders) Johnny Ace & Kenta Kobashi
3/4 Headlock Bulldog (from powerbomb position) Vic Grimes "Grimes 'em Up" Nova "Smash Mouth"
Backflip 3/4 Headlock Bulldog Naomichi Marifuji "Shiranui" Spanky "Sliced Bread #2"
Somersault 3/4 Headlock Bulldog Johnny Ace "Rolling Ace Crusher" Masato Tanaka "Diamond Dust"
3/4 Headlock Bulldog (from Suplex position) Masato Tanaka "The Shotgun"
3/4 Headlock Bulldog (from Inverted Suplex position) Super Delfin "Osaka Stunner"
Swinging 3/4 Headlock Bulldog Spike Dudley "Acid Drop/Dudleydog"
Brainbuster Dick Murdock Jushin Liger Koko B. Ware "Ghostbuster" TL Hopper "Down the Drain" Eddy Guerrero Yoshihiro Tajiri Perry Saturn Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Double Brainbuster Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri
Spinning Brainbuster Masaaki Mochizuki "Twister"
Double-Arm Brainbuster Taka Michinoku "Michinoku Driver"
Inverted Brainbuster El Samurai "Inverted Brainbuster"
Fisherman Brainbuster Jushin Liger "Fisherman's Buster" Shoichi Funaki Mad Anthony McMurphy "Gridlock" Jazz
Fisherman Brainbuster (after Multiple Fisherman Suplexes) Ryo Saito "Fisherman's Express"
Fisherman Brainbsuter into Inside Cradle Shane Douglas "Pittsburgh Plunge"
Fisherman Brainbuster (off top rope) Jushin Liger "Super Fishermanbuster"
Fisherman Brainbuster (onto knee) Kid Kash "Bankroll"
Death Valley Driver Etsuko Mita Louie Spicolli Tatsuhito Takaiwa Perry Saturn Chainz The Godfather "Pimp Drop" Tommy Dreamer "Spicolli Driver"
Death Valley Driver (after triple powerbomb) Tatsuhito Takaiwa
Death Valley Driver/Powerbomb The Lost Boyz "Fall In Arcadia"
Death Valley Driver (onto knee) Billy Kidman
Inverted Death Valley Driver Kenta Kobashi "Kobashi Driver/Victoria Driver/Burning Hammer" Chaz Curry Man "Spicy Drop" Mark Briscoe "Cutthroat Driver"
Reverse Death Valley Driver Sean O'Haire "Cruel Intentions"
DDT Jake Roberts Micheal Hayes Jimmy Garvin Arn Anderson Rip Rogers "The Hustle" Raven "Evenflow/Raven Effect" Tommy Dreamer The Sandman Isaac Yankem "DDS" The Disciple
DDT (w/ opponent on partner's shoulders) The Steiner Brothers The Maximos "Maximo Explosion"
Double DDT The Freebirds
DDT (w/ Flapjack) Simon Diamond & Swinger "Problem Solver"
DDT (from Fireman's Carry) Angel Bryan Adams Brock Lesner "F5"
DDT (from running powerslam position) Dick Hertz "Penile Implant"
DDT (from Torture Rack position) The Messiah "Fall from Grace"
Armbar DDT (aka Single Arm DDT) Bobby Eaton "The Divorce" Scott Norton "Flashback" Jeff Jarrett
Double Armbar DDT Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart Swinging Armbar DDT Jeff Jarrett
Cradle DDT Konnan "Montezuma's Revenge/The 1-8-7"
Double-Arm DDT Kenta Kobashi "Kobashi DDT" Cactus Jack/Mankind/Dude Love Yuji Yasuraoka Danny Doring "Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma'am" Steven Richards "StevieT"
Swinging Double-Arm DDT Jeremy Lopez
Double-Arm DDT (head to back) Tommy Rogers "Tomakaze/Tommyknocker" Christian "Unprettier" Little Guido "Maritato/Kiss of Death" Billy Kidman "Kid Krusher" EZ Money "EZ Driver"
Inverted Double-Arm DDT (Head to Back)/Spinebuster Powerbomb Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke
Elevated DDT Shinya Hashimoto "Dangerous DDT" Barry Windham "The Implant" Super Delfin "D Stunner" Gangrel "The Impaler" MAKOTO "Visual Driver" Lodi "Sign Off" Justin Credible "That’s Incredible" Edge "Buzzkiller/Edgecution"
Spinning Elevated DDT Skull Von Krush "Skull Krusher" Big Vito "Paisan Plant/Big Vito Special" Onyx "Blackout"
Fisherman DDT Shinya Hashimoto Super Delfin
Floatover DDT The Rock
DDT (w/ inverted powerbomb) Nova & The Blue Meanie "The Blue Light Special"
Jumping DDT Jeff Jarrett The Undertaker
DDT (jumping off 2nd rope) Prince Iaukea
DDT (jumping off top rope) Scott Taylor
DDT (off the top rope) Badstreet "911"
DDT (w/ opponent sitting on top rope) Jerry Lynn
Slingshot DDT Kaz Hayashi
Snapmare DDT Johnny Ace "Johnny Spike"
Springboard DDT Shinjiro Otani "Swandive DDT"
Swinging DDT Masato Tanaka Eddy Guerrero Billy Gunn Chavo Guerrero Jr. "Tornado DDT" Jerry Lynn
Jumping Swinging DDT Diamond Dallas Page "Diamond Dream"
Swinging DDT (jumping off the ropes) Gran Hamada Super Delfin
Springboard Swinging DDT Jody Fleisch "Phoenix DDT"
Inverted DDT Skinner "Gatorbreaker" Barry Horowitz "The Winning Move" Tex Slazenger Shanghai Pierce Henry O. Godwinn "Slop Drop" Phineas Godwinn "Slop Drop" Sting "Scorpion Deathdrop" Mark Cantebury "Problem Solver" Dennis Knight "Problem Solver" Mideon "The Eye Opener" Meat "Meatgrinder" Brian Fury "Beauty Mark" Blade Bordeaux "Gator Drop"
Inverted DDT (onto knee) Christian
Inverted DDT (from Bodyslam Position) Johnny Smith "British Fall"
Inverted DDT (from fireman's carry position) Simon Diamond "Simonizer"
Inverted DDT (from Front Chest Slam position) Pete Gas
Inverted DDT (off second rope) Brian Christopher
Somersault Inverted DDT Villano V
Swinging Inverted DDT Shinjiro Otani El Samurai Nova Super Crazy James Storm "Hangman's Noose"
Elevated Inverted DDT Axl Rotten "SST (Severe Skull Trauma)" D-Von Dudley "Saving Grace"
Falling Inverted DDT Christian Devon Storm "Eye of the Storm"
Swinging Falling Inverted DDT Christian
Falling Inverted DDT (followed by regular Inverted DDT) Nova "DDT Squared"
Falling Inverted DDT (w/ sideslam) Edge & Christian Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger
Falling Inverted DDT (w/ sleeperhold) Matt Hardy Chyna Shannon Moore "Sleeperslam" Billy Gunn Chris Jericho "Flashback"
Springboard Moonsault into Inverted DDT AJ Styles
Tilt-a-Whirl Inverted DDT Red
Jawbreaker Terry Taylor Barry Horowitz
Super Jawbreaker Kaz Hayashi
Sitting Jawbreaker Shiima Nobunaga Jeff Hardy
Neckbreaker Rick Rude "Rude Awakening" Owen Hart Brian Pillman Hawk Alex Wright Tiger Ali Singh Shawn Stasiak Slash "Decapitator" Goldust "Director's Cut"
Neckbreaker (after Facebreaker) Rick Micheals "Double Shot"
Upside-down Front Facelock swung into Neckbreaker Steve Corino "Old School Explusion"
Neckbreaker (w/ Cobra Clutch) Nova "One-Armed Bandit" William Regal
Neckbreaker (w/ Cobra Clutch)/Dropkick William Regal & Lance Storm
Neckbreaker (w/ opponent sitting on top rope) Kanyon Edge D-Von Dudley
Neckbreaker (w/ Backdrop Suplex) Johnny Ace & Kenta Kobashi The Dudleys The Acolytes The Movement "Double Impact"
Neckbreaker (w/ Samoan Drop) Shannon Moore & Shane Helms "Countdown"
Neckbreaker/Side Russian Legsweep The Baldies Neckbreaker (w/ top rope axehandle) Disorderly Conduct
Cross-Armed Neckbreaker Bradshaw
Fisherman Neckbreaker Kanyon Perry Saturn "Moss Covered Three-Handled Family Credenza" Micheal Modest "Golden Gate Spin"
Full-Nelson Neckbreaker Chris Nowinski
Neckbreaker (from spinning Gory Special position) Eddy Guerrero "Gory Special 2000" Ace Steele "Twist of Kane" Jay Freeze "Icebreaker"
Sitting Neckbreaker (from Gory Special position) Quiet Storm "Spinal Shock" Victoria "Widow's Peak"
Hiptoss into Neckbreaker Matt Hardy
Kneeling Neckbreaker Just Joe
Side Neckbreaker Mike Sanders "3.0"
Somersault Neckbreaker Super Nova "Nova Blast" Buff Bagwell "Buff Blockbuster" Rodney "High Society" Flash Flanagan "Whipflash" The Hurricane "Overcast"
Somersault Neckbreaker (w/ opponent being held by partner) Vicious & Delicious
Somersault Neckbreaker (w/ opponent sitting on partner's shoulders) Lex Luger & Buff Bagwell
Somersault Neckbreaker (w/ Powerbomb) Teddy Hart & Harry Smith
Swinging Neckbreaker The Honky Tonk Man "Shake, Rattle, n' Roll" Bobby Eaton Disco Inferno Rockabilly "Shake, Rattle, n' Roll"
Swinging Neckbreaker (off the top rope) The Hurricane
Sitting Swinging Neckbreaker Johnny Swinger
Somersault Swinging Neckbreaker Shannon Moore
Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker Chris Daniels "Last Rites" Nova "Spin Doctor" Reno "Roll The Dice" Chris Hero "Hero's Welcome" Steve Bradley Test "Test Drive" Sonny Siaki "Money Clip/Siakalypse"
Neckbreaker (from Argentine Backbreaker position) Big Dick Dudley "Big Dick Driver" Kanyon Prince Albert Julio Dinero "Jalepeno Popper" Mark Jindrak "MJ Delight" Taiyo Kea "Hawaii 5-O"
3/4 Headlock Neckbreaker Johnny Ace "Ace Crusher" Steve Austin "Stone Cold Stunner" Mikey Whipwreck "Whippersnapper" Disco Inferno "Chartbuster/Last Dance" The Disciple "The Apocalypse" Chris Hamrick "Dixie Driver"
Double 3/4 Headlock Neckbreaker Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihio Tajiri "Double Whippersnapper"
3/4 Headlock Neckbreaker (from fireman's carry position) Manaukea Mossman "Hawaiian Crusher" The Messiah "Godsmack"
3/4 Headlock Neckbreaker (from Inverted Powerbomb position) Tommy Dreamer "Tommyhawk"
