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~My Work~

The Dream

She lays alone under the spreading branches
The softness of the blanket beneath her
A sweet smile of bliss on her softly parted lips
long hair streaming over her shoulders, brushing across her rosy flushed cheek

A mystic figure as she dreams
The one watching sits and ponders
He wonders what she is dreaming
The emotions flicker over her expressive face
Pliant in sleep, yet hidden deep within
The tales untold, unfold inside her mind

Slowly he approaches, unseen and unheard
Folding down to kneel beside her
A strong hand reaches out to touch
Hesitant to disturb, yet unable to resist
Tracing a long forefinger slowly, along the subtle curve of her lips

Her eyes flicker, the dream slowly fades
Stretching lithely, a sweet smile curves her lips
She focuses upon him, face soft and warm
Her hand lifts, reaching to cup the beloved cheek
Looking to him, love shining in her eyes
"Welcome home, my love", she whispers

Lifting her lips to his, lashes fanning over pale cheeks as she closes her eyes
He leans down to her, brushing her lips with his
His hand sliding into her hair, cradling her head
Tugging at the silken locks, fingers entwined

Wincing at a hard tug, her eyes come fully open
A soft whimper leaves her lips
Yet again, he is not here
The tears trickle down her face, as she gently disentangles her hair
From the fallen branch that teased her sleeping senses
He will not return, twas just the dream
Once again

She looks to the one watching, eyes tortured as she seeks
He turns his back, her pain too deep to share
Fading like the mist, not really ever there
The tracks of tears, streaking her cheeks
The silent misery, of love lost too soon
The years gone by, he holds her still

(miki, 4/8/99)©


Soft smiles curve my lips
Sweet shivers coursing through me
The sun rises once again
Passionate night disappears without a trace

Curling up, my head upon my knees
Eyes closed in memory
Visions of your love surround me
As I sit upon the floor

Joyous remembrances of your touch
Flesh rippling in remembered bliss
Breathing harsh and ragged
Dark eyes golden in heated lust

My hands caressing you
Exploring hidden places
My lips seeking the essence of you
Tasting of your heated kiss

The clock ticks slowly, love
Each second an eternity
Wishing the night would fall once more
The shadows come to call

Bathing me in your dark secrets
Finding the hidden depths so very deep inside
Drawing from them desires unrealized
Lifting me to sweet sublime

Caressed by your darkness, you are my undoing
Pulling from me my very soul
Dragging me through the depths of Hell
Rising transformed at Heaven's gate

I imagine your lips
Delicious and warm
My body trembles
The tempest as yet unleashed

The beast awaits, my love
The heat growing higher
My body trembling and unsated
The hunger a knife waiting for your hand

© miki, 2000

I miss you

Watching the pink and orange fingers of dawn crawl over the mountain tops
I miss you
Sipping that first cup of coffee and shaking off another sleepless night
I miss you
A hopeful glance as I see you shuffle into the room, sighing at the seemingly ever-present blankness, once again
I miss you
Retrieving your own cup of coffee, nicely cooled and gently coaxing breakfast into you
I miss you
Another day has started, but fresh hope springs inside
I miss you

I miss your smile, the way it lit up your face
The sparkle in your blue eyes as you teased
I miss the hugs I took for granted, the kind words you always had
The woman you once were
Stolen with no chance of recovery.
I miss simply sharing that first cup of coffee and chatting about what the day will bring.
I look into your eyes
and sometimes I could swear I see you back there
pleading to come out
your hands reaching for mine
not understanding what’s going on.
I wish, oh, how I wish I could bring you back!

I know you don’t understand
and I know you are fretful and scared.
But rest assured in the one thing you still know,
the one thing that doesn’t change.

I may miss you, but I love you even more

Miki© 2003
In Memory of my beloved mother


I have had several friends tell me that I should put my "dances" on my webpage. I have hesitated to do this because we all know how rampant plagiarism is and, having had one "stolen" before, I am still rather leery of doing this, despite my enjoyment of others that publish their efforts online. With that said, I am placing these here with the full understanding that they are protected by US copyright law. I don't mind if you use them to *enhance* your role play experience or to help you learn to paint a verbal picture, even to help with ideas. You may freely link, so long as due credit is given.

These are decidedly NOT "PC" and I am quite happy that way. I am comfortable enough in my submission listen to your "well meaning" opinions and take them under advisement. I am not a child, I am not weak or abused. I am fully able to care for myself, make my own living, raise my children, make informed decisions and I do so. Submissive does not mean I am a doormat to be walked upon. I am a very strong woman with opinions, thoughts, dreams and the ability to submit my control to someone should I desire to do so. I just don't hold to the ideals that I must be the same as a man. I am not the same. I am a woman. I am soft where he is strong. I yield where he is firm. Simple, eh? I make informed, adult decisions and am fully accountable to such.
These are works that I have done for the Gorean roleplay I take part in. Note this is only roleplay and I don't ride a tarn to work, however, the ideals that John Norman placed into his fictional works of a planet called Gor, were neatly consised into one place. Those ideals being honor, respect, integrity and the belief that a woman is a woman--not an androgynous creature.



ariel dance

~rising and slowly sauntering to the dance pit, hips and shoulders sway in unconscious grace, tossing her head and letting long strands of silky mahogany cascade about her head and shoulders, a gentle smile on her face. One slender hand tracing lightly up over her body, whispering over the subtle curves and valleys of her supple form. she sinks to the ground, folding over herself into a small bundle under the light of the three moons, to await the start of the music with a subtle wink to her beloved sister and lowers her head, tender cheek resting against the cool sand~

