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Nagas have every right to be independent. We did not want to live under the domination of the British and they are now leaving us. I want you to fell that India is yours. I feel that Naga Hills are just as much as they are yours, but if you say, "It is not mine", then the matter stops there. I believe in the brotherhood of man, but I do not believe in force or forced unions. If you do not wish to join the Union of India nobody will force you to so that.

-Mahatma Gandhi, in Bhangi Colony, New Delhi, 19 July, 1947

 The Nagas
Origin of Nagas
The People
The Land
Social Life
Naga Dance
Flora and Fauna of Nagaland
Map of Naga Land

Naga Dance
 The Nagas
People and origin
Political and Military Campaigm against the Nagas
Social Oppression and Discrimination
Economic Exploitation
Religious Persecution
Present state of Affairs
 A Glimpse of Naga Culture
Digging the Past
Settlement Patterns
Head Hunting
Feast of Merit
Ways of Worship

 The Nagas
The Naga struggle for sovereignty
Towards Peace in Nagalim
Peace Process in Nagaland
Oking Publicity & Information service

Naga and Education
Naga Education
Indegenous Naga Culture
Indegenous Naga Economy
Impact of Dominant culture upon traditional Naga Society
An Anthropological Perspective
Who are the Nagas?
Prehistory of the Naga
Cultural age of the Naga Hills
Nagas and the quest for Self-determination

Operation Bluebird
Within 24 hours of raid the Assam rifles have sealed off the area and on July 11, 1987 and extensive combing operation was launched with the code name "Operation Bluebird"
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On 6th Sep. 1960 at around 11:00 am, the 16th Punjab Regiment came down from Kanjang village and rounded up the village and grouped the villages in one place.
Click here

Articles and contributions made by others does not reflect the stand of the Developers and the Designers.
Developed By Mr. B Koheni Moses.