Many faithful believers of the Bible honestly think that something deemed so sacred and so holy as its story of Noah's Ark could never be proven wrong or discredited in any way. Well, I have definitely proven that it is only a fictional story and the conclusive proof is contained on this page. Please read as I explain all of the key contradictions that are written within it until you see this proof for yourself. Then you will surely know why this story cannot possibly be true. As soon as that is accomplished then the rest of the story doesn't need further explanation. I admit that I still have questions myself about what good it will do or what harm it may cause when a faithful believer fully acknowledges this proof. However, no matter what the cost, I honestly know that Truth is more important than any sacred myth. I have always felt that it is our responsibility to honor and defend the truth and I will always try to reveal the truth, and report all fiction, even within the Bible. The reason that I am treating this whole thing so seriously is because it is still being taught in Sunday Schools around the world as the honest truth. To me it is not only wrong, but it is also a serious world deception. Billions of good, well-intentioned, yet ignorant people in countries around the world are deceived into being made believers that this story is absolutely true when it is only fiction.
To preface Noah's story I will explain the reason why Noah was to build the ark in the first place:
God saw how wicked and violent the earth had become and God could not take it anymore. God's Creation was a total failure and it was time to wipe the slate clean and start over. (The implications are quite staggering. How could God be guaranteed that the second, third, or even fourth time would be successful, if the first time wasn't even successful???) So, God decided that the only right thing to do was to drown all living things, especially those evil and violent children of God. Because they, unlike God's later chosen children of Israel, were beyond any discipline, whatsoever. Those brats needed to be destroyed. So, God had to search desperately for anyone that was not influenced or trapped, at all, in the wickedness that had spread to almost everyone. Luckily, God found Noah, who had separated himself and his family permanently from associating with any of those wicked souls, living deep within a mountain to keep from taking part in the whole world's sin. (Is this familiar?) So, God then showed Noah that God was always to be feared by drowning all of Noah's neighbors. Then God promised Noah that it would never happen again, ever, because God loved him. (OK, maybe I'm being a little harsh.)
First and foremost, if all of mankind around the whole world were ever that wicked and "violent", then there certainly must have been many visible signs of riots, heinous crimes, rapes, murders, fights, wars, and widespread terror where noone could possibly have been safe from harm for even an instant. It is simply unbelievable to me that a Noah and his family would have been allowed to go ahead and build a huge boat the size of a cruise ship (which definitely would have been too small, anyway) on dry land, without facing immediate public outcry or severe bodily harm from such a heartless, violent crowd. The only way that a Noah could've ever escaped harm would've been with full-time protection from a battalion of armed guards stationed all around the ark day and night until the floodwaters came. I just cannot believe, even for a second, that this ever could've happened. But, that is just my own personal opinion. Now, I will offer some physical proof that this story is untrue and wholly fiction.
Wait, before I get to the important physical proof you first need to be aware of the fact that most religious beliefs about Noah's Ark are all wrong. Here is a test: Go ahead and ask any priest, pastor, even rabbi, especially those clergy from a seminary, exactly how long it took Noah to build the ark. Their answer will probably be the wrong one.
Here is the correct answer straight from the Bible: 75 years or less. Why? Here's why:
Before the ark was built-
Genesis 5:32; "And Noah was 500 years old when he became the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth." 6:10; "And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth" (added for emphasis). 6:13-14; "Then God said to Noah... Make for yourself an ark." 6:18; "And you shall enter the ark - with your wife and with your sons and their wives." 6:22; "Thus Noah did... that God had commanded him."
After the ark was built-
Genesis 7:6; "Noah was 600 years old when the floodwaters came on the earth."
That means that they only had 75 years between Noah's sons getting married (if they all were 25 years old at the time) and the flood, in order to build the ark. This is according to the Bible!
If you ask a cleric you will get this answer: 120 years to build the ark. "Huh?" you ask. Yes, most clergy leaders believe that it took 120 years to build the ark. It seems that they are making up their own rules when it comes to biblical interpretation. But, even worse, they are actually inventing their own scriptures out of thin air. Most clerics believe that God used Noah to warn the world about what God was going to do... This quote is from a prominent evangelist, "When divine love and mercy no longer produce repentance and reformation, as with the antediluvians, God’s justice demands destructive action." Yet, in the Bible, Matthew 24:39; Jesus states, "and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away." Excuse me, but my question is this, "Who's right???" (Hint: a Son of God would know what really happened by having God's infinite wisdom. ☺) However, I will now show you that the story of Noah's Ark isn't true and prove that Jesus was simply an ignorant believer of religious make-believe: fictional stories, pretenses, or hoaxes which "make" ignorant people "believe" them as being true. So, it doesn't really matter exactly what happened in the story or how long it took to never build an ark. --- Please read all of the following physical proof very carefully that this story is indeed a myth. I must caution you, though, because there is no turning back once you read it.