Somersault 3/4 Headlock Neckbreaker Masato Tanaka "Diamond Dust" Shark Boy "Dead Sea Drop"
Belly to Belly 3/4 Headlock Neckbreaker Disco Inferno
Belly to Belly 3/4 Headlock Neckbreaker (w/ Hammerlock) Al Snow Mike Sanders "End Result"
Belly to Belly 3/4 Headlock Neckbreaker (w/ Half-Nelson) Shane Douglas "The Franchiser"
Sitting Belly to Belly 3/4 Headlock Neckbreaker (w/ Half-Nelson) Shiima Nobunaga Danny Doring "Bareback"
Neck Snap Curt Hennig
Neck Snap (off the 2nd Rope) Sean O'Haire
Reverse Neck Snap Shane Douglas
Piledriver Terry Funk Jerry Lawler Dick Slater Paul Orndorff Lex Luger "Attitude Adjustment" Shawn Micheals Tommy Dreamer Disco Inferno "Partycrasher" Billy Gunn Rhino Lance Storm "Deep Impact"
Piledriver (off the 2nd rope) Kanyon
Spike Piledriver The Brainbusters The New Age Outlaws Rhino & Justin Credible
Cradle Piledriver Jerry Lynn Lance Storm
Double-Arm Piledriver Mitsuhara Misawa "Tiger Driver '91" Kid Kash "Money Maker" Donovan Morgan "Sayonara" Jay Briscoe "J-Driller"
Kneeling Piledriver Larry Zbyszko
Back to Belly Piledriver Sanoko Kato "Crown's Gate" Genki Horiguchi "Beach Break" EZ Money "Pay Window/Money in the Bank" Yun Yang Face-First Piledriver Col. DeBeers Diamond Dallas Page "Trip to the Diamond Mine/Pancake" AJ Styles "Styles Clash" Bison Smith "Bisontennial" Crash Holly "Crash Landing"
Double-Arm Face-First Piledriver Hunter Hearst-Helmsley "The Pedigree" Sick Boy "The Cure" Stevie Ray "Slapjack" Chyna "The Pedigree" Judo Suwa "FFF"
Double Arm Face-First Piledriver/Face-First Wheelbarrow Suplex Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri
Sitting Double-Arm Face-First Piledriver Mikey Whipwreck
Sitting Double-Arm Face-First Piledriver (from Canadian Backbreaker position) Mikey Whipwreck Jose Maximo "Maximo Overdrive"
Spinning Sitting Double-Arm Face-First Piledriver Chris Daniels "Angel's Wings"
Backwards Double-Arm Face-First Piledriver Billy Kidman
Inverted Piledriver Mr. Gannosuke "Fire Thunder Driver" Koji Kitao "K-Driller" Scott Steiner "Steiner Screwdriver" Bam Bam Bigelow "Greetings from Asbury Park" The Colorado Kid "Rocky Mountain Flattop" Rikishi Phatu "Rikishi Driver" Tatsuhito Takaiwa "Takaiwa Driver" TARU "TARU Driller"
Inverted Piledriver (from Running Powerslam position) Mitsuhara Misawa "Emerald Frosion" Tommy Dreamer "Dreamer Driver" Kid Romeo "Romeo Relaxer" H "H Thunder"
Inverted Piledriver (from Suplex position) Scott Steiner "Steiner Screwdriver"
Kneeling Inverted Piledriver Don Muraco "Belly to Belly Piledriver" The Undertaker "The Tombstone" The Lightning Kid "The Lightning Strike" Fit Finlay "Tombstone Piledriver" Steve McMicheal "Mongo Spike" Kane "The Tombstone" Justin Credible "That's Incredible" Jamie Knoble "Tombstone Piledriver"
Kneeling Inverted Piledriver (off the 2nd rope) Chris Benoit
Spinning Kneeling Inverted Piledriver Justin Credible "That's Incredible"
Cradle Kneeling Inverted Piledriver Hiroyoshi Tenzan "Tenzan Driver"
Spike Kneeling Inverted Piledriver The Undertaker & Kane The Impact Players
Backdrop Suplex Piledriver Steve Williams "Backdrop Driver"
Spinning Backdrop Suplex Piledriver AJ Styles "Starmaker"
Bodyslam Piledriver Taka Michinoku "Michinoku Driver II" KAORU "Excalibur" Juventud Guerrera "Juvy Driver" Balls Mahoney "Nutcracker Suite" Vampiro "Nail in the Coffin" Dr. Wagner Jr. "Doctor Driver" Scott D'Amore "D'Amorealizer"
Bodyslam Piledriver (off the 2nd rope) Juventud Guerrera "Super Juvy Driver" Balls Mahoney "Super Nutcracker Suite"
Bodyslam Piledriver (w/ Hammerlock) CW Anderson
Back to Belly Bodyslam Piledriver Mariko Yoshida "Air Raid Crush" Vinny Massaro "Bitch Slap" Nova "Kryptonite Krunch" Mike Modest Crash Holly "Crash Course" Scott Vick "Vicktory" Shiima Nobunaga "Shubain" Kaz Hayashi "WA4"
Cobra Clutch Bodyslam Piledriver Chris Daniels
Cross-Armed Bodyslam Piledriver Shiima Nobunaga "Goriconoclasm"
Crucifix Bodyslam Piledriver Shiima Nobunaga "Iconoclasm" Mike Quackenbush "Quackendriver" Vic Grimes Ayako Hamada "Ayakonoclasm"
Bodyslam Piledriver (from Fireman's Carry) Akinori Tsukioka "Moonlight Bomb" Chris Chetti "Amityville Horror" Lash LeRoux "Whiplash"
Bodyslam Piledriver (from Overhead Press) Albert
Pumphandle Bodyslam Piledriver Tokyo Magnum "Viagra Driver" Scoot Andrews "Force of Nature"
Bodyslam Piledriver (from Suplex position) Hayabusa "Falcon Arrow" Perry Saturn "Saturn Bomb" Hardcore Holly "Hollycaust" Chilly Willy "Chill Factor"
Bodyslam Piledriver (from Double-Arm Suplex position) Chris Daniels
Bodyslam Piledriver (from Fisherman Suplex position) Shiima Nobunaga "Perfect Driver" Low Ki "Ki Krusher" Yang "Yang Driver"
Bodyslam Piledriver (from Inverted Suplex position) Taka Michinoku "Michinoku Driver II-Beta"
Bodyslam Piledriver (to the side) Akira Hokuto "Northern Lights Bomb" Kensuke Sasaki "Northern Lights Bomb" Al Snow "Snowplow" Kid Romeo "Last Kiss"
Double Bodyslam Piledriver (to the side) Akira Hokuto & Devil Masami
Cross-Armed Bodyslam Piledriver (to the side) Darkness Dragon "Darkness Buster"
Bodyslam Piledriver (w/ Figure Four on arms) Nova "Mercury Missile"
Tilt-a-Whirl Bodyslam Piledriver Air Paris
Upside-Down Gory Special Piledriver Megumi Kudo "Kudo Driver" Shane Helms "Vertebreaker" Homicide "Cop Killer"
Flipping Half-Nelson Piledriver Quiet Storm "Storm Cradle Driver"
Abdominal Stretch Antonio Inoki Mike Rotundo
Abdominal Stretch/Superkick The Rougeau Brothers
Double-Underhook Abdominal Stretch Shane Helms
Abdominal Stretch (w/ chinlock) Toshiaki Kawada Kodo Fuyuki "Fuyuki Special" Plum Mariko "Stretch Plum" Reckless Youth "Stretch Plum" Yoshihiro Tajiri
Abdominal Stretch (w/ leg over head) Antonio Inoki "Octopus Hold" Yoshihiro Tajiri
Ankle Lock Ken Shamrock Kurt Angle
Armbar (w/ arm scissors) Steve Blackman "Guillotine"
Armbar (w/ chokehold) Dan Severn
Armbar & Wristlock Blacktop Bully "Breaker One Nine-er" Barry Darsow "Barely Legal"
Reverse Armbar (aka wakigatame) Harry Fujiwara "Fujiwara Armbar" Maxx Payne "Paynekiller" Man Mountain Rock "Whammy Bar" Kurosawa Dan Severn Vincent
Double Reverse Armbar Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke
Reverse Armbar (w/ arm scissors) Perry Saturn "Rings of Saturn"
Backbreaker (across one shoulder) (aka Canadian Backbreaker) Jesse Ventura "Body Vice"
Double-Arm Canadian Backbreaker Brock Lesnar
Backbreaker (across shoulders) (aka Argentine Backbreaker) Lex Luger "Torture Rack/Rebel Rack" Hercules Ludvig Borga Manabu Nakanishi
Crucifix Backbreaker (w/ legs hooked) Gory Guerrero "Gory Special" Eddy Guerrero "Gory Special"
Upside-Down Crucifix Backbreaker (w/ legs hooked) Jerry Lynn
Bearhug Superstar Graham Andre the Giant Mark Henry
Side Bearhug Brock Lesnar "Brocklock"
Upside-Down Bearhug Dave Sullivan
Boston Crab Stan Hansen "Brazos Valley Backbreaker" Rick Martel "Boston Crab/Quebec Crab" Chris Jericho "Liontamer" Little Guido "Sicilian Crab" Scotty Anton "Claptrap"
, Boston Crab (across ropes, w/ arms hooked) Yoshihiro Tajiri "Tarantula"
Slingshot Boston Crab (across ropes) Tajiri
Boston Crab/Camel Clutch Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke
Boston Crab/Cobra Clutch Taiyo Kea & Johnny Smith
Reverse Boston Crab Kanyon Chuck Palumbo "Padlock"
Vertical Boston Crab Chris Benoit Chris Jericho "Liontamer/Walls of Jericho"
Vertical Boston Crab/Crossface (w/ arm scissors) Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit
Vertical Boston Crab (across ropes) Chris Jericho
Half Boston Crab Lance Storm "Straight Shooter"
Double Half Boston Crab The Baldies
Rolling Half-Boston Crab Lance Storm "Canadian Mapleleaf"
Half Boston Crab (w/ Armbar) Nova "Twisted Sister"
Half Boston Crab (w/ Hammerlock) Konnan "Tequila Sunrise"
Camel Clutch Gory Guerrero El Santo El Hijo del Santo The Iron Shiek Sgt. Slaughter Sabu The Sultan Scott Steiner "Steiner Recliner"
Camel Clutch/Boston Crab Kaientai
Cross-Armed Camel Clutch Jinsei Shinzaki "Nirvana Strangle"
Dragon Sleeper Camel Clutch Low-Ki "Dragon Clutch"
Full-Nelson Camel Clutch Steven Richards
Back-to-Back Chickenwing Red Rooster Chickenwing (w/ Crossface) Bob Backlund "Crossface Chickenwing" Syxx "Buzzkiller" Norman Smiley "Norman Conquest"
Choke Sleeper Nailz
Choke (w/ half-nelson and body scissors) Taz "Tazmission/Katahajime"
Claw Hold The Von Erichs Baron Von Raschke Blackjack Mulligan Barry Windham Kurrgan "Paralyzer"
Claw to groin Luna Vachon "Testicular Claw"
Claw Hold to mouth Mankind "Mandible Claw" Dude Love "Love Handle"
Claw Hold to mouth (w/ sock) Mankind "Mr. Socko"
Claw Hold to stomach Killer Kowalski
