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A+ PC Hardware Benchmarks

Varies CPU Coolers Compared

If you've have a modern CPU, then you need a modern CPU cooler.
The days when CPUs only needed a little aluminum heat sink stuck on top of them, or no cooler at all are long gone. Today's Intel and AMD CPUs are going full blast and pumping out tons of heat.

less than 20 watts for Celerons

30~35 watts for P-IIIs

40~50 watts for Durons

55~70 watts for P-4s

70~ 80 watts Thunderbird Athlons

To take away that much heat, you need a pretty big heat sink, with a fast, reliable fan on it.

The faster Durons and Thunderbirds need the best in cooling, like the Global Win CAK38 or Vantec FCE-6030D. What happens if your CPU runs too hot because you're just using an inadequate cooler? Your computer will merely be flaky or unstable. You'll be able to cure the problem by improving your case ventilation and/or upgrading to a better cooler

SVC's Golden Gate 40, a steal at $25!

( Lower or cooler #s are better )

Cooler AAAAAAA Hotter


Alpha PAL6035 - 0.66°C/W

Alpha FC-PAL15 - 0.96°C/W

Alpha PEP66 - 0.70°C/W

"COOC" cooler - 0.88°C/W

Cooler Master DP5-6H51 - 0.82°C/W

Cooler Master EP5-6151-A1-0.79°C/W

"FYH" cooler - 0.70°C/W

Global Win CAK38 - 0.58°C/W

Global Win FOP38 - 0.61°C/W

Global Win FOP32-1 - 0.69°C/W

Global Win WBK38 - 0.64°C/W

Global Win FNP-50 - 0.80°C/W

Just Cooler P-925 - 0.94°C/W

Just Cooler P-1000 - 0.87°C/W

Just Cooler 80mm cooler - 0.78°C/W

Just Cooler P-5500 - 0.80°C/W

Kanie Hedgehog 238M - 0.70°C/W

OCZ Glacier2 - 0.79°C/W

OCZ Gladiator - 0.57°C/W

Power Cooler PCH075 - 0.68°C/W

Power Cooler PCH113 - 0.70°C/W

Power Cooler PCH123 - 0.70°C/W

Power Cooler PCH137 - 0.62°C/W

Power Cooler PCH141 - 0.72°C/W

Spire 5E32B3 - 0.73°C/W

Spire 5E34B3 - 0.71°C/W

SVC Golden Gate 40 - 0.57°C/W

Thermalright SK-6 with 4200RPM fan - 0.62°C/W

Thermalright SK-6 with 7000RPM fan - 0.56°C/W

Thermaltake Golden Orb -0.80°C/W

Thermaltake Chrome Orb - 0.81°C/W

Thermaltake Super Orb - 0.71°C/W

Thermaltake Mini Super Orb - 0.82°C/W

Thermaltake Mini Copper Orb0.72°C/W

Thermaltake TFCF009 "Harp"1.13°C/W

Thermaltake Volcano II - 0.74°C/W

ThermoSonic ThermoEngine - 0.77°C/W

ThermoSonic ThermoEngine with Sunon 80mm fan - 0.62°C/W

Vantec CCK-6035D - 0.60°C/W

Vantec FCE-6030D - 0.58°C/W

Vantec FCE-6254OD- 0.66°C/W

Zalman CNPS3100G - 0.76°C/W

Zalman CNPS5000-Plus - 0.62°C/W

CaseETC water rig - 0.43°C/W

Buy a 0.70°C/W rated CPU Cooler or lower for under 1GHz for AMD CPUs above 1.2 GHz buy a 0.59°C/W reated CPU cooler.


Here are the links to some nice resources.

D. L. Berry - Jan. 2001

By Daniel L. Berry