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  Monticello Lodge F & AM # 244

Monticello Lodge meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month.

Currently meeting at Green Springs Lodge 427
112 So Broadway, Green Springs,OH

Officers of Monticello Lodge
Worshipful Master

Paul Wott   (Marilyn)
120 Woodland Pl.
Clyde . . .419-547-9222 . . .419-547-6171

Senior Warden Mark Myles (Traci)
Junior Warden Greg Avery
Senior Deacon Jeffery Rogers
Junior Deacon Richard Lieb (Evelyn)
Tyler Bruce Gower   (Sonya)
Senior Steward Doug McCauley
Junior Steward Brian Rogers
Secretary James Avery    (Judy)
312 W. Buckeye St.
Clyde . . .419-547-7962
Treasurer James Wilson    (Gwen)           
636 Race St.
Clyde . . .419-547-9355
Chaplain Herbert Smith
Lodge Education Officer William Jones (Judy)

       Mail W.M Paul Wott or L.E.O. Bill Jones

Other Links: Grand Lodge of Ohio    
                    Free Masonary A Way of Life

                    Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Toledo


This page was created by Judy Jones


This page was last modified 2/26/07