Cobra Clutch Sgt. Slaughter Ted DiBiase "Million Dollar Dream" Virgil "Million Dollar Dream" Jim Neidhart "Anvilizer" The Ringmaster "Million Dollar Dream" Vincent The Maestro "The Coda"
Cross-Arm Breaker Keiji Mutoh "Jujigatame" Craig Pittman "Code Red" Yuji Nagata Steve Blackman Dan Severn Kendo Ka Shin "Cross-Arm Scissors" Jerry Flynn
Cross-Arm Breaker (w/ head scissors) Steve Blackman
Crossface (w/arm scissors) Chris Benoit "Crippler Crossface" Yuji Nagata "Nagata Special II" Jado
Crossface (w/ arm scissors)/Anklelock Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle
Crossface (w/arm locked and legs tied) Steve Regal "Regal Stretch"
Crossface (w/ arm locked and legs tied)/Anklelock Steve Regal & Kurt Angle
Inverted Crossface (w/legs tied) The Great Muta "Muta Lock"
Dragon Sleeper Tatsumi Fujinami Ultimo Dragon Brad Armstrong The Undertaker "TCB (Taker Care of Business)"
Dragon Sleeper (across ropes) Low Ki "Bite of the Dragon"
Dragon Sleeper (w/ bodyscissors) Dan Severn Owen Hart
Spinning Dragon Sleeper Mayumi Ozaki
Full-Nelson Billy Jack Haynes Ken Patera The Warlord The Equalizer Maxx
Figure-Four Leglock Buddy Rogers Jack Brisco Ric Flair Austin Idol "Las Vegas Leglock" Greg Valentine Tito Santana Jeff Jarrett
Reverse Figure-Four Leglock Val Venis
Standing Reverse Figure-Four Leglock Steve Austin "That's A Wrap" Yuji Nagata Disco Inferno "The Last Dance"
Sideways Figure-Four Leglock Yuji Nagata "Nagata Lock" Eddie Guerrero "Lasso from El Paso"
Sitting Figure-Four Leglock Jushin Liger "Jailhouse Lock"
Sitting Figure-Four Leglock (w/ Double-Underhook) The Blue Panther "Panther Lock"
Grounded Front-Facelock (w/ bodyscissors) Stu Hart "Sugar Hold" Larry Zbyszko Jun Akiyama "Front Necklock" Tony Mamaluke "Sicilian Sleeper"
Head Squeeze Crush "Cranium Crush"
Upside-Down Indian Deathlock Allen Ironeagle Terra Ryzin Jamie Noble "Trailer Hitch"
Knuckle to Temple Sgt. Slaughter
Pendulum Halloween/Ciclope EZ Money "Pendulum of Pain"
Pendulum/Slingshot Legdrop The Maximos
Pinch to neck Haku/Meng
Pinch to neck, w/ arm wringer Yoshi Kwan "Zhao Jin Jiu Na"
Double Pinch to neck The Trooper "The Big Pinch" The Mountie "Carotid Control"
Pinch to throat Meng "The Goozle/Tongan Death Grip"
Stepover Inside Leglock Rick Fuller "Fuller Leglock" Steve Austin "Hollywood & Vine"
Scorpion Deathlock Riki Choshu Sting Ronnie Garvin "Reverse Figure-4" Bret Hart "Sharpshooter" Owen Hart "Sharpshooter" Scotty Anton "The Clapper/Claptrap" Ricky Banderas "La Patriota"
Scorpion Deathlock/Camel Clutch Fit Finlay & Steven Regal
Reverse Scorpion Deathlock Edge "Figure Four Edgelock/Edgeucator"
Scorpion Deathlock (w/ opponent's arms tied in) Konnan "Ziplock"
Scorpion Deathlock (using arms, aka Texas Cloverleaf) Dory Funk Jr. Terry Funk Dean Malenko Chip Fairway "The Sandtrap"
Scorpion Deathlock (w/o using leg) Eddie Guerrero "El Paso Lasso"
Single Leglock Repo Man "Crowbar" Koji Kanemoto "Legbar"
Sleeper Verne Gagne Dusty Rhodes Adrian Adonis "Goodnight Irene" Roddy Piper Brutus Beefcake Waylon Mercy
Sleeper (w/ armbar) Hiroyoshi Tenzan "Buffalo Sleeper"
Spinning Toe Hold Dory Funk Terry Funk
Step Over Leglock (w/ crossface) Masa Chono "STF" Erik Watts "STF" IRS "The Penalty" Alex Wright "STF" The Maestro "The Encore Tamon Honda "Tamon's Shooter"
Step Over Leglock (w/ Full-Nelson) Milano Collection AT "STFashion"
Step Over Leglock (w/ Rings of Saturn) Quiet Storm
Inverted STF Hiroshi Hase Kurt Angle
Stump Puller Big Bully Busick Doink
Vertical Surfboard Jushin Liger Rob Van Dam
Vertical Surfboard (w/ Dragon Sleeper) Super Crazy
La Mahistral Vertical Surfboard Tajiri
Thumb to Neck Don Muraco "Asiatic Spike" Terry Gordy "Asiatic Spike" Meng "Asiatic Spike" Glacier "Ice Pick"
Cradle (w/ Bridge) Bob Backlund Robert Gibson
Backflip Cradle (Rolling Prawn Hold) Owen Hart Marc Mero
Rolling Cradle Hector Guerrero "Jalepeno Roll"
Hurricanrana Huracan Ramirez
Hurricanrana (jumping off the top rope) Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Somersault Hurricanrana (jumping off the top rope) Dragon Kid "Dragonrana"
Springboard Hurricanrana Rey Mysterio Jr. "West Coast Pop"
La Majistral Cradle El Dandy "El Dandina" The Ultimo Dragon
Sunset Flip (off the top rope) Johnny B. Badd
Springboard Sunset Flip Ayako Hamada
Abdominal Stretch into rollup Osamu Kido "Kido Clutch"
Camel Clutch into rollup Gedo "Gedo Clutch"
Indian Deathlock into rollup Mona "Twin City Twister"
Suplex (into turnbuckles) Allen Funk
Release Suplex Sean O'Haire
Flipped Release Suplex EZ Money "EZ Bomb/Cha-Ching" Jason Jett "Crash Landing"
Spinning Suplex EZ Money "Electric Dreams"
Bridged Suplex (w/ Hammerlock) Junji Harata "Windmill Suplex"
Choke Suplex Tom Marquez
Delayed Suplex Lex Luger Davey Boy Smith
Snap Suplex Dynamite Kid Chris Benoit
Superplex Dynamite Kid Bob Orton Jr. Barry Windham Lex Luger Chris Candido
Superplex (while sitting on partner's shoulders) Mortis & Wrath Edge & Christian "Stackplex"
Backdrop Suplex (aka Side Suplex, Back Suplex) The Dynamite Kid Chris Benoit
Backdrop Suplex/Chokeslam Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue
Backdrop Suplex on partner into Moonsault on opponent Kenta Kobashi & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi
Backdrop Suplex on partner into Moonsault to the floor on opponent Mike Awesome & Crowbar
Backdrop Suplex (off 2nd rope) on partner into Moonsault on opponent The Haas Brothers
Backdrop Suplex (off the top rope) Dynamite Kid Chris Benoit
Backdrop Suplex into Elbowdrop Matt Hardy
Double Backdrop Suplex Rhythm n' Blues
Double Backdrop Suplex (off the 2nd rope) Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke
Backdrop Suplex/Clothesline Team No Fear
Backdrop Suplex/Powerbomb Jun Akiyama & Kenta Kobashi
Backdrop Suplex (w/ Hammerlock) Perry Saturn
Bridged Backdrop Suplex Yoshinori Ogawa "Backdrop Suplex Hold"
Double Forward Backdrop Suplex The Hardy Boyz Air Raid "Crash and Burn"
Spinning Backdrop Suplex Mitsuhara Misawa
Wristclutch Backdrop Suplex Shawn Micheals "Teardrop Suplex" Al Snow
Belly to Belly Suplex Magnum TA Scott Steiner Rick Steiner Shane Douglas Ken Shamrock Kurt Angle Chuck Palumbo "Chuck Deluxe"
Cradle Belly to Belly Suplex Akira Maeda "Capture Suplex" Taz "High Cradle Tazplex"
Belly to Belly Suplex (w/ Half-Nelson) Taz "Head & Arm Tazplex Saturn "Head & Arm Suplex/Gargoyleplex"
Belly to Belly Suplex (w/ Inverted Full-Nelson) Hardcore Holly "Gas Mask"
Double-Arm Belly to Belly Suplex Akira Taue Gary Albright Gangrel Elix Skipper
Belly to Back Suplex (aka German Suplex) Chris Benoit Madusa/Alundra Blayze Alex Wright Nick Dinsmore
Belly to Back Suplex/Dropkick Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko
Belly to Back Suplex/Spinning Heel Kick Shane Helms & Shannon Moore
Belly to Back Suplex/Superkick Badd Company Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn
Delayed Belly to Back Suplex Tamon Honda "Tamon's Powered"
Multiple Belly to Back Suplexes Chris Benoit "Locomotion/Rolling German Suplexes" Kurt Angle
Release Belly to Back Suplex Rick Steiner Chris Benoit
Belly to Back Suplex (into Rollup) Super Delfin "Delfin Special I"
Cross-Armed Belly to Back Suplex Manami Toyota "Straightjacket Suplex" Ultimo Dragon "Aztecan Suplex" Shane Helms "X-Plex"
Belly to Back Suplex (w/ Cobra Clutch) Johnny Ace Phil LaFon Taz "Head & Neck Tazplex"
Belly to Back Suplex (w/ Crossface Chickenwing) Tiger Mask IV "Millenium Suplex"
Belly to Back Suplex (w/ Double Chickenwing) aka Tiger Suplex Mitsuhara Misawa The Great Sasuke The Ultimo Dragon Koji Kanemoto Perry Saturn
Belly to Back Suplex (w/ Double Chickenwing, after Belly to Back Suplex) Super Delfin "Delfin Special III"
Belly to Back Suplex (w/ Double Chickenwing)/Heel Kick Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn
Belly to Back Suplex (w/ Double Chickenwing, off the top rope) Mima Shimoda "Death Lake Driver"
Belly to Back Suplex (w/ Full-Nelson) aka Dragon Suplex Tatsumi Fujinami Chris Benoit Shinjiro Otani
Belly to Back Suplex (w/ Full-Nelson)/Dropkick Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko
Belly to Back Suplex (w/Full-Nelson)/Superkick Chris Benoit & Shinjiro Otani Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn
Release Belly to Back Suplex (w/ Full-Nelson) Gary Albright
Belly to Back Suplex (w/ Half Nelson & Half waistlock) Kenta Kobashi Taz "Hardway Tazplex"
Belly to Back Suplex (w/Half-Nelson & Single Chickenwing) Tiger Mask "Tiger Suplex '85" Mayumi Ozaki "Tequila Sunrise"
Belly to Back Suplex (w/ Katahajime) Taz "Tazmissionplex"
Belly to Back Suplex (w/ Sleeper) Kenta Kobashi
Double Underhook Suplex (aka Butterfly Suplex) Steven Regal
Delayed Double Underhook Suplex Albert
