NEWS is a fan written continuation of the New Warriors, volume 1. It is written on an appoximately bi-weekly basis, as a round robin. The rotation currently boasts 7 members. The most recent additions include Chapter 12, "Better Late Than Never", by Flank McLargehuge (it's finally here!), and Chapter 13, the blockbuster triple sized spectacular "Tomorrow Trilogy", by Pendragn. See why NEWS is the ONLY place to go for the fanfic you crave, using the links below. Also, see our newest addition to the NEWS family, the Spotlight series! Issue 2, chapter 1 of a special 6 part limited series, is just in! Check back often for the newest adventures of the New Warriors of old!

Chapter 1 "All is Never as it Seems" by Leaftop

Chapter 2 "Psionex" by Scott O'Neil

Chapter 3 "Let There be Light" by Peter Likidis

Chapter 4 "Legacies Left, Legacies Lost" by Corey Blake

Chapter 5 "The Downhill Rise; the Uphill Drop" by Flank McLargehuge

Chapter 6 "With or Without You" by Don Lund

Chapter 7 "The Crap Hits the Fan" by Liam Gibbs

Chapter 8 "One More Time, and Again Already" by Pendragn

Chapter 9 "The Matrix of Lies" by Leaftop

Chapter 10 "Say What?" by Scott O'Neil

Chapter 11 "The Enlightening" by Corey Blake

Chapter 12 "Better Late Than Never" by Flank McLargehuge

Chapter 13 "The Tomorrow Trilogy" by Pendragn

Spotlight 1 "Consequence" featuring Justice and Firestar, by Pendragn

Spotlight 2 "Fortunate Soldiers" featuring Kymaera, by Corey Blake

A2: Chapter 1 "Assembly" by Pendragn

A2: Chapter 2 "Shadow" by Pendragn

Special thanks to the NEWS editorial staff:

Editor-in-Chief: Jeremy Schwennen
Associate Editor:
Shannon Patrick
Assistant Editor:
Natasha Hingtgen
HTML Assists:
Kevin Rohan

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