~the soft, heady beat of a tabuk drum starts, almost as that of the heart, followed quickly with the haunting melody of a flute and a small tabor. The girl lifts her head, slightly, a slow sensual stretch as she rocks side to side, slowly wakening to the siren call of the night, her small form swaying gently as her head rises. Long, seal dark locks veil her face, the light of uncertainty surrounding her as she pulls up to her knees. One slender hand caresses away the silken tresses as she smiles a soft greeting to the moon, the holder of her beloved shadows. Lifting her arms high, a fluid spiral of feline grace as she reaches to Father Moon, silent entreaty for the clouds to come and cover her again as she rises to her feet in an undulating flow of movement, supple flesh meeting the pearlescent glow of moonlight pouring down and turns a slow pirouette~

~lifting her face in solemn supplication, she turns slowly about, her hands rising over head, fingers fluttering like small moths seeking flame as she reaches entreatingly to Father Moon. The shimmering incandescence of the soft green blanket she was allowed caresses over her in the slight breeze created as she spins. Rising to her toes, her head falls back as she dances in the shadows, gracefully swaying, her body arches and twists, a siren call to the unwary with each fluid movement. her face hidden deep in the flurry of hair as she tosses her head, her body tensing in anger at the clouds that refuse to come. The pearly light of the full moon spilling down upon her, she whirls around, the soft blanket sliding down her arms as they fall to her sides. she pauses but briefly, her eyes pleading silently for the beloved shadows she treasures~

~whirling in a violent flurry of shimmering green silk, her body arches deeply back, one leg rising as if kicking at the moon, high above her head, as slender arms reach back over and catch herself. The soft blanket pools in a translucent cloud, as she tumbles feet over head and lands in a crouch, tangling about her feet. her head flips up, the fire in her amber eyes sparking glints of fury as she rises to a defiant stance, daring the moon to behold. Body tense and shaking, the anger flowing from her in waves as she raises soft hands clenched into fists to rail at the moon to go and bring the comforting shadow, the darkness that holds and breathes life into her, her head snaps around, body following in angst as she attempts to flee, flitting from shadow to shadow a tiny wraith seeking shelter~

~Arms reach out entreating comfort, then snap back against her almost as if in fear as she spins yet again, into another blessed patch of darkness, only to be foiled as the moons' soft glow seem to follow her every step; its subtle light calling softly as she runs from the incessant pull of the soft glow, her heart pounding in her soft breast. Looking about again, lost to all but the music and the emotion ruling her soul, she flits about, tiny, light steps bring her ever closer to the danger of revealing light. her eyes wild and crazed as she leaps into the air, body arching deeply, she dives for the safety of blissful shadow and rolls gently to her knees. Tears streaking her face as she looks once more to father moon, silently begging release from the light; hands trembling, rising in despair~

~her head lowering in resignation, her arms obliged to follow, hands falling to rest upon her thighs in acceptance; the anger and fear still course through her, the light of the moon casts its spell and envelopes her in softness. The tremble of her slight body all that tells of her fear as she lifts her head again to look into the soft glow, the slow caress of warmth comforting her fears, her eyes close and her head tilts back, accepting the gentle touch warily. The depth of the shadow calls to her heart, inviting her to return. her head whips about, dark eyes full of longing, imploring the shadow to come to her, retrieve her into its solitude, but the shadow dissipates in the light of the rising moons. she turns her head away~

~rising slowly, once more, her body flowing like a river as she regains her feet, soft, timid steps carry her into the light, the music's crescendo crashing into her soul, the depth and beauty of the solemn notes flow through the night air as she lifts her hands once more, reaching loving arms to Father Moon, His silvered light enveloping her shivering nude form in welcome and release. Thus she is set free. To walk in beauty, fearing no more as she exhalts in the warmth and love of the Moons that guide and brings the wary into the light; her step becoming confident, sensuous, as she whirls a happy circle, His light shining on her upturned face revealing the peace and serenity, once hidden by anger and fear~

~One supple leg rises as she leans deeply back, slender arms rising in counter balance, then whipping a quick circle, her leg now high behind her. she reaches back and grasps her dainty ankle, pulling herself up, body forming a tight bow as she rests her head in the curve of her upraised leg. Turning a slow pirouette, she releases her leg and allows it to drift to the floor, her head coming up, eyes alight with joy as she twirls around the sands, arms outstretched and welcoming. A soft laugh of sheer delight escapes rosy lips as she dances about, body bending and twisting as a willow in the wind, her heart free and light as she revels in her release~

~her dance slowing, body bends as she catches the bit of blanket in one dainty hand then rising once more. her uptilted head gazing with devotion and love to the Moons. she stretches, one hand lifting to caress her cheek as her eyes grow slumberous once more; the gentle, fluid motion of her dance becoming heavy,lethargic, limbs starting go go limp as weariness overcomes her. Soft panting breaths, easing into a rythem of serenity, her smile becoming sleepy she sinks once more to her knees; folding herself into a petite bundle, she places her cheek to the cool sands, the wisp of blanket snugging up around her shoulders; her dance ending as the music fades away, a new softness surrounding her~
Miki © circa 2000

(A form of the sa-eela or "dance of the love starved slave girl")

~The sultry refrain rises in the background, the steady beat of a tabor as that of a heart, the rise and fall of a flute hauntingly slides through the melody of the czehar. The City is busy with the bustle of peddlers back and forth to their stalls. Jewelers and fabric sellers hawking their wares as Perfumers allow their scents to waft, mixing with the smell of frying food and ripened fruit under the hot sun. The girl sits in the cage, eyes dark and brooding as she looks out at the passers-by. The Men look down on her with smug and derisive glances, knowing eyes rove the soft and exposed flesh of her sleek, supple body, now curled and shying away in anger and disgust; golden amber eyes flare with words she dare not speak~

