Rege Cordic,
Cordic & Co.
and Olde Frothingslosh
web site

 est. June 3, 2000



Other Links



   Welcome - People venturing onto this web site will have

   arrived here because of a curiosity or knowledge about one or

   more of these things: Rege Cordic, Cordic & Company, and/or

   Olde Frothingslosh. You are welcome here and we hope you

   enjoy your visit.

        We are in the process of moving here to what we hope will

    be a permanent home on the PghFree.NET

        Please bear with us while we migrate the various pages

   and files. Some of the links may not function. PLEASE FEEL

  FREE to report them to us. It may be an oversight on our part.



Cordic & Co and More

Photo Gallery

Sound Files

Art Gallery

Olde Frothingslosh stuff

Railroading with Rege

Video Railroading with Rege

Other Schtix - includes

the Compleat THUD

Hollywood Cordic [filmography]

Bios/Tributes and News Articles

Listeners' / Fans' Section


'And Company' and other Pgh Broadcasting files


Rege Cordic

 Phil Asher

Karl Hardman

Tecla Marsico

Wally Martin

Bob McCully

Charlie Sords

Bill Stefan

Bob Trow

John Whited

Sterling Yates


Ed & Wendy King

Clark Race

Chilly Billy


Louie Adamchevitz
Roquefort Q. LaFarge
Max Korfendigas
Mr. Murchison
Screamin' Mad McEldowney
Casey, railroad engineer
Quick & Easy O'Brien.
Baldwin McMoney

Beauregard J. Cornpone
Corporal Culpepper


Image Credits:

Bumper Sticker - John Ott