The only physical proof that you really need to know is the food situation. I know that it doesn't require a genius to figure out this one. I'll give you the fact that a Noah could've stored some animals to feed the thousands of carnivorous mammals, reptiles, and birds, for maybe a month. [* But, the fact is that there would had to have been another vessel the same size as the ark needed to carry about "one hundred thousand livestock animals" and two million gallons of drinking water to sustain those "five thousand carnivores" for one year: *] Genesis 7:11; "When Noah was 600 years of age, on the 17th day of the 2nd month--on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened." Then one year later: Genesis 8:13; "By the 1st day of the 1st month when Noah was 601 years old, the water had dried up from the earth. 14;- "By the 27th day of the 2nd month the earth was completely dry. 15;- "Then God said to Noah, 16;- 'Come out of the ark' " (num. abbrvs. mine). Besides, the total loaded weight would sink the ark! [◈]
Then, we come to the most serious question: What on earth would have been left to eat for the thousands of those poor starving carnivores and herbivores after a worldwide flood??? Keep in mind that after being underwater for months from a Flood all land would be completely lifeless and desolate; all plants and animals would have been dead and long gone as stated in Genesis 6:17, "everything that is on the earth shall die." [* There would have been absolutely "not one" other living thing left on land for the thousands of those starving carnivores or herbivores from the ark to eat for food! That means that those ark animals would have only starved to death once they reached land. It also means that they only would have been on: "one last voyage before extinction." *] Besides all of that, it would have taken more "months" for any surviving seeds to grow and ripen into food. But make no mistake about it. Five years "later" after carnivores left an ark there still would've been no prey anywhere for those predators to eat. Let's see - two zebras, plus two wildebeests, plus two antelopes, plus two gazelles, plus two pigs, etc., do not add up to many meals. Oh yeah, they were supposed to be busy reproducing offspring. So those poor lions, and tigers, and bears, etc., couldn't eat them anyway. But, there definitely wasn't an extinction of all carnivores thousands of years ago. Lions, and tigers, and bears, etc., are still alive, today. This improbable food situation, alone, proves that this story is pure fiction. The events were physically impossible and could've never happened like the written nonsense implied they did. The story of Noah's Ark is a myth and only fiction.
Moving on, it would have been virtually impossible for certain animals that only live in cold climates to have ever survived in the heat for a year. There is no way that the seals and the walrus-es would have been able to survive the coming summer heat with all of that blubber. Also, what would those fish-eaters have eaten for a whole year? Hmmm? Sorry, but you can't say fish. Remember, the Bible states that the Lord closed the door to the ark. Everyone was inside to stay for a whole year. There was no fishing done on that trip. Plus, there was absolutely no way that a Noah could have known about some animals like naked mole rats which spend their entire lives underground and have never even been visible above ground until they were uncovered late last century. Apparently, naked mole rats survived that universal flood, I mean, that mythical flood.
Next, let's examine the fact that only one pair (a male and its mate) of every unclean animal would have entered the ark. There was absolutely no guarantee that all of them would be fertile in the first place. So, since at least 'one' of the males or females out of the 'thousands' would have been either sterile or barren, the whole premise for saving only one pair from each kind of unclean animals is a bad idea. It is also far below the level of God's infinite wisdom. Because with only one barren unclean animal the whole premise falls apart and we are left with a myth. OK, then. How did anyone know beforehand that an ark was even "seaworthy" without first testing it in water? What guarantee was there that most of the animals, that never had been confined inside of a boat before, wouldn't get seasick and die, anyway? This is especially true because the animals would have been packed together like sardines with very limited mobility. Plus, the parasites, germs, and bacteria would have eaten them alive within a few months, anyway. I would definitely like to see anyone try to keep thousands of wild animals alive for a whole year while they are aboard a cargo ship at sea by caring for them with a "one-time" limited supply of resources brought aboard. Please don't even waste your time to see if it can be done. There was no such thing as refrigeration back then, so refrigeration is not allowed on that cargo ship and all of the animals will die of starvation before a year passes. Such a feat is totally impossible and cannot be done.