Double Underhook Suplex (into rollup) Dave Taylor "Tea & Crumpets"
Face-First Double Underhook Suplex Rob Van Dam
Multiple Double Underhook Suplexes Jazz
Twisting Double Underhook Suplex Christopher Nowinski
Exploder Suplex Jun Akiyama Taz "T-Bone Tazplex" Saturn "T-Bone" CW Anderson "Ferris Wheel" Scott Steiner
Exploder Brainbuster Jun Akiyama "Exploder '98/Wristclutch Exploder"
Face-First Suplex Arn Anderson "Gourdbuster" JT Southern
Double Face-First Suplex The Brainbusters
Face-First Suplex onto ropes Chris Benoit
Double Face-First Suplex onto ropes Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri
Face-First Suplex (from Fireman's Carry) Shawn Stasiak "Perfect Plant"
Face-First Suplex (from Powerbomb position) Shiima Nobunaga
Face-First Suplex on partner (onto opponent) (off the 2nd rope) The Headbangers
Sitting Face-First Suplex Kama Mustafa Psychosis Christian Crowbar "Mindbender" K-Kwik "Hat Rack Crack" Ron Killings "True Conviction"
Sitting Face-First Suplex (after two Snap Suplexes) Christian Simon Diamond "Simon Series"
Sitting Face-First Suplex (off the top rope) Psychosis
Fisherman Suplex Harley Race "Bridge Suplex" Mr. Perfect "Perfect-Plex" Marcus Bagwell "Yellowjacket Suplex" Dean Douglas "The Final Exam" Scotty Riggs "Ameri-plex" Curt Hennig "Hennig-plex" Val Venis
Double Fisherman Suplex The Full-Blooded Italians
Multiple Fisherman Suplexes Ryo Saito
Fisherman Suplex (w/ hammerlock) KAORU "Takami Special"
Fisherman Suplex (off the top rope) Micheal Modest
Gutwrench Suplex (aka Side Salto Suplex) Ted DiBiase
Inverted Suplex Phil LaFon Steve Regal
Inverted Suplex (w/ Hammerlock) Billy Kidman
Inverted Suplex (off the top rope) Hurricane Castillo Jr. El Merenguero "Merengueroplex"
Forward Inverted Suplex Goldust "Curtain Call"
Double Forward Inverted Suplex Edge & Christian
Northern Lights Suplex Hiroshi Hase Owen Hart Rad Radford Bobby Blaze Prince Iaukea
Northern Lights Suplex (after two Snap Suplexes) Crowbar "Crazy Train"
Northern Lights Suplex (w/ Double Knucklelock) Barry Horowitz
Northern Lights Suplex (w/ Hammerlock) Junji Harata "Machine Windmill Suplex"
Northern Lights Suplex (w/ Leg Hooked) Kanyon
Pumphandle Suplex Scott Taylor
Face-First Pumphandle Suplex GAMI "X-Tornado" Razor Ramon II Goldberg
Half-Pumphandle Suplex Jun Akiyama "Exploder '99" Perry Saturn Al Snow Mike Sanders
Suplex (w/ Opponent sitting on shoulders) Susan Sexton "Electric Chair Suplex" Mike Enos
Suplex (w/ Opponent sitting on shoulders and his arms hooked across chest) Minami Toyota "Ocean Cyclone Suplex
Slingshot Suplex Tully Blanchard Van Hammer "Hammer Rocks"
Double Slingshot Suplex The Dynamic Dudes "Wipe Out"
Wheelbarrow Suplex Al Snow
Double Wheelbarrow Suplex EZ Money & Julio Dinero The Hardy Boyz "Spin Cycle"
Face-First Wheelbarrow Suplex Vader "Face Eraser" Henry O. Godwinn
Face-First Wheelbarrow Suplex on partner (onto opponent) Edge & Christian
Face-First Wheelbarrow Suplex/Bulldog Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke
Face-First Wheelbarrow Suplex/Springboard Dropkick Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr.
BREAKERS Atomic Drop Bob Backlund
Inverted Atomic Drop Bret Hart
Double Inverted Atomic Drop Too Cool Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire
Inverted Atomic Drop (w/ Jawbreaker) Nova
Atomic Drop (onto mat) Maiko Matsumoto Scott Taylor
Double Atomic Drop (onto mat) Too Cool
Full-Nelson Atomic Drop (onto mat) Bubba Ray Dudley "Bubba Bomb"
Atomic Throw Akira Taue Dustin Rhodes
Front Backbreaker
Side Backbreaker Bret Hart
Double-Underhook Backbreaker Chris Jericho
Backbreaker (from Backdrop Suplex position) Mikey Whipwreck
Backbreaker (from Fireman's Carry position) Victoria
Backbreaker (from Overhead Press) Nikolai Volkoff
Backbreaker (from Uranage position) Yun Yang
Pumphandle Backbreaker Eddie Guerrero Diamond Dallas Page
Slingshot Backbreaker Bobby Eaton
Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker Crush/Brian Adams
Facebreaker Triple H
Facebreaker (from Fireman's Carry) Shane Helms
Facebreaker (from Suplex position) Chris Hamrick
Tilt-a-Whirl Facebreaker Scoot Andrews
Facebreaker/Drop Toe Hold Al Snow & Steve Blackman
Double Facebreaker (from Double Torture Rack position) Christian York & Joey Matthews "Full Effect"
Gutbuster (aka Stomachbreaker)
Double Gutbuster The Bushwhackers
Gutbuster (from Argentine Backbreaker position) Albert
Gutbuster (from Fireman's Carry) Dean Malenko Christian
Gutbuster (from Fireman's Carry, off the top rope) Dean Malenko
Gutbuster (from Suplex position) Devil Masami
Gutbuster (from Exploder Suplex position) Jun Akiyama Danny Doring
Gutbuster (from Fisherman Suplex position) Low-Ki
Gutbuster/Overhead Press Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn
Double Gutbuster (from Overhead Press) The Villanos Kronic
Legbreaker Ric Flair
Legbreaker (from Fireman's Carry) Micheal Shane
Kneedrop Legbreaker Curt Hennig
Reverse Shoulderbreaker Papa Shango Scott Norton "Flashback"
Running Shoulderbreaker Rocky Maivia
Shoulder to Shoulder Shoulderbreaker (aka Muscle Buster) Damien Mohammed Yone Kid Kash "Bankruptcy"
Sitting Shoulder to Shoulder Shoulderbreaker Jay Briscoe
Armdrag Ricky Steamboat
Japanese Armdrag
Backflip Japanese Armdrag Mike Sanders
Airplane Spin Mike Rotundo
Airplane Spin (using opponent's legs) Lioness Asuka "Giant Swing" Chris Jericho "Lionheart Swing" Albert
Airplane Spin (using opponent's legs)/Dropkick Mexico's Most Wanted "Montezuma's Revenge"
Airplane Spin Slam Oz "Emerald City Twister" Sid Silver King Slash "Slash and Burn"
Argentine Backbreaker Drop Brian Adams
Spinning Argentine Backbreaker Drop Beef Wellington "Beef Cyclone"
Argentine Backbreaker Slam Kurt Angle "Olympic Slam/Angle Slam"
Back Body Drop
Fallaway Back Body Drop Hiroyoshi Tenzan "Mountain Bomb"
Bodyslam (w/ hammerlock) Arn Anderson
Bodyslam on partner (onto opponent) The Rougeaus The Quebecers
Inverted Bodyslam of parnter onto opponent The Hart Foundation
Tilt-a-Whirl Bodyslam Scott Steiner Brian Adams
Face-First Tilt-a-Whirl Bodyslam Glacier
Double Face-First Tilt-a-Whirl Bodyslam T & A
Cross-Armed Belly-to-Belly Slam Tokyo Magnum "Erect Smash"
Belly-to-Belly Slam (w/ Half-Nelson, aka Uranage) Hiroshi Hase Wrath "Death Penalty" Rocky Maivia "The Hase" The Rock "Rock Bottom" Booker T "Bookend" H "H Thunder" Darkness Dragon "Darkness Buster" Nobukazu Hirai "Yoku Bomb" Scotty Wrenn "Psycho Slam"
Double Uranage Diamond Dallas Page & Booker T
Double Backflip Uranage (off the top rope) The Maximos "Spanish Fly"
Uranage (from Backdrop Suplex position) Prototype "Protoplex"
Uranage (from Running Powerslam position) Monty Brown "Alphalution"
Uranage (from Sideslam position) Chris Harris "Catatonic"
Reverse Uranage Just Joe Mike Modest Kanyon "I'm Better Than You"
Reverse Uranage (from Fireman's Carry) Sean O'Haire James Storm "8 Second Ride"
Sitting Uranage Tony DeVito "Bronx Bomb" Twiggy Ramirez "Kiddie Pop Drop" Johnny the Bull "Fuhgeddaboutit"
Double Sitting Uranage The Briscoe Brothers
Sitting Uranage (from Backdrop Suplex position) Prototype "Protobomb"
Sitting Uranage (from Front Chest Slam position) D'Lo Brown "Sudden Impact"
Sitting Uranage (from Full-Nelson position) Christopher Nowinski
Canadian Backbreaker Drop Jesse Ventura "Bodybreaker"
Inverted Canadian Backbreaker Drop Brock Lesnar
Catapult (into bottom rope) Arn Anderson Tully Blanchard
Catapult (into 2nd rope) Prince Albert
Catapult/Superkick Billy Wiles & CW Anderson
Choke Slam Akira Taue "Nodowa Otoshi" JW Storm Scott Hall Sid The Undertaker 9-1-1 The Giant Kane Giant Silva The Big Show "The Showstopper" Nicole Bass Sumo Fuji "Nodowa Otoshi" The Wall The Hurricane "Hurri-Choke"
Choke Slam (off the apron to the floor) Akira Taue
Choke Slam (w/ Elbowdrop) Sumo Fuji
Sitting Chokeslam Sumo Fuji
Double Choke Slam The Undertaker & Kane Kronic "High Time" The Backseat Boyz "T-Square"
Inverted Choke Slam Akira Taue
2-Handed Choke Slam Reese
Sitting 2-Handed Choke Slam Big Dick Dudley "Total Penetration" Damaja "Brain Damage" Prince Albert "Albertbomb/Baldobomb" Stone Mountain "Landslide"
Cobra Clutch Slam Cobra "Cobra Slam" Van Hammer The Demon "Love Gun"
Falling Cobra Clutch Slam Billy Gunn "The One and Only"
Face Slam (after Backdrop) The Beverly Brothers "Shaker Heights Spike"
Kneeling Face Slam Ivory "Poison Ivory"
Sitting Face Slam Konnan X-Pac "X-Factor" Jazz "Jazz Stinger" Derrick King "DK Factor
Sitting Face Slam (after air throw) Shiima Nobunaga
Sitting/Kneeling Face Slam (as powerbomb counter) Billy Kidman
Sitting Face Slam (jumping off the top rope)/Inverted Powerbomb Juventud Guerrera & Rey Mysterio Jr.
