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Junebug's Novena Page

This page is dedicated to Novenas asking God to answer our prayers and
petitions. Many beautiful Novenas are published on the Web. Come here
regularly to find new links. Novenas are powerful prayers traditionally
prayed for nine continuous days petitioning God through the saints,
Our Blessed Mother, or Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.

Blessed Aloysius Guanella: Canonization, Charity
St.Anne: Mothers
St.Anthony: Lost Articles
St.Benedict: Poisoning
St.Blaise: Throat Illnesses
Blessed Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy Devotion
St.Francis of Assisi: Poor, Faith
St.Francis Xavier: Grace, Special Requests
St. John Bosco: Teachers, Youth
St.John Vianney: Ardent Faith, True Love of Neighbor
St.Joseph: Fathers, Devotion to God
St.Jude: Hopeless or Impossible Cases
Blessed Kateri: American Indians, Illness
St. Maximilian Kolbe:Prisoners, Jewish people
St.Peregrine: Cancer Patients
St. Philomena: Chastity, Virtues
St.Therese: Missionaries, Aviators, Small Petitions

Our Lady of Annunciation: Courage, Pregnancy
Our Lady of Guadalupe: Americas, Conversion
Our Lady of Hope: Hope, Desperation
Our Lady of Immaculate Heart of Mary: Devotion to Jesus
Our Lady of Lourdes: Healing, Disabled, Crippled
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal: Salvation of Souls
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel: Souls in Purgatory, Good Death
Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Careers, Life Goals
Our Lady of Sorrows: Passion of Jesus, Sorrow, Depression,

Jesus Divine Mercy: Atonement, Forgiveness
Jesus Holy Cross: Redemption & Salvation
Jesus Holy Face: Total Abandonment
Jesus Holy Ghost: Seven Gifts
Jesus Holy Spirit: Cardinal Virtues, 12 Fruits
Jesus-Infant of Prague: Material Needs
Jesus Sacred Heart: Love, Forgiveness

May God Bless each person who drops in to visit.
May God lead you to that special Novena to meet your
need at the time.

Click on the Mailbox and send me an email with requests, suggestions, opinions.

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