~Settling back on slender heels in the cage, amber eyes race over every bar, looking for a way out, the rage evident in her harsh breath as she pulls and tugs, fighting the beat of the music in the air; head held high with long strands of mahogany silk tumbling down her back in wild disarray, eyes flash with dark fire as she looks out between the bars. Dainty hands grip the wooden barriers tightly, knuckles white as she pulls hard, her body taut and heated as she bends back, dark hair pools beneath her as she sways, fighting the deep need coiling hot and liquid like molten lava in her belly~

~A soft mewling growl escapes her lips, her head flips up, dark eyes flash with a desperate unspoken need, body trembles, following the siren call of the music, swaying to an unfelt caress as she watches the Masters outside the cage. Dainty hands slip between the bars, the need to brush against a bit of cloth or leather, the firmness of a thigh, perhaps even the merest near miss of hard Male flesh; the scent of Them heady in her nostrils as she presses desperately against the bars, breasts strain painfully against the solid wood, causing a moan to escape parted desert rose lips at the sweet pressure; her breath quickens as they swell, nipples peaking in mute proof of her building desire and eventual surrender~

~Snapping slender arms back inside the cage, her head shakes in wild denial, NO! she doesn't need Them, she hates Them! What They have made of her!! she throws herself back onto the floor of the cage; her body writhes in both hatred and need in slow thrusting motions quickly quelled as she fights the call to dance. Curling up into a small ball, arms wrapped tightly around herself as she sobs quietly, silent tears spill down her cheeks in silvered tracks; rage mixed with desire races through her, the torment of being locked up and away from them, the object of mockery and derision as They look down on her; the all-knowing smiles cause an agonized cry of both dismissal and plea as she rolls in a small ball of misery on the barren floor~

~Rolling to her belly, curved hips undulate hard against the cold cage floor, a sensual dance to the act of love; trying desperately to quell the burning ache. Hungry hands squeeze aching, heavy breasts as a dark head rolls back; long silken strands veil defiant eyes and cling to flushed cheeks, soft pleading cries emanate as she angrily swipes unruly locks away with the softness of a dainty hand. Fingers flutter like small, lost moths moving toward a beckoning light which compels and frustrates, reaching for a Master. Yelping in pain as her hand is slapped away, drawing back and cradling it against pert, full breasts. Golden amber eyes shoot sparks of purest fire as they glare up at Him, her body languidly starts a sensual enticement of motion~

~The scent of dust rises, unable to mask the Masculine aromas that surround, of her own need rising to mix with them, encircle her in almost a tangible feel. her nostrils flare as she rocks back, soft breasts thrust forward, and fingers slide up in a slow caress, taunting her hungry swaying form as she tries to think of anything but Them! The familiar feel of crisp hair tickling her palms as she rakes her nails up a firmly muscled chest; NO!! she doesn't want to think of that, doesn't want to remember the feel of lips pressed hard against her own, to the memory of herself yielding to the demanding touch of a strong han...NO!!~

~Head shakes in a wild frenzy of defiance and denial, mahogany silk flies savagely around satin shoulders sliding along the silken curve of back, clinging to flushed cheeks and lips as she pants; body sways and hips thrust as the hot coil of need arrows through her like wildfire. Soft keening whines leave parted lips in broken gasps accentuating the music that fills this world wherein she is prisoner; prowling toward the front of the cage, feline on the prowl, body undulates with instinctive flow of seduction; Eyes wide and glowing with amber fire. Sleek arms and supple thighs slip through the bars again as she pleads in supplication~

~Moving with the music that rises and swells under the hot sun, she sways like the lost soul in the grip of an all-compelling sonata. Rocking against the wooden cage, an instrument used by unseen hands, anger drifts away as desperate need takes over. Looking out at the Masters, her eyes beg and plead for the slightest touch, a mere glancing caress; breasts swell as they press against the bars, sending a shaft of heat through her, causing a moan to slip past parted lips as an avid tongue slides over them. Golden eyes close an instant, fluttering open to blazing heat, voice seductive and needy as she begs to be touched, fingers stretch out again, uncaring of the slaps driving them away; Each strike sends a shaft of deeper need through her, fire coils deep and hot in liquid flesh~

~Low whimpering cries fill the air, body presses hard, pleadingly against the cage; knees and arms stretch out, silken flesh begging softly for a touch, yearning fingers grasp at the hands that would strike hers away, clinging almost desperately to a sleeve unceremoniously yanked away with a harsh and taunting laugh, wrapping her in Their spell; the need and hunger rises, the scent of Them roiling through senses kept too long from fulfillment, captivating and entrancing as she sways and thrusts, the feel of strong hands, even striking at her, irresistible. Crying out again, pleas louder, pride vanished.~

~The laughter and smug grins of Those who watch her no longer important. Only the need to feel Them, to catch more than the scent of Them, perhaps to get close enough to taste. The music abruptly ends, need consumes her as she looks up with abandon, body trembles and glows from within with unquenched need; she shakes the bars again, this time in anger for being kept away. The beast in her has awakened, the dance ends as pearly teeth gnash and soft whimpered growls rumble over desert rose lips, eyes both wild and pleading with unspoken promises of delights yet undiscovered~


(with a few bits of sa-eela thrown in--my, but I sense a trend here?)