Sitting Face Slam (from Argentina Backbreaker position) Harry Smith
Sitting Face Slam (from Canadian Backbreaker position) Susumu Mochizuki "Yokosuka Driver"
Sitting Face Slam (from Fireman's Carry Position) Teddy Hart
Front Face Slam swung into Sitting Face Slam Edge
Sitting Face Slam (from Hiptoss) Mikey Henderson
Sitting Face Slam (from Powerbomb position) Prince Albert
Sitting Face Slam (flipped forward from Powerbomb position) Shiima Nobunaga
Sitting Face Slam (flipped forward from Cross-Armed Powerbomb position) Jose Maximo "Skull Driver"
Sitting Face Slam (from Upside-Down Facelock) Billy Kidman
Springboard Sitting Face Slam Rey Mysterio Jr.
Inverted Sitting Face Slam Goldust Edge "Edge-O-Matic" Caprice Coleman "Teatown Trauma"
Inverted Sitting Face Slam/Spinebuster Edge & Christian
Cross-Armed Inverted Sitting Face Slam Shane Helms
Fallaway Slam Scott Steiner "Blockbuster Suplex" Scott Hall Bradshaw
Fallaway Slam (w/ Floatover into pin) Dave Taylor "Hail Britania/Britanic Slam"
Fallaway Slam (off the top rope) Scott Steiner Mike Enos Bradshaw
Fireman's Carry Slam The Wild Samoans "Samoan Drop" Corporal Kirchner "Airborne Slam" Micheal Wallstreet "Stock Market Crash" Irwin R. Schyster "Write-Off" Tatanka "End of the Trail" Horace "H-Bomb"
Fireman's Carry Slam (from Overhead Press) Violent J
Fireman's Carry Slam (off the second rope) Scott Steiner Mortis "Flatliner
Fireman's Carry Slam (after throw into air) Jamal
Fireman's Carry Slam (after throw from partner Jamal & Rosey
Somersault Fireman's Carry Slam Max Moon "Moon Landing" Steve Regal "Regal Roll" Fit Finlay Jorge Estrada "Trip to Graceland"
Flapjack Booker T D'Lo Brown
Flapjack on partner (onto opponent) D'Lo & Chaz
Double Flapjack The Midnight Express The Headbangers Perfect Event The Baldies "Fordham Flapjack"
Flapjack (from Bodyslam position) Kwee-Wee
Flapjack (from Fireman's Carry) Kanyon Perry Saturn
Front Chest Slam The Bezerker
Fisherman Front Chest Slam "Brutal" Bob Evans
Front Chest Slam (from Fireman's Carry) Essa Rios
Front Chest Slam (from Overhead Press) Goldberg
Full-Nelson Slam The Patriot "Full-Nelson Slam/Old Glory/Uncle Slam" Salvatore Sincere "Sincerely Yours" Horace Test Bryan Adams "Fatty Boom Batty" Rory Fox "Late Edition"
Inverted Slam Faarooq Asad "Tiger Bite" Faarooq "Dominator
Hurricanrana (w/o pin) Scott Steiner "Frankensteiner"
Frankensteiner (jumping off the top rope, w/ opponent sitting on partner's shoulders) Art Barr & Eddy Guerrero
Frankensteiner (w/ opponent sitting on top rope) Scott Steiner "Frankensteiner" The Ultimo Dragon Johnny B. Badd "Badd Day" Mikey Whipwreck "Frankenmikey" Rey Mysterio Jr. Chris Candido The Sandman "Frankensander/Heinekenrana"
Frankensteiner on partner sitting on top rope (onto opponent) The Headbangers
Frankensteiner (w/ opponent sitting on top rope, after boost from partner) Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr.
Frankensteiner (w/ opponent standing on top rope) Chris Jericho "Jericho Spike"
Inverted Frankensteiner (w/ opponent sitting on top rope) Koji Kanemoto Manami Toyota "Victory Star Drop"
Hiptoss Double Hiptoss from outside the ring in Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire
Double Falling Hiptoss Edge & Christian
Sitting Hiptoss Crowbar
Hiptoss partner onto opponent Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore
Hiptoss into Neckbreaker Matt Hardy
Double Hiptoss into Double Slam The Public Enemy The Mamalukes "Bensonhurst Bomb"
Double Hiptoss into Double Backbreaker Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Hare
Double Hiptoss into Double Powerbomb Christian York & Joey Matthews "Future Shock"
Double Hiptoss into Double Sitting Powerbomb Air Raid
Legdrag Tatsumi Fujinami "Dragonscrew" The Great Muta/Keiji Muto Chris Benoit
Double Legroll Slam Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri
Overhead Press Drop
Overhead Press Slam The Ultimate Warrior
Overhead Press Slam of partner onto opponent The British Bulldogs Kane & X-Pac
Powerslam Ron Simmons Steve Williams Junkyard Dog "The Big Thump" Lex Luger Animal Rick Steiner Jim Neidhart Jim Powers Paul Roma Ice Train Mike Enos Goldust "Director's Cut"
Pumphandle Powerslam Wrath "Meltdown" Bob Holly Test "The Grade"
Running Powerslam The British Bulldog
Running Powerslam (after turnbuckle slam) Steve Williams "Oklahoma Stampede"
Powerslam (from Suplex position) Goldberg "Jackhammer" Billy Gunn
Powerslam (from Northern Lights Suplex position) Lash LeRoux
Powerslam (from Slingshot Suplex position) Chris Daniels
Tilt-a-Whirl Powerslam Duke Droese "Trash Compactor Brian Adams
Pumphandle Slam Jerry Sags Jesse James "Chartbuster"
Sitting Pumphandle Slam Carl Ouelette
Side Slam Dino Bravo Kevin Nash Kurrgan
Side Slam (from Fireman's Carry) Joey Abs
Pumphandle Side Slam Kory Williams
Tilt-a-Whirl Side Slam Scott Steiner D-Lo Brown
Ring Rope Drop Eddie Gilbert "Hotshot" Steve Austin "Stungun"
Ring Rope Drop (from Gory Special position) Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Ring Rope Drop (from Exploder Suplex position) Jazz
Ring Rope Drop (from Powerbomb Position) Blackblood Jun Akiyama Al Snow
Tilt-a-Whirl Ring Rope Drop Mikey Whipwreck
Side Russian Legsweep Brad Armstrong Bret Hart
Side Russian Legsweep/Clothesline The Boogie Knights
Side Russian Legsweep/Heel Kick Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn
Side Russian Legsweep/Inverted Bulldog The Hardy Boyz
Side Russian Legsweep/Missile Dropkick Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore
Side Russian Legsweep/Neckbreaker The Baldies
Side Russian Legsweep/Superkick The Perfect Event
Side Russian Legsweep (off the 2nd rope) Kanyon Little Guido "Side Italian Legsweep"
Side Russian Legsweep (off the 2nd rope)/Powerbomb Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke
Side Russian Legsweep (w/ Cobra Clutch) Masao Inoue Johnny Swinger "Swing Thing"
Cross-Armed Side Russian Legsweep The Hurricane
Side Russian Legsweep (w/ 3/4 Headlock) Lash LeRoux "Whiplash 2000"
Side Russian Legsweep (w/ Singapore cane) The Sandman/Hak "White Russian Legsweep"
Side Russian Legsweep (w/ Upside-Down Facelock) Shima Nobunaga Terry Knight
Multiple Side Russian Legsweeps Raven
Face-First Side Russian Legsweep Jeff Jarrett "The Stroke" Danny Doring "G-Spot Sweep"
Double Face-First Side Russian Legsweep The Headshrinkers Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart The Ballard Brothers "Double Minor"
Double Hiptoss swung into Double Face-First Side Russian Legsweep The Island Boyz
Face-First Side Russian Legsweep (w/ Full-Nelson) Dennis Condrey Brian Christopher Lenny Lane "Memory Lane" Bobby Duncum Jr. Chris Jericho "Breakdown"
Full-Nelson swung into Face-First Side Russian Legsweep Rosey
Inverted Side Russian Legsweep Super Nova "Novacaine" Reckless Youth "Reckless Abandon" Mortis "DOA" Kanyon "Flatliner/That's A Wrap" Edge "Downward Spiral"
Double Inverted Side Russian Legsweep Simon Diamond & Swinger
Double Inverted Side Russian Legsweep (off the 2nd rope) The Maximo Brothers "Spanish Fly"
Inverted Side Russian Legsweep (w/ Half-Nelson) Crash Holly
Forward Inverted Side Russian Legsweep Naoya Ogawa "STO - Space Tornado Ogawa" Goldberg Julio Dinero "Crushin' Leg Sweep"
Forward Inverted Side Russian Legsweep/Dropkick Divine Storm
Spike Slam Big Bossman "Bossman Slam" The Guardian Angel Big Bubba Rogers "Bubba Slam" Ray Traylor "Traylor Trash" Mr. Hughes "Sidewalk Slam" Roadkill "Dirt Road Slam" Mr. Black "Blackout"
Double Spike Slam The Harris Bros. "H-Bomb"
Bearhug into Spike Slam Kurrgan
Gutwrench Spike Slam Johnny the Bull
Spinebuster Ron Simmons "Sidewalk Slam/Seminole Slam"
Double Spinebuster The Acolytes
Spinebuster (from Fireman's Carry position) Shiima Nobunaga
Spinebuster (from Overhead Press) The Wall Evan Karagias
Bearhug Spinebuster The Shockmaster
Spinebuster (off the 2nd rope) The Midnight Express "Gravedigger" The New Midnight Express
Over the Shoulder Spinebuster Booker T "110th Street Slam" Van Hammer "Flashback/Hammer Throw" Taz "Concrete Crash" Hardcore Holly "Alabama Slam"
Over the Shoulder Spinebuster/Neckbreaker The Maximos "Maximo Impact"
Double Over the Shoulder Spinebuster The Dupps "Brain Scrambler"
Spinning Spinebuster Arn Anderson CW Anderson
Turnbuckle Drop Vinnie Vegas "Snake Eyes"
Powerbomb Sid Dan Spivey Vader Adam Bomb "Atom Smasher" Diesel/Kevin Nash "Jackknife" Scott Norton The Undertaker "Last Ride"
