The Creation of Adam

This was the concensus view of the Christian world a few hundred years ago when Michaelangelo was commissioned by the Vatican to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  It's a great masterpiece, but they were spiritually small-minded back then.  Don't you find it odd that noone seemed to notice that in their conceptual depiction of an Eternal almighty Creator and the First created man, BOTH have NAVELS? (What on earth were they thinking???) - Sadly, believers still think that is what God looks like.

[ Someone deliberately lowered the god's body fresco (but raised his arm) and tilted Adam's body down to the right - to make them seem equal in status, most likely through Cosmic CGI /Paint?
  Notice how the god's eyeballs are still looking down to where Adam's hand was positioned "before" the change!  It only makes sense if Created = Creator or Human = God!  ( Raise Jehovah's body/fresco back up 2-3 inches and lower his arm on the painting and tilt Adam's body back up to the left 1 inch on it also. Then they would probably be looking at each other's fingers again.) 👍 ]

Zeus carrying Ganymedes

The Second Coming Of Georhovah
I Mean Allah, No Jesus... Aghhh!!!

Bow down, creatures! OH,GOD! NO!!! Bow down, creatures!

♫ Jesus Loves Me ♫

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