~the lone slave wanders slowly around the dance pit, silken mahogany locks ripple down her back in an opaque curtain, the subtle sway of her hips draw the eye as her head lowers and a deep sigh rushes past soft, full lips. her eyes are lowered, deep molten pools of obsidian filled with despair and longing as she pauses, toes of one foot slowly tracing a circle in the soft grains beneath; the jingle of slave bells chiming in the darkness of the night, her arms wrapped about her middle, almost as if in pain. One dainty hand lifts, pushing through the thick, dark hair, and smoothing it away from her moonlit face; the soft glow of the fires casting her into golden shadow, lighting the silvered track of the single tear that slips unheeded down her soft cheek as she tilts her head back to look upon the tri-moons, beseechingly. The haunting melody of a flute starts to fill the night air~

*~*her arms slowly lower to her sides, the silk dancing skirt clings to her full hips and tangles about her legs, the diaphanous strips brushing her calves like that of a Master's caressing hand as her hips start to sway and roll, the flute and drum joined by the lilting song of the czehar; her belly quivering as muscles ripple sensuously, enticingly; willowy arms start a languid spiral from her hips, coursing over the curve of her belly, almost touching as they rise with beckoning need out in front of her begging attention to herself, to see the depth of her desire, of her deep need to be found pleasing, attractive, wanted. her lips purse into a slave's kiss as she tilts her head back, the silken curve of throat lengthening, the fragrant softness of her hair sheeting down to tease her rump, the desperate promise of delight in the gleaming obsidian of her slitted eyes~*~

*~*dainty feet stamp the ground, moving to the heady beat, her hips circle and thrust in ever shortened circles, keeping the rhythm of the tabor, belly firm and quivering as her arms lift high; her shadows following her every move, a derisive mockery of the deep loneliness of the slave begging notice, fearing she is undesirable, unwanted, worthless. her slight body moving with the undisputed urgent need to be touched, her every motion a seduction of the eye as her head turns wildly on her long neck, silken hair flying about her shoulders and back as the tabor picks up speed, her feet beat the sand in time, ankle bells chime in the haunting melody of the flute sliding in and out of the czehar's song on the night air as her shadows trail her feet, her fear a living thing as it follows her every step in the bits of sand flying up to cling to her bedewed calves~*~

*~*her arms a heated spiral of simmering, pleading passion as they lift above her head, the finger cymbals making themselves heard as they suddenly ring clashing out into the mix of the flute and drum, her arms appear boneless as they curl and twine above her, hips circling in quick sinuous motions, almost a being unto themselves; she leans back, shoulders a swaying sweet seduction as breasts lift to the moons, full and swelling beneath the sheer silk covering them. Generous curves begging the touch of a hand, nipples peaked and aroused as the music consumes her, confidence starting to build as she turns and twists to the beat of the drum, the flute turns to a pleading cry as cymbals ring in the night, building the tumult inside her; her shadows racing to catch up, their motions now merely the echo of a wanton, needy slave~*~

*~*The music changes beat, her body shifts, moving faster, now, feet stamping the ground as her hips rock back and forth, shoulders pressing back as her head lifts, obsidian eyes sparkle at the sudden change, bringing her back to the present for an ihn, before she loses herself in it again. Head tossing almost haughtily, the thick locks tangle around her in a wind whipped frenzy as she turns faster, her body a whirl of silks and flying tousled locks, her arms lower to swipe at it and caress the softness, finger cymbals mark her growing joy, the building need; sinking slowly to the sand and rolling, the soft grains cling to her dewed flesh and glint under the fire's light, her body writhes and arches as the music seeps into her like water~ she rolls to her belly and brings her knees up under her, then prowling forward, sinuously, like a larl on the hunt, lithe body sensual promise with back arching and lowering as her head lifts and dark eyes seem to pierce the very air she breathes~*~

*~*a low growl escapes her lips as she feels eyes watching her, dark eyes turn amber while fire blazes to life in her belly, deep need fills her; she rises to her knees and allows herself to lean back, supple form flowing liquid, hands stroke over her in a heated mute plea, soft breasts swell and quiver as she sways; the shadows echoing her motions, appearing to come to life, breathing beings as they mimic her every hungry motion from all sides; dainty fingers dance lightly down her belly to taunt herself quickly, causing a low purring sound to rise from her throat, then quickly slide to her thighs and caress the grains of sand coating them, thighs parting for support as she arches deeply back, hair a thick pool on the sands beneath and behind her, hips thrusting as shoulders roll once more, belly undulating as thighs tense; a soft flush rises along her chest to light her fire kissed cheeks~*~

*~*she lifts her back forward, her head rises last, eyes dark and smoldering, she suddenly leaps back to her feet; knees and shins thickly coated with sand, her body a frenzied motion as she turns and spins in wild abandon; Feet stamping and kicking up the sands around her, body an undulating beast as the music speeds up again, seeming to match her maddened state, her breath ragged and harsh as she twists and turns, her head rolling on her boneless neck, the swan’s length of it curves as she lets her head fall back once more. Hands and arms sinuous as they move around and over her, the bits of sand coated slave silk sheeting over her wickedly writhing body; growling mewls escaping her parted lips as she trails the tip of her tongue over them. The finger cymbals, now merely accompany the deep fire inside as they ring out, echoed by the bells on her ankle, her obsidian eyes glowing with amber fire as they blindly scan the shadows~*~

* *~the beat of the tabor pounding in her blood as the haunting melody of the flute races along her spine. her body thrusts and twists, her heart pounds in her chest at the urgent pace of her dance, the shadows become a blur as she spins faster and faster, the sand around her flies in vicious waves as feet pound it mercilessly; Leaping and turning in the air, her sleek muscles tense, yet liquid as another growl boils up in her throat, given release by parted lips and panting breaths, then dropping once more to the ground and rolling, a wild thing released; she writhes and surges through the sand, fire-kissed midnight hair tangles itself around her and whips her with the wildness of desire's movements, her eyes ablaze with the music filling the air and the heat within seeping from her to burn; the fire's light causing her body's flush to gleam in the moons' soft glow~*~

