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The Crystal Gate - Tarot

The Crystal Gate - Tarot

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CD: Taroist
Words: Allan Armstrong
Produced by: Iain McKinna
Executive Producer: Jane Crawford

Music (tracks 1-3): arranged by Allan Armstrong
Music (tracks 4-5): by Allan Armstrong
Recorded at: Off Beat Studios, Edinburgh
Copyright: Taroist Music 2001

Reviewing a CD is a first for me, and I was elated when the Taroist arrived in time to be included in thisnewsletter. The Tarot has long been considered to be both a tool for story telling, and a story in and of itself. I am thrilled to see someone with Allan's vision present the Tarot in the oral story telling tradition.

The story begins with the picture on the front of the CD - a robed figure of indeterminate sex standing in the distance, surrounded by trees. Historically, the storyteller is presented in feminine form, but represents the mystical union of male and female principles.

The CD begins with a background of Celtic music, over which we hear a strongly Celtic accented voice asking us to join in the "Journey of the Five Stories, the astrological progression of the four elements and the Tree of Life."

For me, the music was a lovely addition to the process. It did not over-ride or take away from the oral presentation. Visiting Allan's site will allow you to hear excerpts from each of the five stories, so you can make up your own mind before purchasing the CD.

The following excerpts are from the CD (with my paraphrasing):

King of Wands: "Fire of Fire, He tells us we must believe in ourselves, and have the courage of our convictions."

Ace of Cups: " ... represents the fountain of youth; birth and rebirth; love and fertility - symbolised in the Holy Grail."

The Magician: "Mercury - exhibits skill and cunning; before him is the Wand of Magick, the Cup of Life, the Sword of Wisdom and the vegetation of the Earth. He asks us to be orignal, to be of the elements at our disposal and to weave our own Magick."

I will close by paraphrasing the words of the Taroist: "Enter the Journey of Self Discovery with an open mind." With an open mind - there is no end to where we can go. Taroist takes us way beyond an oral listing of keywords, and is not for the beginner only. Each of us, whatever our Tarot experiences have been, will find the beginnings of new paths of self discovery here.

© December 2003
Bonnie Cehovet

The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.