Powerbomb/Choke Slam Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue
Powerbomb/Clothesline (off the top rope) Kronic
Powerbomb/Diving Clothesline (off the top rope) Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko
Powerbomb/Springboard Sitting Splash Edge & Rey Mysterio
Double Powerbomb Team No Fear D'Lo & Chaz "Shakedown"
Powerbomb (into reverse sunset flip) Kenta Kobashi "Jackknife Powerbomb" Chris Benoit "Wild Bomb"
Powerbomb (after Backdrop) The Faces of Fear
Powerbomb (w/ elbowdrop) Nova "Sledge-O-Matic Powerbomb"
Powerbomb (into turnbuckle) Kenta Kobashi "Dangerous Powerbomb"
Powerbomb (off 2nd rope) The Pitbulls "Superbomb" Rhino "Gravedigger"
Powerbomb (off the top rope) Chris Benoit "Superbomb" Chris Candido "Blonde Bombshell"
Powerbomb (over the top rope and through a table on the floor) Mike Awesome
Powerbomb (from Argentina Backbreaker Position) Akira Hokuto "Towerhacker Bomb" Nova "Hellavator"
Powerbomb (from Backdrop Suplex position) Tsuyoshi Kikuchi "Fireball Bomb" Powerbomb (from Chokeslam position) Mens Teioh "Miracle Ecstasy"
Reverse Powerbomb Al Snow The Big Show "Alley-Oop"
Reverse Powerbomb partner onto opponent Devil Masami & Cuty Suzuki
Crucifix Powerbomb The Diamond Studd "Diamond Deathdrop" Razor Ramon "Razor's Edge" Scott Hall "Outsider's Edge" Dynamite Kensai "Splash Mountain" Mike Awesome "Awesome Bomb" Joey Abs "Absolute"
Crucifix Powerbomb/Dropkick (off the top rope) Dr. Wagner Jr. & Koji Kanemoto
Inverted Crucifix Powerbomb Dynamite Kansai
Reverse Inverted Crucifix Powerbomb Just Joe
Crucifix Powerbomb (off the top rope) Dynamite Kensai "Super Splash Mountain" Mike Awesome "Kamikaze Awesome Bomb"
Crucifix Powerbomb (from Argentina Backbreaker position) WING Kanemura "Thunder Fire Bomb" The Great Sasuke "Thunder Fire Bomb"
Double Powerbomb Chris Jericho
Triple Powerbomb Tatsuhito Takaiwa
Double-Arm Powerbomb Mitsuhara Misawa "Tiger Driver" Scott Steiner Dean Malenko Chris Jericho Jamie Noble
Double-Arm Powerbomb (off the apron to the floor) Mitsuhara Misawa
Double-Arm Powerbomb (followed by regular powerbomb) Chris Jericho "Liondriver"
Double Double-Arm Powerbomb Mitsuhara Misawa & Yoshinori Ogawa
Gutwrench Powerbomb Test
Pumphandle Powerbomb Adam Bomb "Atom Smasher"
Spike Powerbomb The Skyscrapers The Acolytes
Sunset Flip Powerbomb (to the floor) Brian Christopher
Sunset Flip Powerbomb (off the top rope) Mike Awesome Eddie Guerrero Slim J "Red Alert"
Inverted Powerbomb Al Snow Juventud Guerrera Lenny Lane
Inverted Powerbomb (from Backdrop Suplex position) Christian York
Belly-to-Back Suplex rolled into Inverted Powerbomb (from Backdrop Suplex position) AJ Styles "Styles Special #1"
Inverted Powerbomb (from Fireman's Carry) Mikey Whipwreck
Inverted Powerbomb (from Overhead Press) Albert
Slingshot Inverted Powerbomb Randy Orton
Tilt-a-Whirl Inverted Powerbomb Allen Funk Kwee-Wee "Fruit Loop"
Triple Team Inverted Powerbomb 3Count
Inverted Powerbomb (w/ opponent sitting on shoulders) Nova "Scream Machine" Mortis/Kanyon Edge
Sitting Reverse Inverted Powerbomb (from Gory Special position) Chavo Guerrero Jr. "Gory Bomb"
Sitting Powerbomb Jushin Liger "Ligerbomb" Droz
Sitting Powerbomb (from Exploder Suplex pickup) Al Snow
Sitting Powerbomb (after two Piledrivers) Nova "Third Degree"
Sitting Powerbomb (w/ opponent's arms crossed) Taka Michinoku "Pyramid Driver" Super Crazy
Sitting Powerbomb/Neckbreaker Mortis & Wrath
Spinning Sitting Powerbomb Shinjiro Otani
Over the Shoulder Sitting Powerbomb Kanyon
Sitting Powerbomb (after back body drop) The Mean Street Posse "Stock Exchange"
Sitting Powerbomb (off the 2nd rope) Bubba Ray Dudley "Bubba Bomb"
Sitting Pumphandle Powerbomb Kenta Kobashi
Sitting Powerbomb (from Suplex position) Kenta Kobashi "Orange Crush Bomb"
Sitting Powerbomb (from Backdrop Suplex position) Jun Akiyama "Blue Thunder Bomb" Tomoko Watanabe "Screwdriver" Chris Chetti Val Venis Lash LeRoux
Sitting Crucifix Powerbomb
Kyoko Inoue "Niagra Driver"
Black Tiger "Black Tiger Bomb"
Konnan "Power Drop"
Mike Awesome "Awesome Bomb"
Michiko Ohmukai "B3 Bomb (Big Ban Bannie Bomb)"
Venom "V-Drop"
Steve Bradley
Sitting Gutwrench Powerbomb Terry Taylor Steve Williams "Doctor Bomb" Akira Hokuto "Dangerous Queen Bomb" Wolf Hawkfield
Running Sitting Powerbomb Jushin Liger "Running Ligerbomb" The Ultimo Dragon D-Lo Brown "The Real Deal" Shane Helms "Sugar Bomb"
Sitting Spinebuster Powerbomb Satoshi Kojima "Rydeen Bomb" Al Snow "Snow Bomb" Stevie Richards "Stevie Bomb" Billy Kidman D-Lo Brown "Sky High" Scott Putski "Putski Bomb" Balls Mahoney "Ballbreaker"
Double Sitting Spinebuster Powerbomb Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr.
Sitting Spinebuster Powerbomb/Inverted DDT Julio Dinero & EZ Money
Sitting Spinebuster Powerbomb (w/ inverted full-nelson) Pete Gas "Gas Mask"
Backhand Chop Ric Flair "WHOO!!!" Chris Benoit
Backhand Chop after Catapult Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond
Double Backhand Chop Ricky Steamboat Jimmy Snuka
One-Handed Chop (off the top rope) Ricky Steamboat Tatanka "Tomahawk Chop"
Two-Handed Chop (off the top rope) Hiroyoshi Tenzan "Mongolian Chop"
Double Axe-handle (to the chest) Ivan Putski "Polish Hammer" Scott Putski "Polish Hammer"
Double Axe-Handle (off the top rope and/also to floor) Randy Savage
Clothesline Stan Hansen "The Lariat" Lex Luger Nikita Koloff "Russian/Lithuanian Sickle" Hawk Kenta Kobashi Bradshaw "Clothesline from Hell" Satoshi Kojima
Clothesline (after splits) Lash LaRoux "Bourbon Street Blues"
Clothesline (off railing) Jeff Hardy
Clothesline/Knee Clip Midnight Express "Double Goozle" Barry Windham & Brian Pillman
Clothesline/Sweep Kick Raven & Perry Saturn
Sandwich Clotheslines The Road Warriors No Fear
Clothesline (from football stance) Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Clothesline (from football stance, after irish whip) Jim Duggan & Nikolai Volkoff Jim Duggan & Sgt. Slaughter
Clothesline from behind (following chest-first whip into turnbuckles) The Bolsheviks "Hammer & Sickle"
Flying Clothesline Barry Windham Rick Steiner "Steinerline" Dustin Rhodes Irwin R. Schyster "Write-Off" The Undertaker
Flying Somersault Clothesline X-Pac
Diving Clothesline Bret Hart The Shark "Shark Attack"
Diving Clothesline (w/ opponent being held by partner) The Hart Foundation "Hart Attack" Danny Doring & Roadkill "Lancaster Lariat of Lust"
Springboard Diving Clothesline Kid Kash
Clothesline (off the top rope) Hawk The Barbarian The Patriot "Patriot Missile" Dark Patriot "Scud Missile" Kane Bobby Walker "Quittin Time"
Clothesline (off the top rope, after irish whip) Thunder & Lightning
Clothesline (off the top rope, w/ opponent being held by partner) The Powers of Pain The Road Warriors Doom
Clothesline (off the top rope, w/ opponent on partner's shoulders) The Road Warriors Legion of Doom "Doomsday Device" The Destruction Crew "Wrecking Ball" The Dudley Boyz "Dudley Device"
Clothesline (off the top rope)/Powerbomb Kronic
Handspring Clothesline Lance Storm
Rolling Clothesline Konnan
Short-Arm Clothesline Jake Roberts
Slingshot Clothesline Brian Pillman Adam Bomb
Slingshot Somersault Clothesline EZ Money "Moneyclip" Jason Jett "Afterburner"
Springboard Clothesline Brian Pillman Kenny Kaos Mark Jindrak
Springboard Clothesline (w/ opponent being held by partner) High Voltage
Spinning Clothesline Steve Austin Diamond Dallas Page "Discus Lariat"
Elbow to the top of the head Dusty Rhodes "Bionic Elbow" Dustin Rhodes "Bionic Elbow"
Elbow to the top of the head (w/ opponent sitting) Greg Valentine "Brainbuster"
Spinning Elbow Mitsuhara Misawa "Rolling Elbow" Masato Tanaka "Rolling/Roaring Elbow"
Handspring Elbowsmash (into corner) The Great Muta "Handspring Elbow"
Handspring Elbowsmash (off ropes) Heavy Metal Yoshihiro Tajiri Jason Jett "Shockwave"
Running Elbowsmash aka Axe Bomber Larry Hennig Hulk Hogan Takao Omori
Sandwich Running Elbowsmash Team No Fear "Sandwich Crossbomber"
Spinning Back Elbow Smash Todd Champion Tracey Smothers "Jawjacker"
Double Spinning Back Elbow Smash The Rockers
Spinning Back Elbow Smash (off the 2nd rope) Shane Douglas
Spinning Back Elbow Smash (off the top rope) Tracey Smothers "Jawjacker"
Spinning Back Elbow Smash (off the top rope, w/ opponent being held by partner) The Southern Boys/The Young Pistols
