da new quotes, yo
everyone does a new year of quotes starting on new years day, january 1st, but not me! my new year starts may 10, (angelfire sux! and deleated my entire page of quotes, so i must start a new one.) so heres a new year of quotes!
may 10
"josh caldwell drops the soap."
julie . . talking to me right before i went to drama. she had something really funnie to tell me, told me and ran away. later it was explained. its quite ammusing :)
may 14
"do you wanna screw?"
me, talking to julie. she was mentioning how she no longer had her nail therefore se could not 'nail people', and just at that time i pulled a screw out of the cash register thingy at walgree.
may 17
" . . he does tennis . . "
a quote said my elizabeth is drama . . it really wasn't all that funnie . . but i was hysterically laughing . . (therefore it must be a quote of the day).
may 19
a noice abby, julz and i made for a long time at McDonalds . . we were laughing hysterically! : )
may 20
"your mom's work has a condom machine?!"
julie, misunderstanding things, as usual.
may 21
"mebbe he's a fish-stick."
julie and i talking about what french class kyle takes (french 1 or french 2).
may 23
"all the cows are mine!"
something random from history. i dont know the context because, as usual, i wasn't paying attention, but all i heard was him say the above quote.
an even better quote for today!
"don't leave that burning over there, it might catch on fire!"
martin, pointing at a burning book, fearing it might catch even more on fire . .
may 24
"oh no! my thought hurts again."
julie . . need i say more . . .
may 25
"i'm not that easy."
jennifer, talking about accomplishing a task . . . heh
may 27
"can you feel it going through your head?!"
me, with my hand on top of julie's head, trying to share my happiness with her (we were hopeing the happiness woudl transfer through my hand to her head . . . we were not successful . . .
may 29
"your on crack!!!!"
julie . . . no further explanation necassary . . .
june 1 (wowie, the first day of a new month . . hehe im stupid)
"do you like *pie*?"
please don't ask any questions . . . if you have to ask you probally don't need to know . . . *sigh* i need new friends . .
june 8
"why does your mom want water?" . . . "because shes thirsty." . . . "oh"
a julie/esther convorstaion . . shes the one asking the question . .
june 12
"she cant see you through the window."
me, trying to be smart . . .
june 13
" . . so he can whisper sweet nothings into her EYE."
i give wendie credit for this, for she is then one who said it orignally, though i forgot when, and i resaid it too. we were talking about how this guy is going out with the deaf chick . . .
june 15
jack and jill were talking.
june 18
"i want to give you my thumb"
goober talking to me
june 19
"i talk to bugs, i feed them crumbs. i give them beer and they get drunk."
brad . . . talking . . .
june 26
"wait! wasnt goober gay for a whole 5 minutes?"
wendie talking about goober and his girlfriend.
july 2
"the red is light" and 2nd one "my daddie is going to be my babie's daddie"
jenn talking . . . at 1:00 AM (me thinks she was tired)
july 9
"you win the gold medal!"
im not going to put the context on here, for *someone* might find it offensive. it was my *sigh* therapist talking. for those of you who know the context, its hilariously funny
july 19
"my 30 minute man is comeing tommorrow morning."
my mom, . . . talking about her massage client tommorrow morning. (*riiiiight*)
june 22
"we should take a bra and make it her mask. then we can cut out little eye sockets in the middle of the bra and she can were it as her super hero mask!"
shira and i talking about super hero's for casa roha, this is what we thought of for julie.
july 25
"my dad has the worst mullet i have ever seen!!!"
chris (matthews), talking about , his father's mullet i thought it was hilarious that his dad has a mullet and that its the worse mullet ever. *laughs*
july 29
"im still finding this stuff in the most random places all over me."
julie talking about . . . well . . . you guess. done guessing? she was talking about paint . . . from helping paint my house.
august 1
"esther and abby! stop making out in the pool!!"
wendie, yelling at abby and i in the pool . we weren't really making out, but i thought the quote was ammusing.
august 7
"the blind man was stareing at me!"
me, i meant that this guy was pretneding to be blind, and i coudl tell b/c he was stareing at me....but ya.
august 8
"my hands and feet are like puppy paws."
mikee, *sara's lil bro..hes soo cuuute!!*, talking about his hands and feet and how they are to big for his body.
august 21
"i want to be a hippie."
chris, you have to know how much of a jock he is to understand why him saying he wants to be a hippie is just fuking hilarious!
august 23
"have you had sex before?"
perry, talking to JENNIFER!!, being completely serious. i thought that was the funniest thing ever...if you need explanation, ask!
august 24
"i dont think your ready for this wackie! my body to bootylicious for ya babe!"
abby and i singing our version of BOOTYLICIOUS!
august 30
"the words can either be masculine, femine or neuter."
madame markovitz, talking about german words.
september 1
"i cant find the back of my ear."
abby . . . talking about . . . how she cant find the back of her ear.
and another from today
do you think if i run over that woman her butt will cushion her fall?
laura talking about the lady with a big ass walking VERY SLOWLY in front of us at k-mart.
september 2
"what would a blind person see if they were trippin'?" . . . "nothing, they would be on the ground."
the first part is me and the second part is chris. i came up with this random question while watching Tommy and have been asking everyone it. chris's answer was really funnie.
september 9
lil laura's sister. i dunno what she was saying, but i thought it was hilarious. i kept trying to imitate her and kept laughing really hard.
september 11
"its like in texas when someone steals a cow, thats when all hell breaks loose, you dont mess wiht ones cows, thats just not kewl!!!"
coach wolff, he was explaining how george w. is reacting towards this...but it was just funnie.
september 12
"i dont have any goats!!! i dont have any goats!!!"
george, yelling at me how he has no goats (what you goat, what . . . what . . . your goat what . . . ).
september 14
"if i had a tampon, i'd give it to you."
peter, talking to lauren. he actaully said jacket, not tampon, but i cant hear, and i heard him say tampon.
september 19
"wow. your tits are almost as big as jennifer's."
perry talking, i thought it was funnie that my tits could even compare to jenn's.
september 27
"testrogen really is what the guys in bio call testosterone." . . . "oh, thats kinda like what gay guys have . . . the kinda mail~ish hormone."
sara and i talking about word of the day, testrogen.
september 28
"do you want a potaote?"
me . . . just talking.
september 29
"aaron's confused! he's gay!!!!"
wendie, upon realizing another thing wrong with aaron bern (eww).
october 1
"do you frequently say 'get out of my bush?'" . . . "no, i dont generally tell peopels to get out of my bush!"
a guy in english asking me a question, and my responce. lots of peoples looked at me funnie for saying that loudly.
october 2
"i ran into an open window. it hurt"
stranger bob before 4th block
october 5
"it's a moose!"
some random guy in my 4th block studie hall. . . .
some quotes from fall program
"its a flameing basketball!"
"in da cona"
"we have this street. its called state line road. half is tennessee and half is mississippi!"
"east memphis, is that like . . . west memphis!?"
almost all were abby and i, though one was with laura and one was with random guy, ryan (i think), from mesch.
da home front, yo