*~*her breath comes fast and ragged as she writhes to the music, her body seems to twine around itself as she rocks and gyrates, her hands press close as though bound to each other and another whimper seeps free from desert rose lips, thighs part and clamp tightly together as the music consumes her, her body quakes and trembles from both exertion and heat; sand sliding off her as desperate, needy fire consumes and pours from her in waves; her frenzy seems almost vicious as her hands now beat the ground, feet and heels dig into the soft sands as she writhes back and forth, her hair veils her face, then flies free but for the few strands that cling determinedly to her flushed cheeks. The beat of the music suddenly stops and she freezes; suddenly dropping back into herself, then rolls to her belly and presses deep into the now irritating grains as a ragged whimper seeps pleadingly from her parted rose lips at the suddenness of the quiet, her dance coming to an abrupt end~*~


The following is not a dance, but rather a role play I was assigned to do, that I thought came out rather well, and, as it was done with an NPC (Non playing character, for you tabletop buffs)I decided I would post it, as it made me chuckle, even when I didn't want to do it. For some unknown reason people keep wanting to put me in a cage! ~frowns and pouts prettily~ I am a good girl, doggone it and didn't deserve that, but eh, whatever. The name I carry right now, in my roleplay is ~tempest~ {i belong to Titus} of Treve (Which I like, since it at least stayed with the same play I took my previous, 7 year long held name, Ariel, from) I like to think it's apt. I can be a tempestuous witch, ~soft laugh~ however passionate I may be from time to time. I would also like to point out that I was not singled out to do this. It was set for all the "slaves" of Treve, GRP to do, including the Ubar's girls, of which I am one. (Which is also a new thing--I am not used to"chains" even as popular as they are and am quite comfortable there. I suppose it's the level of emotional involvement in it and, since this is strictly role play and my "Master" and I are merely friends outside the room, I think that has to be the extenuating circumstance.)Anyway, I will post the requirement for the assignment first, then the roleplay that I came up with after.
The Assignment
I expect all slaves of Treve to do the following assignment. This includes the girls that belong to the Ubar.
Within the slave pens is a small totally mirrored room. Even the back of the door is knobless and has been mirrored, as have the ceiling and floor. No matter where you look, you see yourself and the things in the room. And inside the room is a stimulation cage.
A guard is going to place you into the cage and leave. Then he will stand outside the door preventing anyone from entering. So you are alone in there with no distractions other than the sensations that will help bring you to life.
I want the following:

Ten stanzas of r/p, each at least 100 words long. In those posts, I want you to describe your surroundings; the sensations of the things around you, how the feel to the touch and how they feel on your skin; how you look in the mirror. If I am not sufficiently pleased with the assignment, I will have you placed into the cage again for a second try, and will continue to do so until you can meet my requirements. I want to be able to see through your eyes, and feel with your skin. you are becoming alive, and I want all to know it.(One hundred words? ~giggle~ She doesn't know me very well, then, that's a walk in the park!)

(For everything on Gor, to the zealots, there MUST BE a quote! Strange, I never saw Tarl, Elizabeth, Dina, Elinor or anyone else, for that matter take a dump--does that mean it doesn't happen? ~things that make ya go "hmmmm")

A stimulation cage is an ornately barred, low-ceilinged cage; it is rather roomy, except for the low ceiling about five feet high. The girl cannot stand erect in it without her head inclined submissively. In such a cage, and in training, when not in such a cage, the girl who is housed in the stimulation cage is not permitted to look directly into the eyes of a male, even a male slave. This is designed, psychologically, to make the girl extremely conscious of males. When she is sold then only, if the master wishes, he may say to her, "You may look into the eyes of your master." When she, frightened, tenderly, timidly lifts her eyes to him, if he should deign to smile upon her, the girl then, in gratitude and joy, at last permitted to relate to another human being, often falls to her knees before him, an adoring slave. When next she looks up, his eyes will be stern, and she will look down, quickly, frightened. "I will try to serve you well, Master," she whispers. The accouterments of the stimulation-cell are also calculated with respect to their effect on the slave. There are brushes, perfumes, cosmetics, slave jewelries, heavy necklaces, armlets, braclets and bangles; there is no clothing; there are also cushions, bowls of copper and lamp of brass. Importantly, there are also surfaces of various textures, a deep-piled rug, satins, silks, coarsely woven kaiila-hair cloths, brocades, rep-cloth, a tiled corner, a sleen pelt, cloths woven of strung beads, cloaks of leather, mats of reeds, etc. The point of this is that the senses and body of the slave, stripped save for brand and collar, and whatever perfumes, cosmetics or jewelries she may wear under the instruction of her trainer, are being taught to be alive, to sense and feel with great sensitivity; the senses and skins of many human beings, in effect, are dead, instead of being alert and alive to hundreds of subtle differences in, say, atmospheres, temperatures, humidities, surfaces, etc. A girl with living senses and a living body, of course is far more passionate than one whose senses and body sleep. The skin itself, in a trained girl, becomes an extensive, glorious, marvelously subtle sensory organ. Every bit of the slave, if she is well trained, is alive.-Tribesmen of Gor, ch. 1

