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Dr. Shirley's InterNet Services


Engage the services of an experienced Computer Professional, HTML Author, Artist, Graphic Designer, and Communicator for your Non-Profit Organization, Church, or Christian presence on the InterNet.

Dr. Shirley J. Rollinson has worked with computers since the 1960s. Now retired from scientific research, and resident in New Mexico, Dr. Rollinson takes pleasure in creating and maintaining effective and artistic Web Pages for the InterNet.

Dr. Rollinson's clients receive her own individual care and confidential treatment rather than being farmed out to junior executives or other firms.


Professional Services

SET UP : Design a complete Web Site to fit the client's needs.
Design and Code each Web Page.
Design colors and graphics appropriate to the Site.
Provide an e-mail address and link on the Page.
Locate a suitable Web Host.
Place the Page(s) on the host server.
Check all Code and Links.
Register the Page with Search Engines.
Announce the Page (if appropriate) to News Groups.

Keep the Page(s) on the Web.
In case of a host server closing, moving, or changing its conditions, find a new Web server.
Check and update Code, graphics, and design.
Check all Links, renew or replace out-dated Links.
Check and refresh current Registrations.
Register with additional Search Engines.
Record and reply to e-mail generated by the Page.
Provide progress reports.


Business/Commercial Package
SET UP : $250 (one-time fee) + Maintenance : $50 per month
Client to provide a valid e-mail address for use on the Page.
Client to provide any special logos, photos, or other graphics in .gif or .jpg form if these are required on the Page(s).


Non-Profit Organizations
SET UP : $100 (one-time fee) + Maintenance : $20 per month
Client to provide a valid e-mail address,
or the postal address of a contact person for the Page.
Client to provide any special logos, photos, or other graphics in .gif or .jpg form if these are required on the Page.


SET UP : $100 (one-time fee) + Maintenance : $10 per month
Client to provide a valid e-mail address,
or the postal address of a contact person for the Page.
Client to provide any special logos, photos, or other graphics in .gif or .jpg form if these are required on the Page.
Client to provide written permission to use any copyrighted denominational logos.
Church Pages will normally contain Links to Denominational Resources associated with that particular Church, and also to general Gospel, Bible, and Christian Resources.


Because not all Budgets are created equal, and because Dr. Shirley regards her work as a service rather than a commercial enterprise, she is sometimes willing to consider a reduction in fees for small Mission Churches or other cases where the full rates might cause financial hardship. If your Church would like a Web Page, but your budget does not yet support the full cost of a Page on the InterNet, please contact Dr. Shirley with a special request.


Visit some Sites maintained by Dr. Shirley :

St. James' Church, Clovis, New Mexico
Trinity Church, Portales, New Mexico
St. John's Church, Fort Sumner, New Mexico
St. Michael's Church, Tucumcari, New Mexico
First Assembly of God, Texico, New Mexico
Cursillos in New Mexico
Dr. Shirley's ENMU Courses and Resources


Contact Dr. Shirley :
by e-mail at

or by snail at PO Box 249, Clovis, NM 88101, U.S.A.

Tell her what sort of Page you would like, what background color you would prefer, what information should be on the Page, how you want to handle the finances, and any specific Links, Graphics, etc. you want.


Last updated : July 3, 2001
