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Philmont Scout Ranch Photographs, 1947
Cimarron, New Mexico

These photographs were taken by an unknown Scout, a 1947 program participant at Philmont. The forty-seven photographs include what seem to be original prints and reprints. The photographic paper is marked "VELOX" on the reverse. Identifications were written on the reverse of many original prints, and have been recorded in quotation marks with each print on these pages. Tentative identifications have been provided for the remaining photographs; more specific identifications may be sent to

Two of the photographs from this series record street scenes in Amarillo, Texas, and have been included below to provide as complete a record as possible of this Scout's Philmont experience. Many thanks to Earle Painter for providing access to these photographs.

The photographs are arranged by general category:

Camping Headquarters and the Villa Philmonte 8 images
Mountains and Trails 11 images
Trail Camp Scenes 10 images
Kit Carson Home and Cattle Headquarters 9 images
Backcountry Buildings 7 images

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Maintained by Randall M. MacDonald Click here to send Randall e-mail!
Philmont Staff 1980-1984; Life Member, PSA
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