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little boy blue




And out you go..


Fear's Rival

r e t u r n  t o  i n n o c e n c e Little Boy Blue: Return to Innocence

Name? Rebecca

Nick - Names? Becky, Beck, "Hey, girl that sits infront of me in math class!" (yep, it's been known to happen..)

Hobbies? Writing, the internet, reading, Art,and history

School Activites? The Art Club, The Newspaper, The Lit. Mag and possiably the U.N. Club..whew, that's alot!

Boyfriend? I have friends that are boys...but no boyfriend

Friends? Kelly, the two Lindseys and of course Lindsay. Sometimes Natalie, if she isn't in a mood. Smith boy! Steve Spatchula (that isn't his real last name but shh! no one has to know..)Lauren, Danielle,JJ, Amy,Matt, Megan, Jen, Whitney and come to think about it, just about everyone...except for John

Book? Hmmm...I really like The Giver and The Cruciable

Singer/Songwriter? James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Paul Simon, James Croce and of course Brian Littrell

Band? The Strokes, and just basically anything that sounds halfway decent. I'm an all around music kinda gal

Boyband? BSB, of course

Fav BSB? Well let's see...Brian, Brian,Brian...and I think Brian too...