The Roleplay

~strolling through the Hall, her amber eyes dancing with happiness and mischief; the flutter of soft, green silk dancing around her hips, taunting the seal-dark locks of shimmering mahogany that vie for flesh to tickle and tease, her step light. The gentle song of ankle bells follow her every motion as she whirls and spins, seemingly carefree as she tosses her head back and a musical peal of laughter escapes, bubbling up through her throat and given release by parted desert rose lips, arms outstretched as she twists and spins, unaware that she's being watched in the otherwise empty area. The dark, stern eyes follow her movements, the glimmer of laughter within them belied by the determination to show this tempestuous little imp her place--yet again. To show her she is slave and thus contain the vivid spirit within her, to tame the flares of temper she is often fraught with. His eyes narrow to mere slits as He stalks into the main Hall, unnoticed by her as she continues to whirl and spin, the call to dance seething within making her oblivious to anything else. The music in her head consuming her until she suddenly feels the grip of a strong hand around her wrist bringing her to a sudden halt. Her amber eyes widen in shock as He immediately reaches for the knot holding her silks at her shoulder and rips down, the fabric shredding as He yanks it off her body and tosses it aside. His eyes roving over her lithe form before He drops her to her knees, the Guard's voice filling her ears as He states His plans to her, then commanding her to her feet with a jerk to her dainty hand. Heeling Him closely to the Slave Pens, she trembles, her amber eyes wide and tear filled, her shoulders hunched, knowing she has no choice.~

~Stepping into the mirrored room, her mind quickly darting to her last visit here, practicing positions with her sisters and noting the newest arrival to the room. The cage sits in the center of the room, it's bars narrowly placed, just enough to reach out, not enough to escape, the height near five feet, she cannot stand within it without her head lowered. She frowns, commanded to belly and crawl within; her head shaking a negative, she lowers to the ground, not daring to speak and wriggles her way in through the door, hearing it close and lock behind her as she curls into a ball, chin on her knees and arms wrapping around her legs, she whimpers softly, hating this place instictively. She doesn't want to be here, she turns her head to Him, the amber of her eyes blaze flaming words she dare not speak and He laughs. The harsh sound of it burning her ears, causing the sudden tide of red that fills her cheeks, clearly speaking her temper as she suddenly uncurls and launches herself at the bars, uncaring of the sudden pressure against her breasts as one small hand flies through the bars, nails raking along one tough thigh. Her smile feral, even as He jumps back, out of her reach and leans down to slap the offending hand--HARD, causing her to yelp and draw it back just as quickly as it had attacked, knowing well she'll pay for that in spades. He glares down at her trembling, furious body. "You will remain in this cage until you have once again been shown your place, tempest. Priest Kings, but your Master named you aptly, you tempestuous little witch! You are slave, girl and best you remember it!" Then He turns and stalks from the room, the door closing behind Him with a decided bang and her lip curls in satisfaction. She laughs softly knowing she won that small skirmish. She made Him angry enough to lose a bit of His control.~

~turning in the cage, refusing to stand in this place that forces her head to bow, the frown firmly in place as she surveys the contents and dismissing them for the moment as she crawls along the perimeter, her deft, agile hands moving over each and every ornate bar of the cage, her voice soft as she mumbles curses beneath her breath, the words, even could they be heard, unintelligible to anyone listening, the tongues of a world far from here. Her voice lifting as she continues her circuit of the cage, her curses becoming more colorful and inventive, finding no weakness in the firm wood, the well turned bars merely mocking her attempts to free herself. "Batard!, Puto! Cabron! Scum of a camel's armpit!, you spawn of demon dung, son of a motherless GOAT! LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Tears streak her cheeks as her temper rises to fever pitch, her screams of anger and frustration ring through the halls of the slave pens and causing the Guard outside the door to smile, nodding His head in satisfaction, eerily mimicking her own as He had left the room a few minutes earlier. Not understanding a word she speaks, but knowing not one of them is complimentary He tosses back His own head, laughing and knowing she will well pay for her fit of temper later, when He releases her, lighting a fire where it will do the most good on her soft form, His hand almost itching to do just that. No, let her wait, let her feel the effects of the cage, then later, he can warm her backside. He stands there, patiently waiting and allowing no one to enter the room as they come running, unused to hearing this particular, usually softly spoken, firebrand screaming, but knowing well her temper and her wayward disposition. Upon seeing the Guard they laugh in good humor, now understanding the meaning of the screams. tempest is learning a lesson.~

~Her screams slowly abating as her voice gets hoarse, her temper in no way abated as she thrashes against the bars, still screeching and yanking on them, her foot striking out and catching one squarely makes her only cry out in pain as her bare arch slams against the unyielding wood and bruises her soft flesh. Whimpering as she rolls to her back and hissing as she gently explores the bottom of her foot, she catches sight of herself in the mirrored wall, her waist length hair atumble and tangled, clinging to her sweat dewed flesh, cheeks still flaming red with fevered anger and her amber eyes gone obsidian in sheer fury. She blinks, her head tilts, locks sliding over her shoulder to pool and tease the tip of one breast, causing it to harden. Her body curled as she gently explores her aching foot echoed on every side and she turns her head, seeing the flame of anger slowly fade as curiosity takes its place, wondering at the meaning of all the mirrors and knowing there *has* to be one. They do *nothing* without a purpose, however vague and insipid it may seem to her. With a soft snort of derision she turns her eyes from the mirrors, deciding to ignore them for now as she rolls to her belly and decides to see what else has been left for her in this horrible place, the solid bottom of the cage only now noticed as she crawls to the baskets she had shoved out of her way earlier, the rugs and cushions surrounding them seeming to call to her, their thickness welcoming. The silks and satins of the cushions yielding to her weight as she crawls onto them, soothing her with their softness, making her want to bury her face within. She likes soft textures, the silkiness, slickness that seem to melt around her.~