Springboard Spinning Back Elbow Smash Sick Boy
Forearm Iron Mike Sharpe
Forearm (off the top rope, w/ opponent in Canadian Backbreaker) The Wrecking Crew "Wrecking Ball"
Jumping Forearm Tito Santana "Flying Forearm" Terry Taylor "Five-Arm" Booker T. Scotty Riggs "Five-Arm/No Mercy"
Jumping Forearm (to bent over opponent's back) Tito Santana "El Paso del Muerte"
Jumping Forearm (w/ opponent being held by partner) The Allied Powers
Running Forearm Lex Luger Forearm Uppercut any European wrestler "European Uppercut"
Headbutt Bobo Brazil Junkyard Dog Haku/Meng The Barbarian Bam Bam Bigelow
Multiple Headbutts (w/ opponent's arms hooked) Al Snow
Assisted Headbutt to stomach The Bushwhackers "Bushwhacker Battering Ram"
Hip Attack Iceman Parsons "Buttbutt" Shiro Koshinaka Chilly Willy "Buttbutt"
Hip Attack (off the top rope) Shiro Koshinaka
Hip Attack (off the top rope, w/ opponent sitting on partner's shoulders) The Christopher Street Connection "Gay Basher"
Knee to stomach (while opponent is upside-down in corner) Kevin Sullivan "Tree of Woe"
Jumping Knee Brutus Beefcake "The High Knee" Johnnie Stewart Jun Akiyama Hunter Hearst-Helmsley
Jumping Knee (into corner) Jun Akiyama
Jumping Knee (off the top rope) Jun Akiyama
Knee to the back of standing opponent's head (off the top rope) Ivan Koloff Richard Morton Zodiac Raven
Lowblow (w/ partner holding opponent's legs apart) Nova & Kid Kash "Stonecutter"
Lowblow Chyna
Palm Thrust Jushin Liger "Shotei"
Palm Thrust (to opponent's chest) Swoll
Punch Ron Garvin "Hands of Stone" Johnny B. Badd "Tooti Fruiti/Dreamland" Abe Knuckleball Schwartz Diesel Jack Victory Bart Gunn Tank Abbot
Punch (after three jabs and shoulder shake dance) Roaddog "Juke n' Jive"
Heart Punch Stan Stasiak Oz Baker Mark Callous Crush
Spinning Punch Kerry Von Erich "Discus Punch/Tornado Punch"
Spinning Back Punch Aja Kong "Uraken" Masayuki Naruse "Crazy Cyclone"
Spinning Back Punch/Powerbomb Aja Kong & Mayumi Ozaki
Double Running Shoulderblock The Master Blasters
Shoulderblock (off the top rope) Ron Simmons The Patriot "Patriot Missile"
Slingshot Shoulderblock Mike Awesome
Running Tackle (aka spear) Goldberg Edge Rhino "The Gore
Jumping Uppercut Ken & Ryu "SHORYUKEN" Shiima Nobunaga "Venus"
Axekick Booker T "Ghetto Blaster" Bull Buchanan
Boot to the face Hulk Hogan Sid Kevin Nash Test
Double Boot to the face The Bruise Brothers
Boot to the face (in corner, w/ opponent charging at) Hillbilly Jim "Mule Kick"
Dropkick Jim Brunzell
Dropkick to face (while partner holds opponent upside-down) Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri
Double Dropkick The Rock n' Roll Express The American Males The Hot Shots "Sureshot"
Dropkick (w/ opponent in camel clutch) Kaientai Rob Van Dam & Sabu
Dropkick (off the 2nd rope) Jeff Jarrett
Dropkick (off the top rope) Brian Pillman Tom Zenk Owen Hart Booker T "Missile Dropkick" Alex Wright "Missile Dropkick" Chris Jericho "Missile Dropkick"
Double Dropkick (off the top rope) The Jumping Bomb Angels
Dropkick (off the top rope, w/ opponent being held by partner) The Southern Boys/The Young Pistols The Armstrongs
Dropkick (off the top rope, w/ opponent on partner's shoulders) Harlem Heat "Heat Seeker"
Forward Backflip Dropkick Paul London "Shooting Star Dropkick"
Springboard Dropkick Shinjiro Otani Taka Michinoku
Springboard Dropkick/Powerbomb Chris Hamrick & Julio Dinero
Springboard Dropkick/Powerbomb into Reverse Sunset Flip Shinjiro Otani & Chris Benoit
Springboard Dropkick (w/ opponent sitting in corner and chair over his face) Rob Van Dam "Van Terminator"
Springboard Somersault Dropkick Juventud Guerrera
Enzuiguri Bad News Brown "Ghetto Blaster" Owen Hart
Double Enzuiguri Christian York & Joey Matthews
Forward Thrust Kick Masahiro Chono "Yakuza Kick" Toshiaki Kawada The Barbarian "Kick of Fear"
Jumping Forward Thrust Kick Stevie Ray Steve Blackman "Lethal Kick" Prince Albert "Bicycle Kick"
Jumping Forward Thrust Kick (off the top rope) Steve Blackman
Kick to the Groin (w/ opponent in corner) Goldust "Shattered Dreams/Golden Globes" Dustin Rhodes "Dustbuster"
Kick to the shin Dude Love "Sweet Shin Music"
Heel Kick Tsuyoshi Kikuchi "Zero-Sen Kick" Dean Malenko Ken Shamrock D-Lo Brown
Heel Kick/Sweep Kick Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn
Heel Kick (w/ Springboard off chair) Sabu "Air Sabu" Al Snow "Air Snow"
Heel Kick (w/ Springboard off partner's back) The Hardy Boyz "Poetry In Motion"
Spinning Heel Kick Lightning Kid "Cloud Burst" Owen Hart Kwang/Savio Vega Syxx Jerry Flynn Shelton Benjamin "Money Clip"
Spinning Heel Kick (into corner) Savio Vega Jerry Flynn
Spinning Heel Kick/Sweep Kick The Eliminators "Total Elimination"
Spinning Heel Kick (off the top rope) Lance Storm
Handspring Spinning Heel Kick Ikuto Hidaka
Handspring Spinning Heel Kick (into corner) Low-Ki "Air Crest"
Springboard Spinning Heel Kick Shinjiro Otani
Springboard Spinning Heel Kick (w/ opponent on partner's shoulders) High Voltage "Power Plant"
Spinning Roundhouse Kick Ernest Miller
Spinning Roundhouse Kick (off the top rope) Ernest Miller "Feliner"
Jumping Sideways Kick Booker T "Harlem Sidekick"
Jumping Sideways Kick (w/ opponent being held by partner) Harlem Heat "The Big Apple"
Sidekick (off the top rope to the floor) The Great Sasuke "Rider Kick"
Somersault Kick Jushin Liger "Koppou Kick"
Spin Kick Sean Waltman Booker T Ernest Miller Savio Vega Rico
Jumping Spin Kick Sean Waltman Chris Jericho Rob Van Dam
Jumping Spin Kick (w/ chair over opponent's face) Rob Van Dam "Van Daminator"
Superkick Chris Adams Stan Lane Tom Zenk Haku/Meng Shawn Micheals "Sweet Chin Music" Stevie Richards "Stevie Kick" Savio Vega "Carribean Kick" Glacier "Cryonic Kick" Lance Storm Chuck Polumbo "Jungle Kick" Steve Corino "Old School Superkick" Shane Helms "Sugar Smack" Justin Credible Micheal Shane "Sweet Shane Music" AJ Styles "Sweet Stylin' Music"
Double Superkick The Rockers X-Pac & Justin Credible "X Marks The Spot"
Superkick/Knee Clip The Midnight Express "Double Goozle"
U-Turn Kick Rey Mysterio Jr. "6-1-9" Red "7-1-8"
Cross Bodyblock (off the top rope) Mil Mascaras Ricky Steamboat Brian Pillman Rocky Maivia
Cross Bodyblock (off the top rope)/Suplex The Midnight Rockers "Rocker-plex" Lenny & Lodi
Cross Bodyblock (Off top rope, w/ twist) Alex Wright
Frog Cross Bodyblock Shane Helms
Reverse Cross Bodyblock Nova
Springboard Cross Bodyblock Prince Iaukea
Elbowdrop Abdullah the Butcher Dusty Rhodes "Bionic Elbow" Greg Valentine "The Hammer" The Rock "People's Elbow/Corporate Elbow"
Elbowdrop (to the floor) Cactus Jack "Hipbuster"
Elbowdrop (off 2nd rope) Bret Hart
Elbowdrop (off 2nd rope, w/ Crab Dance) Gran Naniwa "Crab Elbow"
Elbowdrop (off 2nd rope)/Backbreaker Demolition "Demolition Decapitation"
Elbowdrop (off the 2nd rope)/Side Slam PG-13
Elbowdrop (off the top rope) Randy Savage Jerry Sags Test Danny Doring "Pantydrop Elbow" Perry Saturn Glamour Boy Shane "Elbow from Heaven" Shane McMahon Micheal Shane "Picture Perfect Elbow"
Elbowdrop (off the top rope) after Frankensteiner Christian York & Joey Matthews "Rebel Yell"
Elbowdrop (off the top rope while partner holds opponent's legs open) The Haas Brothers "Haas of Pain"
Elbowdrop (after walking the top rope) Mark Callous "Heat Seeker"
Elbowdrop (off the top rope)/Powerbomb Harlem Heat "Heat Bomb"
Elbowdrop (off the top rope, after powerslam) The Nasty Boys "Double Deathdrop"
Elbowdrop (off partner's shoulders) T & A
Frog Elbowdrop (off the top rope) Christian
Frog Elbowdrop (off the top rope) after Frankensteiner The Lost Boyz "Unholy Roller"
Slingshot Elbowdrop Kanyon
Slingshot Elbowdrop/Backbreaker Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri
Spinning Elbowdrop Buddy Landell "Corkscrew Elbowdrop" Duke Droese Gangrel
Fistdrop Jerry Lawler Ted DiBiase
Fistdrop/Somersault Splash The Hardy Boyz
Fistdrop (off the 2nd rope) Jerry Lawler
Fistdrop (off the top rope) Marty Jannetty
Double Fistdrop (off the top rope) The Rockers
Diving Headbutt Bam Bam Bigelow
Double Diving Headbutt The Faces of Fear Edge & Christian
Diving Headbutt (off the top rope) Dynamite Kid Bam Bam Bigelow Chris Benoit Hiroyoshi Tenzan Chris Candido Jun Izumida "Meterorite"
Diving Headbutt (off the top rope, w/ partner holding opponent's legs apart) The Dudley Boyz "WAZZUP!"
Springboard Diving Headbutt Rey Mysterio Jr.
