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Baby Love

2002: "Welcome to the Baby Love Webpage!"

I hope that you will find this new webpage design easy to navigate. I've been experimenting with all types of webpage design so I'm reorganizing my pages. On this page you will find information on both the Ringsurf webring as well as the Webring ring.

You are all invited to join the Baby Love Webring Egroup. If you're interested in that, you can just click the icon below.

If you are here because you are interested in joining a Baby Love Webring, please read the guidlines below.

  • The site submitted to the webring may not include profanity or adult content.
  • The site must be family friendly.
  • The site must be about a baby that you love. Age of the baby doesn't matter (No matter how old they are, they are still your babies).
And finally, here are the links for the Egroup and both webrings.

Morgan William Home

Ringsurf Baby Love Webring

Webring Babylove Webring

Baby Love by morganlove
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