~The soft cushion beneath her soothing her aching foot as it sensuously caresses it, her hands reach for one of the rugs, the thick kailla hair woven into a thickly piled square both soft and wiry as dainty fingertips smooth over it, curling around the strong nails she had used earlier and she purrs softly, surprising even herself as she lifts it to her face and nuzzles into it, the soft, obviously scented well woven rug teasing her tender cheek as the purring continues, sounding much like the kitten her Master calls her. Lifting her head from the rug she spies the sleen fur and shivers, knowing well the luxuriant feel of it against her flesh and lunges across the cushions to reach it, wrapping it around herself as she curls into a small ball, snuggling the fur much like a child with a woobie, soothing herself in the rich, deep coat of the hide, her purring still soft, but seeming now--content?-- can she be content in this place with no voluntary exit? NO! unwrapping herself from the fur, yet keeping it close to her, eyes once again turning obsidian as remembered anger once again fills her, remembering how she was summarily placed in her and, for once, she had done nothing wrong! UNFAIR! She didn't deserve to be in here, she was a good girl! ~snarling softly as she once again reaches to a basket, hauling it over to examine the contents in hopes of finding something to help her escape this undeserved prison and finding it full of cosmetics. Lip shades and eye shades and perfumes, brushes, combs and rouge; pretty but useless for her wants. She pushes the basket away, her hand lingering over the soft lavender and lilac scent she discovered, then quickly pulls it up and opens the stopper and applies it generously to her delicate flesh, behind her ears, between her breasts, the soft rise of her mound, behind each knee, sighing softly as the scent surrounds her, her amber eyes closing as she inhales deeply, strangely--content--again, but not noting it. She replaces the perfume as her eyes once more open and turns to the next basket, her toes absently curling and stroking the sleen fur, the mirrored room echoing her motion on all sides~

~catching sight of motion, her head jerks around, surprised, the length of her hair flying around her now cooled flesh and her eyes narrow again, a soft snarl boiling up her throat as HE enters the room again and quickly rises to her knees, lips curling as she lunges at the bars of her cage, hands flailing as she aches to claw, to bite, soft foreign curses once more escaping her lips in breathy pants of utter fury. His hand slaps at her, His voice harsh as she orders her eyes down, she is not allowed to meet His gaze. Defiantly, she keeps her head up, her obsidian glare meeting His own dark eyes squarely, even as He grabs her flailing hand and yanks her hard against the bars of the cage, forcing her head to turn aside as He pulls her, cheek bruising at the pressure of the bars and His unyielding grasp, and stepping to the side, that she is unable to meet His gaze. In her sudden pain, she shrieks louder, her curses now in Gorean "Scum! Sleen! Spawn of Kailla Dung! Let me GO!" as she struggles uselessly aginst His superior strength while He merely laughs and shoves her back within the cage and turns on His heel, exiting the room and taking the glass of water He had brought to soothe her throat, uncaring of the blazing fire shooting from her eyes, but pausing as He feels the armband she had grabbed and thrown at Him through the bars strike His shoulder and turns back to her, noting that her gaze is down and her trembling form. She knows she is in trouble. He looks down at her and speaks softly " You will pay for that later, tempest girl, as well as the curses you have also thrown at Me, make no mistake. For now, it has cost you only the drink I had brought" He then turns and exits the room, the door closing quietly behind Him, leaving her once more surrounded only by reflections of herself in the mirrored walls.~

~her body still trembling as He leaves the room, her hand tingling where He had grabbed her, held her against the bars of the cage, her flesh seeming to jump and dance along her bones as she whines softly, strangely missing His hand, the feel of His strong flesh against even that small bit of hers. Her eyes wide and confused, even as she feels the ache in her chest, knowing she had been found displeasing and tears once more trickle down her cheeks, silently, the ache within too deep for sound. She turns and crawls once again to the cushions, her hand idly stroking the small tiled corner as she forms herself into a small bundle on the silk cushion, her free hand reaching for the sleen fur, needing the comfort of the thick fur, reminiscent of a nearly forgotten beloved feline and the soothing purr that accompanied it. The comfort slight, not at all what she needs, she sniffles, confused because she wants *His* comfort, the feel of *His* arms surrounding her. This makes her angry again and she leaps to her feet, belatedly remembering to duck her head as it smacks into the top of the cage and drops her back to the floor with a soft cry of pain, her hand lifting to rub the forming bump as she curses softly, once more in tongues nearly forgotten and unknown in this place. Looking into the basket from which she had grabbed the offending armband, she idly paws through the other jewelry within as she absently still rubs her aching head, her foot forgotten at this new pain. Her fingers lift a delicate bracelet of green stones, her amber gaze struck by her favorite shade of emerald and fingers delicately fondle the small, smooth stones, knowing this is merely slave jewelry and worthless otherwise, but struck by the simple beauty of the stones, she cannot resist wearing it. Holding it up as she admires the stones against her pale flesh, her few trips outdoors finally taking the winter-pale glow from it and adding a sun-kissed hue, her reflections following suit and showing the beauty of the slave within the cage, eyes wide with remembered horror at having actually *thrown* something at a Free Man but somehow makes her look ethereal as she kneels on the bright red and gold cushions within the cage. She glaces up, looking at the reflected vision of herself and wondering how that beauty could possibly come from her, she moves slightly, the song of her bells at her left ankle surrounding her and echoing around as the vision she presents to the mirror fills her, the silken flesh, the curvaceous body, the gentle turn of hip and thigh, the silky hair tumbling down around her in rich shades of red flecked brown~

