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New Mexico Mountain Men
National Muzzleloading Rifle Assoc.
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Experimental Archeology

Welcome to Mystic Wolf Trading Co.!

2/13/14 - This ancient time capsule website has been found, claimed and redirected! My new website for The Mystic Wolf is at;

The Mystic Wolf is where I create Celtic, Buckskinner and Fantasy Leather Mugs & Water Bottles, Dream Catchers, Soy Candles & Candle Kits, Leather Mug Kits, Leather Water Bottle Kits and other fun and interesting things.

I'm Robert Morgen, owner of Mystic Wolf Trading Co. I hope you enjoy this website and find some interesting products. I'm constantly searching for new products, so if you don't see what you want then check back later or email me and I'll look for it.

About Customer Service...

One of the things that I like best about businesses that cater to buckskinners and re-enactors is that many of them adhere to the old fashioned values that we all miss. One of the things that I don't like about this modern world is the current business trend of giving the customer as little as possible at the highest possible price. I call it the Wal-Mart Effect.
I'm gonna do it a little differently. I'm not gonna guarantee that I'll have the lowest prices or the fastest service or the biggest inventory. But I do guarantee that I'll always try. If you have a problem then let me know and we'll find a way to fix it.

About pricing...

I don't like the way our business system works. You find an item that you like and you order it, then you add tax, then you add shipping and handling, etc. In the end you pay a lot more for the product than you started out to.
I'm not gonna do it that way.
All of our prices include tax and shipping and handling. On the one hand it's a little more of a mathematical headache for me, but it's also much simpler for the customer.
So if an item says $10.00 on the price line then send me ten bucks and I'll send you that item.

About your payment options...

Right now I can only accept checks or money orders through the mail. I'm acquiring some instant check software that will allow you to send me a check over the net instantly, which will hopefully speed things up for shipping.
I can't (and probably never will) take credit cards over the net. Eventually I'll accept them at rendezvous and gun shows. My reasons are really simple...
Right now the rate of bad credit card debts is 12 times higher over the internet than over the counter. This means that merchants are spending a huge amount of money straightening out these bad debts. That money eventually comes out of your pocket, since those losses get passed along in the form of higher prices.
I realize that I'll lose a lot of business by doing it this way, but the customers who do shop here won't have to help me cover all the extra expense either.

Monthly Specials!!

Every month I'm gonna run a sale on some stuff. I'll cut out my profit margin on a few items that I'll pick at random and try to give you some good deals.

About the website...

This thing is a work in progress and probably always will be. I'm still adding products and prices and pages and pictures and God only knows what else. If you see a mistake then email me and let me know. I'd also appreciate your questions or comments about the products.
I'm also looking for craftspeople who make interesting or unusual products. If this is you then get in touch with me and show me what you have and we might work a deal (or a trade).

For more information contact Robert Morgen.

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