[* Actually, since it was supposed to be the very first worldwide flood in history there was no possible way for Noah and his family to know the exact number of years, months, or weeks that they would have to stay aboard the ark. So, there was absolutely no possible way for them to know how much food and drink to bring aboard, anyway! According to science if such a Flood happened today then all land would stay submerged for, at least, thousands of years. Besides, a few hundred feet below the tops of mountains won't add up to very much land! *] All of this proof should be more than enough real physical evidence to satisfy even the most skeptical believer. But, it is still not the best. Now it is time to bring this fictional story to an end.
Last, but certainly not least, now it is time to forever label the story of Noah's Ark as a myth. Pray tell: How would have most of the thousands of varieties of plants and trees that are alive today been pollinated without the help of any insects??? That's right. There are practically decillions of insects alive today and most of them eat huge quantities of fresh leaves, Not dirt. Caterpillars, in particular, have voracious appetites. So, please don't try to explain to me that decillions of insects patiently waited a year for a worldwide flood to subside and then even longer for any surviving seeds to grow into fresh leaves to eat. Also, please don't try to explain to me a ridiculous answer like Noah went around hunting down all of the hundreds of different kinds of queen ants and queen bees and thousands of different kinds of species of insects from all parts of the world and brought all of them back to the ark to start new colonies just like he was supposed to have done with all of the animals. The truth is that this fictional story is finished!
The only way, I repeat, the Only Way that "all animals and insects" are alive today is because there have always been huge un-submerged dry land masses, somewhere, capable of providing an abundant supply of plants (fresh leaves to feed the insects) and animals (prey for the predators) to "continue" the existence of all animals and insects that are alive today. That is the truth! I have given you ample and undisputable proof that the story of Noah's Ark isn't true. It is only pure fiction with ill intent written all over it. Believe me, I could go on and on about all the impossibilities of a real ark existing or of a real ancient universal flood ever happening. For instance, all of the animals in the world that were saved would have exited the ark on the mountains of Ararat, which possibly refers to Mount Ararat in Turkey. That remarkable event would have resulted in the creation of very recognizable animal herds, from thousands of different kinds of the world's animals all reproducing offspring for many generations throughout the Middle East. Yet, there is a huge problem with that conclusion and it is this: [* There is no scientific evidence showing that "all" of the world's animals lived in the Middle East. There are "no" surviving remnants, not one kind, of hundreds of "foreign" animals from other "continents," not even their ancient remains, (no wild lemurs, grizzlies, kangaroos, penguins, or even wild turkeys, etc!) neither within nor surrounding the whole Middle East, which covers thousands of miles - especially in Turkey, which also borders the Black Sea! Those animals did not leave an ark and then simply vanish from there without a trace - Poof. In other words, no foreign wild animals from four continents, oceans apart from Africa or Eurasia, have ever lived in the Middle East in the past or in the present. There is only "one" possible explanation: The Bible's story of Noah's Ark is a Myth... a Hoax, and a LIE!.*]
I am keeping this as brief as possible because I am not an author and I am not trying to write a book about this subject. However, I honestly think that it's about time for "someone" to write a book about it (hint). Trust me when I say that all religious believers should have serious questions raised within their souls for having such complete "blind" faith in myths like this one. It must be embarrassing to have believed that such a dumb story was true. If all religious believers would verify the truth of all outrageous statements that were made, then they would believe less lies, and they would learn more true facts.
*DISCLAIMER:* The aforementioned facts do indeed prove that the story of Noah's Ark, written word for word in the Bible's book of Genesis, is only a myth. Therefore, the Bible's god, Jehovah, along with the Quran's god, Allah, are both the very same mythical god of Noah. These facts also prove that Jesus Christ is only the mythical son of that mythical Jehovah, or the god of Noah (the so-called genealogical proof: Luke 3:23-38), thereby disproving Christianity as being the best religion in the world. All of this proves that the big three world religions - Judaism, Islam, and Christianity - are all based on ancient myths and ancient oral traditions that are written inside of a fictional religious book. Secular people are only seeing greedy religious people getting most of their money from gullible hard-working believers in order to stay in business. Everyone is expected to "do something positive" to end all religions, which are false and based on fiction, so that future generations will know that religion is only mythology or - religion/mythology.