Slingshot Somersault Headbutt Eddy Guerrero
Somersault Headbutt (off the top rope) Jeff Hardy "Swanton Bomb" Sean O'Haire "Seanton Bomb"
Springboard Somersault Headbutt Sean O'Haire "Springboard Seanton Bomb"
Karate Chop (w/ flippy floppy dance) Scotty 2 Hotty "The Worm"
Kneedrop Ric Flair Hacksaw Jim Duggan "Old Glory"
Kneedrop (w/ wobbly leg dance) Roaddog "Shake, Rattle, n' Kneedrop"
Kneedrop (to back of opponent's head) Damien Demento
Kneedrop (off 2nd rope)/Backbreaker Harlem Heat "Towering Inferno"
Kneedrop (off the top rope) Bobby Eaton Takako Inoue "Destiny Hammer/Takako Panic" Bob Holly "Pitstop Plunge"
Kneedrop (off the top rope)/Backbreaker Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn
Springboard Kneedrop TAKA Michinoku
Legdrop Hulk Hogan
Legdrop/Sideslam Johnny Ace & Mike Barton D'Lo & Chaz
Legdrop (between the legs) Bret Hart
Legdrop (between the legs)/2nd Rope Legdrop The Hardy Boyz
Legdrop (off the 2nd rope) Matt Hardy "Drop Shot"
Legdrop (off the 2nd rope)/Boston Crab The Rougeau Brothers The Quebecers/Amazing French Canadians
Legdrop (off the 2nd rope)/Reverse Boston Crab Lance Storm & Chris Kanyon
Legdrop (off the top rope) Bobby Eaton "Alabama Jam" Earl Robert Eaton "Tower of London" Bull Nakano Brian Christopher "Tennesse Jam" Psychosis "Guillotine Legdrop" Chris Candido "New Jersey Jam" Balls Mahoney "Nutley Jam" Bob Holly "Alabama Jam" Danny Doring "T-Back/Danaconda" Grandmaster Sexay "Hip Hop Drop" Bull Buchanan K.Krush Chris Hamrick "Confederate Crunch"
Legdrop (off partner's shoulders while he sits on the top rope) Chris Hamrick & EZ Money
Legdrop (off the top rope, w/ partner holding opponent's legs apart) Rey Mysterio Jr. & Juventud Guerrera "Nutcracker" Bubba Ray Dudley & Jeff Hardy
Double Legdrops (off opposite turnbuckles) Rob Van Dam & Sabu
Legdrop (off the top rope)/Backbreaker Al Snow & Steve Blackman
Legdrop (off the top rope, w/ chair)Sabu "Arabian Facebuster"
Legdrop (off the top rope)/Powerbomb The Headbangers "Stage Dive"
Legdrop (off the top rope, w/ opponent held in powerbomb position) Juventud Guerrera & Psychosis
Legdrop (w/ opponent stuck in ropes) Al Snow "Guillotine Legdrop" Unabomb "Guillotine Legdrop" Psychosis "Guillotine Legdrop"
Legdrop (off the top rope, while opponent held by partner) The Midnight Express "The Veg-O-Matic" Too Much/Too Cool "Veg-O-Matic/Hip Hop Drop" America's Most Wanted "Death Sentence"
Legdrop (off the top rope)/Backslide Shane Helms & Shannon Moore
Legdrop (off the top rope)/Tiger Suplex Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo
Legdrop (off the top rope)/Side Slam The Smokin Gunns "Sidewinder"
Backflip Legdrop (off the top rope) 2 Cold Scorpio "Droppin Da Bomb"
Corkscrew Legdrop (off the top rope) 2 Cold Scorpio "Tumbleweed"
Forward Flip Legdrop (off the top rope) Jason Cross "Shooting Star Legdrop"
Slingshot Legdrop Johnny B. Badd Asian Cougar
Somersault Legdrop Silver King Sonny Siaki "Flipmode"
Slingshot Somersault Legdrop Sabu Johnny Swinger "Swing Time" Victoria
Somersault Legdrop (off the top rope) Booker T "Harlem Hangover"
Somersault Legdrop (off the top rope, w/ chair) Sabu "Atomic Arabian Facebuster"
Spinning Legdrop Rob Van Dam
Spinning Legdrop (off the top rope) Johnny the Bull "Turbo Legdrop" Kimo "Kimo Therapy"
Splash One Man Gang "7-4-7" The Ultimate Warrior Tugboat/Typhoon Ice Train "Train Wreck" Mabel/Viscera Mark Henry Iceberg Slim "Ground Zero"
Spike Splash Men on a Mission "Hip Hop Drop"
Rolling Splash Rob Van Dam
Splash to opponent's back The Ultimate Warrior Kamala
Splash (into corner) King Kong Bundy "Avalanche" Sting "Stinger Splash" Makkhan Singh "Karachi Krunch" The Godfather "The Ho Train"
Splash (into corner, after springboard off partner's back) Edge & Christian
Splash (off the apron to the floor) Crowbar "Leap of Faith"
Splash (off the 2nd rope) Vader "Big Van Crush"
Splash (off the 2nd rope, facing away from opponent) Vader "Vaderbomb"
Splash (off the top rope) Jimmy Snuka "Superfly Splash" Buzz Sawyer Brian Pillman "Air Pillman" PN News "Broken Record" Paul Roma "Swan Dive" Renegade "Renegade Splash" Bob Holly "Overhead Cam/Pitstop Plunge" Fatu Val Venis "Money Shot" Roadkill "Amish Bomb"
Double Splash (off the top rope) The Hollywood Blondes "Atomic Blondes"
Assisted Splash (off the top rope) The Midnight Express "Rocket Launcher" The Fantastics "Rocket Launcher" The New Foundation "Rocket Launcher"
Splash (off the top rope)/Top Rope Legdrop (same turnbuckle) Nova & Chris Chetti "Tidal Wave" Yun Yang & Jamie-San
Splash (off the top rope/Top Rope Legdrop (opposite turnbuckles) The Hardy Boyz "Falling Fate"
Splash (off the top rope, after superplex) Power & Glory "Powerplex & Glorysplash"
Twisting Splash (off the top rope) Evan Karagias "Outrageous Corkscrew"
Twisting Splash (to the floor) Hector Garza "Corkscrew Plancha"
Back Splash Bam Bam Bigelow
Back Splash (into corner) Yokozuna Mosh Rikishi Phatu
Back Splash (into corner, w/ opponent sitting) Big Sal E. Graziano "Mt. Crushmore"
Back Splash (off the top rope) Dick Togo "Senton Bomb" Kaz Hayashi "Senton Bomb" WING Kanemura "Back YAMA Special"
Back Splash (off the top rope)/Top Rope Legdrop (same turnbuckles) Kaz Hayashi & Jamie-San
Corkscrew Back Splash (off 2nd rope) Koji Kanemoto "Rolling Senton"
Corkscrew Back Splash (off the top rope) Hayabusa "Phoenix Senton" La Parka "Corkscrew Moonsault" Jeff Hardy "Whisper in the Wind" Shannon Moore "Halo"
Corkscrew Back Splash (to the floor after handspring) The Great Sasuke "Sasuke Special"
450 Back Splash The Great Sasuke
Rolling Back Splash Rob Van Dam "Rolling Thunder"
Rolling Back Splash/Slingshot Legdrop Rob Van Dam & Sabu "Rolling Thunder"
Backflip Splash Hector Garza "Standing Moonsault" Rob Van Dam EZ Money "Tom Tom"
Backflip Splash (after handspring to the floor, aka Space Flying Tiger Drop) Tiger Mask The Great Sasuke Miguel Perez Jr.
Backflip Splash(off the top rope, aka Moonsault) The Great Muta The Genius "Honor Roll" Vader Marc Mero "Merosault" Hugh Morrus "No Laughing Matter" The Blue Meanie "Meaniesault" Essa Rios
Backflip Splash (w/ opponent standing, aka Moonsault Press) Jimmy Del Ray Marc Mero "Merosault" Chavo Guerrero Jr. TARU "MoonTARUto"
Backflip Splash (springboard off 2nd rope) Chris Jericho "Lionsault" Lizmark Jr. "Quebrada Moonsault"
Backflip Splash (Springboard off 2nd rope to the floor) Ultimo Dragon "Asai Moonsault" The Great Sasuke "The Waterfall"
Sitting Springboard Backflip Splash Sabu "Arabian Press" Rey Mysterio Jr. Jeff Hardy
Double Springboard Backflip Splash Chris Chetti "Double Springboard Moonsault"
Triple Springboard Backflip Splash Sabu "Triple Jump Moonsault"
Backflip Splash (after handspring) Hakushi Lizmark Jr.
Twisting Backflip Splash Chaparita ASARI "Skytwister Press" Blitzkreig "Skytwister Press" Yang "Yang Time" Red "Infrared"
Split-Legged Backflip Splash Rob Van Dam "Split-Legged Moonsault/Hollywood Star Press"
Forward Flip Splash Red "Red Star Press"
Forward Flip Splash (aka Shooting Star Press) (off the top rope) Jushin Liger "Shooting Star Press" Billy Kidman "7 Year Itch/Shooting Star Press" Marc Mero "Wild Thing/Marvelocity" Tokyo Magnum "Adult Video Star Press" Papi Chulo
Forward Flip Splash (off the top rope to the floor) AJ Styles "Shooting Styles Press" Billy Kidman "Kidmakaze"
450 Splash 2 Cold Scorpio "The Dis That Don't Miss/Scorpio Splash" Hayabusa "Firebird Splash" Flash Funk "Funky Flash Splash" Juventud Guerrera Rob Van Dam John Kronus Papi Chulo
Corkscrew 450 Splash Hayabusa "Stardust Press" Blitzkrieg "Skytwister"
Frog Splash La Fiera Art Barr Eddy Guerrero D-Lo Brown "Lo-Down" Rob Van Dam "5-Star Frog Splash" Shima Nobunaga "Mad Splash" Mike Awesome "Awesome Splash" "All That" Alan Steel "And Then Some"
Frog Splash/Superplex D'Lo & Chaz
Sitting Splash Earthquake/Avalance "Earthquake/Avalanche" Big Josh "Northern Exposure" Norman/Bastion Booger Rikishi Phatu
Sitting Splash (into corner) Syxx/X-Pac "Bronco Buster" Rey Mysterio Jr. "Rough Rider" Francine "Bronco Buster"
Sitting Splash (w/ opponent on 2nd rope) Big Bossman Kevin Nash Steve Austin Jeff Jarrett Mosh
Sitting Splash (off 2nd rope, facing away from opponent) Yokozuna "Banzai Drop" Rikishi Phatu "Rumpshaker/Banzai Drop" Big Sal E. Graziano "Bada Bing"
Sitting Splash (off the top rope) Doink "Whoopee Cushion"
Sitting Splash (off the top rope, w/ opponent standing) Mosh/Chaz "Bombs Away"
Sitting Splash (off the top rope, w/ opponent being held by partner) The Rougeau Brothers "Le Bomb de Rougeau"
Sitting Splash (off the top rope, after top rope frankensteiner) The Bodydonnas
Springboard Sitting Splash Rey Mysterio Jr.
Somersault Sitting Splash (off the top rope) Molly Holly "Molly Go Round"
Slingshot Splash Rick Martel Brian Pillman
Somersault Splash Steve Regal "Regal Roll"
Somersault Splash (to the floor) Johnny B. Badd "Badd Mood"
Somersault Splash (off the top rope) The Genius "Honor Roll" Jean-Pierre LaFitte/Carl Ouellette "Le Cannonball"
Assisted Somersault Splash (off the top rope) The Quebecers/Amazing French Canadians The Public Enemy "Drive-By"
Slingshot Somersault Splash Eddie Guerrero
Twisting Somersault Splash (off the top rope) Antifaz del Norte AJ Styles "Spiral Tap"
Vertical Splash Lou Thesz "Thesz Press" Tommy Rich Jim Steele "Steele Trap" Johnny Gunn Steve Austin Chris Harris "Wildcat Attack"
Vertical Splash (off the top rope) The Juicer
Multiple Stomp Ronnie Garvin "Garvin Stomp"
Stomp (off the top rope) Alex Wright
Backflip Stomp (off the top rope) Hikari Fukuoka "Moonsault Foot Stomp"
Double Stomp Kevin Sullivan
Double Stomp (off the top rope) Perro Aguayo
Double Stomp (off the top rope, through a table) Yoshihiro Tajiri
IF I missed anything oh well fuck it this is a long list