~she licks her lips, thirsty, and knowing she'll get none due to her earlier actions, her reflections showing only a sensual trail of pink tongue over parted desert rose lips and a soft needy whimper escapes her. Her gaze helplessly drawn to the reflections of herself, nowhere she looks can she avoid seeing herself, the supple turn of flesh, the gleaming of mahogany locks. tangled now and straggling around her. Her full breasts lifting with each indrawn breath, she looks from side to side, then up to the ceiling and finding only herself staring back; her hand slides along the soft skin of her arm, casuing goosbumps to rise in its wake and a low, moan, needy and wanting follows. She is alone, denied company, the gaze of Men, only herself for company, her touch not what she wants, not what she needs, craves more than her next breath. The scent of the perfume she wears surrounds her, filling her with the seductive scent of beauty and arousal and again she whimpers, soft tears falling as her body writhes, realising her predicament and demanding the touch of a Man, uncaring that she is denied this. Attempting to ignore the desperate craving of her flesh, her very bones demanding, craving, *needing* even so much as a glancing brush of Male flesh, she reaches for the brush, scrabbling in the basket until her fingers curl around the handle and bring it, rushing to her thick, stick straight locks and ruthlessly draw it through the tangled mass, hoping to mask the desire boiling inside her with the sudden and abrupt distraction of tangles catching in the bristles of the brush. The flush rising on her soft flesh now not that of anger, but of simple need as she continues to draw the brush through her hair, head tilting as deft fingers draw it forward to rough handling. Low growling whimpers burble up and are given release by the anxious need parting her lips, the tangles giving way to the brush now smoothly pulling through the smoothness of silken mahogany and a low purr slips through the growls, pleasure filling her at the feel of the stroking brush and her hips writhe, fire building in her belly and flowing to fill her, the pool of heat sliding to fill lower places and she flings the brush aside, reaching quickly for the cosmetics, hoping for yet another distraction~

~drawing the basket close, her body on fire with need as she trembles and moans, her fingers slide through the contents, lifitng a bit of kohl in a dark green shade and turning, her image faithfully reflected by the double cursed mirrors, she applies it around her eyes, lining them thinly as they suddenly turn golden, from the deep amber they had been. Green is a good shade on her. then dropping the pencil and lifting a soft golden brown eye color she delicately applies it along the lids, smoothing it up to the browline on each eye, highlighting the shade of her eyes and smudging just a touch of gold at the outer edges, opening them further as she whimpers. Her body alive and wanting nothing more than the feel of strong male flesh, she cries out, thrusting the eye colors back down and lifting a soft rose lip shade, quickly daubing it to the parted softness, disregarding the panted breaths flowing over them, the fire consming her and artfully reflected back by the ever-present mirrors only causing her discomfort to grow. Her moans and whimpers getting louder, the Guard outside the door can hear her and a knowing smile curves His lips and He nods, knowing she is learning her lesson, she is slave and starting to feel it, despite her defiance, in spite of her seeming careless attitude. The hoyden slowly being tamed by nothing more than mirrors and a few trinkets, cosmetics and--the absence of Men. Within the room, she finishes her makeup, her reflection showing the glowing beauty of the slavegirl; her eyes wide and hungry, her flesh rippling in desperate need, the fire consuming her showing in her every movement, each moan and the subtle shift of hips, thighs, shoulders, her back arching, pressing her full, swelling breasts forward, begging the touch, the gaze, even the harsh swat of Man.~

~Once again catching motion, her head swivels around, seeing the door open and her breath catches in her lungs. HE walked in again, His hands empty, so she'll get nothing to quench her thirst, her body, uncaring of empty hand rushes her to the bars of the cage once again, her eyes now down, not daring to meet His gaze, even as everything within her demands she fill her eyes with Him. The soft, mewling moans of deseprate need burst out of her, filling the air as her hands once more reach through the cage followed quickly by her knees as she assumes the position of the pleasure slave, thrusting her body hard against the bars of the cage, her soft voice begging, pleading for a small touch, reaching and grasping for even a feel of His tunic, her need now too deep to notice she has done exactly as was expected of her, shown her her place as that of only a slave girl, subject to the whim of Men for everything, that she owns nothing, not her name, not even her will as her voice pleads, begging softly "please, Master, please--tempest begs You, please just touch her, Master please let her out, let her please You, Master. let her show how pleasing she can be!" Her voice choked with tears, the need to be found pleasing to feel her place under the hands of Men filling her, uncaring of anything else, her temper long since forgotten to the needs of the slave. He looks down on her, His expression pleased, though He keeps His voice stern, almost harsh as He opens the cage door "Out, girl, sliently and on your belly, har-ta!" and watching and she flings herself back from the bars and crawls from the cage, her belly on the floor as she creeps to Him, hands and toes pushing her along the floor until she reaches His sandals, her hair pooling over them as she presses fervent kisses, licking and kissing His feet."I hope you have learned your lesson", He growls. "Kneel!" She quickly rises to nadu, back straight and head down, fingers dancing along her thighs and turning her palms up. "What are you?" He asks. "i am a slave girl, Master" "What is a slave girl?" "one who is owned, Master" "What does a slave want?" "To please Men, Master" "What are you" He asked again. "i am a slave girl, Master" What do you want?" "To please Men, Master" He reached down and yanked her off her knees, threw her over His shoulder and exited the room, His large hand rubbing her bare backside as His long strides carried them away from the mirrored room " You will now pay for every word you cursed at me, slave girl, as well as the armband that struck Me" as He swatted her upended backside sharply with each step, lighting a fire on her posterior, then rubbing the burn in deep, His touch promising other things later~

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