Many religious scholars have told me that I am wrong, by using absurd, senseless arguments such as: "You weren't there when the actual flood occurred so you don't know what really happened," and "You are not reading the story correctly because that's not what the author meant at all." and "It is impossible that the writer of the text could have known about the millions of species of wild animals and believed that God put the obligation on Noah of taking some of each along with him." Well, no duh! Unfortunately, every single author who wrote about Noah throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible actually did believe that this particular "story" was true, and quite literally:
--- Isaiah 54:9; "'To me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth. So now I have sworn not to be angry with you, never to rebuke you again. 10; Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord." (Isaiah, the prophet, supposedly believed that nonsense!)
--- 1 Peter 3:20; "who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, 21; and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also." (The first Catholic Pope supposedly wrote that nonsense!)
--- Luke 17:24; "For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. 25; But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. 26; Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27; People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. 28; It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. 29; But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. 30;
It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed." (Jesus Christ, the mythical son of the mythical god of Noah, supposedly said that nonsense!)
There is absolutely no room for misinterpretation in any one of those literal statements. So, there is not one lifelong religious scholar who can honestly tell me that I'm wrong. I may be wrong about many things that are beyond my personal knowledge. Yet, I am not wrong by stating that the biblical god is a fictional character!
But, then they inform me that no mere mortal, such as myself, could ever disprove the existence of their god nor could I ever disprove the Bible as being the true Word of their god. Well, excuse me, but the only way that these indignant religious scholars can be correct is if they totally disregard every single sentence that is written about Noah within these chapters of the Bible:
Genesis 5, Genesis 6, Genesis 7, Genesis 8, Genesis 9, 1 Chronicles 1, Isaiah 54, Ezekiel 14, Matthew 24, Luke 3, Luke 17, Hebrews 11, 1 Peter 3, and 2 Peter 2, but also alluded to here: 2 Peter 3:5-8.
When anyone connects all of those chapters of the Bible together, then the only possible conclusion is that those so-called religious scholars are the ones who are wrong. It's too bad that most of them don't have the clear consciences to admit that their holy book, which is the only physical evidence that gives their religion any credibility, whatsoever, contains mostly fictional nonsense. Religious initiates, whether they meet in synagogues, churches, mosques, shrines, temples, or in other places of religion, are all stuck in a bogus organization that is just teeming with insincere phonies and hypocrites who are merely faking it for the sake of their own religion. I do have some sympathy for them, but I will never let them get away with trying to fake it while they are in direct contact with me. I simply will not cater to any of those scheming religious devotees as long as they keep imposing their ridiculous dogmatic theocracy on everyone within a secular society. (It is not "within an atheistic society" as some evangelists say because that is unfair.) There are many souls within a secular society that do know about a real godlike power, as opposed to just believing in a mythical god within some fictional religious book. We just don't belong to any organized sects except for being responsible citizens and good role models who show others how to live their lives the right ways. It's hard enough for us secular souls to have to experience religious "national" holidays year after endless year. Hopefully, religious believers will want to make the real world a better place for all of us to enjoy. If so, they can join secular groups of good people who are making it better for everyone.
OTHER RELATED LINKS: -- The Unholy Catholic Encyclopedia's Position. Read its epiphany of nonsense!
Then read: -- -- Back Cover of Noah's Flood. promoted this book on its webpage until 2003! -- The WebBible's Inaccurate Position. They believe that an ark was built in 120 years - with a fair warning. I rest my case. -- explains Noah's Flood Story. -- Noah or Utnapishtim from the Epic Of Gilgamesh??? -- CNN article on Black Sea discovery. -- Christian Science Monitor article on Black Sea. -- National Geographic research in the Black Sea. -- National Geographic explains flood legends. -- Whitley Strieber's Journal about religious fanatics.
[◈] -- 100,000 livestock animals to feed to 5,000 saved carnivores, plus 10,000 saved herbivores, plus 10,000,000 pounds of meatless foods for the
-- herbivores and livestock, plus 10,000,000 gallons of drinking water, plus various equipment - carts, containers, pans, pots, tools, wagons, etc. = "50,000 tons"
[#] -- HTML code copied from now defunct url:
[*] -- "undeniable facts" which are unable to be proven wrong.
[**] -- third eye spirit transceiver tuned into the universe's "god frequency" communication station.
Dear God: Please bless all secular souls who love the whole world.
Attention all religious souls: Please board the next comet out of here!
I'm just kidding. But, please be quiet and keep your religious nonsense to yourselves. Thank You.
God bless u.s. all.
(A God does exist until someone "like me" can successfully prove me wrong. I hope "to God" that never happens, though. ☺)